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Everything posted by zakarum

  1. Oh... my bad then. I misinterpret it all and made a basic mistake. Sorry about it. It works, need to be in the recipe rather than where I was looking for.
  2. Itemized. 1)FishingLure Distributions.lua, Line 1001, under Outfit_Fisherman Should be either FishingTackle or FishingTackle2. 2)Golfball Distributions.lua, Line 1077, under Outfit_Golfer Should be GolfBall. 3)Icepick Distributions.lua, Line 1126, under Outfit_Inmate Distributions.lua, Line 1139, under Outfit_InmateKhaki Should be IcePick. 4)Radio.CDPlayer Distributions.lua, Line 1485, under Outfit_Student Distributions.lua, Line 1594, under Outfit_Varsity Should be Radio.CDplayer. 5)Lightbulb ProceduralDistributions.lua, Line 15778, under RandomFiller Should be LightBulb. 6)Mov_brokenglass Distributions.lua, Lines 59 to 62 ProceduralDistributions.lua, Lines 1408 to 1411 This is about "Mov_brokenglass_1_0", "Mov_brokenglass_1_1", "Mov_brokenglass_1_2", "Mov_brokenglass_1_3". These 4 items do not exist. Dunno what should be in place. Perhaps something like Moveables.brokenglass_1_1? EDIT: 7)Rubberband ProceduralDistributions.lua, Line 8270 Should be RubberBand.
  3. Alright, so ClothingRecipesDefinitions.lua You can mod both Denim and Leather to require new tools (like Algol does with Advanced Gear as well as other mods). That works. But you cannot make standard, ripped-sheets-giving clothing require tools. Even if you change the game's ClothingRecipesDefinitions.lua to ClothingRecipesDefinitions = {}; ClothingRecipesDefinitions["Sheet"] = {materials="Base.RippedSheets:4" } --ClothingRecipesDefinitions["Belt2"] = {materials="Base.LeatherStrips:1"} ClothingRecipesDefinitions["FabricType"] = {} ClothingRecipesDefinitions["FabricType"]["Cotton"] = {}; ClothingRecipesDefinitions["FabricType"]["Cotton"].material = "Base.RippedSheets"; ClothingRecipesDefinitions["FabricType"]["Cotton"].tools = "Base.Scissors"; ClothingRecipesDefinitions["FabricType"]["Denim"] = {}; ClothingRecipesDefinitions["FabricType"]["Denim"].material = "Base.DenimStrips"; ClothingRecipesDefinitions["FabricType"]["Denim"].tools = "Base.Scissors"; ClothingRecipesDefinitions["FabricType"]["Denim"].noSheetRope = true; ClothingRecipesDefinitions["FabricType"]["Leather"] = {} ClothingRecipesDefinitions["FabricType"]["Leather"].material = "Base.LeatherStrips"; ClothingRecipesDefinitions["FabricType"]["Leather"].tools = "Base.Scissors"; ClothingRecipesDefinitions["FabricType"]["Leather"].noSheetRope = true; Clothing will still be "rip-able" without scissors. If you create a custom, like, TESTClothingRecipesDefinitions.lua and put in the exact same place in a custom mod, import everything and write it like: require "Definitions/ClothingRecipesDefinitions" ClothingRecipesDefinitions["FabricType"]["Cotton"].tools = {"Base.Scissors"} It still doesn't work, while changing FabricType to Denim or Leather will make it so it works perfectly (for Denim/Leather clothes). But anyway, changing the vanilla ClothingRecipesDefinitions makes it for an easy and fast test of what I'm talking about. Meanwhile, ISInventoryPaneContextMenu.lua seems to check if a tool is needed -- check if we need tools for this if clothing:getFabricType() and instanceof(clothing, "Clothing") then local option = context:addOption(getRecipeDisplayName("Rip clothing"), playerObj, ISInventoryPaneContextMenu.onRipClothing, items) -- Item is favourited, add tooltip if clothing:isFavorite() then local tooltip = ISInventoryPaneContextMenu.addToolTip(); tooltip.description = getText("ContextMenu_CantRipFavourite"); option.toolTip = tooltip; end -- Tool is needed local tools = ClothingRecipesDefinitions["FabricType"][clothing:getFabricType()].tools; if tools and not playerObj:getInventory():getItemFromType(tools, true, true) then option.notAvailable = true; local tooltip = ISInventoryPaneContextMenu.addToolTip(); local toolItem = InventoryItemFactory.CreateItem(tools); tooltip.description = getText("ContextMenu_Require", toolItem:getDisplayName()); option.toolTip = tooltip; return; end However, it seems this check doesn't work with Cotton. So I'm stumped to what is going wrong, the only conclusion being that there's a bug in the code from ISInventoryPaneContextMenu when checking for tools.
  4. That's great! Eagerly waiting for the update to drop on GOG.
  5. Still no close to solving issues with resizing. Though if you play in the 2560x1440 resolution, here's a file that will work for you. Just download the AWTY file and replace the one you have in Zomboid\mods\AWTY\media\lua\client With the newly downloaded one. AWTY.lua
  6. Fantastic! Anxiously waiting for it to drop on GoG.
  7. Updated post and new version. Still trying to figure out how to make the text resizable as the graphics are and trying to figure out how to add support for localization. For now, the mod only works for 1920x1080p - it can work for other resolutions, but needs some adjustments in that case.
  8. By default in 41.54, VHS tapes only spawn in CrateVHSTapes, LivingRoomShelf(with tape, small chance. Other living room shelves have a no tape list) or MovieRentalShelves (not even sure these are spawning). The result is that finding movies is very, very rare. This mod aims to fix that. VHS tapes can spawn in: Very Likely (factor of 10) GigamartHouseElectronics ElectronicStoreMisc CrateElectronics StoreShelfElectronics Somewhat likely (factor of 4/3) ElectronicStoreMusic PostOfficeMagazines PostOfficeNewspapers ShelfGeneric OfficeDeskHome Locker BookstoreMisc SchoolLockers Rarely (factor of 1) KitchenRandom LockerClassy BedroomDresser ClassroomMisc FactoryLockers postbox Handbag Bag_SurvivorBag Bag_Schoolbag GloveBox As a "bonus" the fully-closed motorcycle helmet and Football Helmet have a rare chance of spawning in sports stores (SportStorageHelmets). What this all means for the game is that you can find a tape in places you can usually find CDs - in electronic stores, in general stores shelves, in electronic shelves. You can also find them in the mail, in post boxes, in handbags, glove compartments and books stores. Hope this holds until we have VHS stores in the game. Non-forums Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5usgf9v5niu2t8l/More Tapes Spawn.7z?dl=0 More Tapes Spawn.7z
  9. Verify/Repair in Galaxy's Manage installation submenu for zomboid. It should force the update - that's how I did it anyway. See pic: @nasKoreally loving the update so far. The new zed noises are especially atmospheric when you get inside a house, and the shotgun sounds SO much better. Car sounds are also good when opening and closing, but I do agree the engine sounds can be better - it's better than it was, but still a bit weird. Nice detail on different sounds depending on condition, but would be nice varying sound depending on type (heavy vehicles sounded the same or similar to normal and sports). Zed hitting sound can also use some improvement but overall, fantastic work as always!
  10. Can confirm its through on GOG, thanks a bunch! Looking forward to curved roads but no map changes makes my life easier for now.
  11. Awesome, was expecting this. Did curved roads make the cut? Eagerly waiting for GOG to release it in the IWBUMS channel.
  12. You woke up. Zombies are outside. The apocalypse is here. Wait - where is "here", exactly? The purpose of this mod is to help with navigation. Currently in the vanilla game there are a few road signs near a few localities but they are easy to miss - and you get no help if that happens. If you forget your spawn city, or if you spawn in a trailer park, chances are you have no idea where you are. Veteran players will have an easier time but I still find myself getting lost. Without a "whole game world map" map mod, the best way to navigate is to use the Project Zomboid Map Project - very useful, but can spoil natural discovery, and is currently a bit outdated. Using a minimap or GPS mod can also be "vanilla unfriendly" so I made this mod. Currently, not a lot! Quite a bit, actually. What this mod adds is a small, "current location" indicator in the screen. It appears and disappears when pressing the 'F8' key and it shows where you are, if it's one of the currently supported locations. And now it has pretty and immersive graphics! The current version, however, only natively supports 1920x1080 - anything else and you will see just a road sign with no text. This is a known issue, trying to figure out how to fix it. Meanwhile you can read the FAQ to learn how to try and fix the resolution problem to your specific resolution. This is what the mod looks like in-game as of version 0.2. I'm assuming you passed through a few road signs on your way here and still remember where you are, right? The mod supports all vanilla locations (except stuff that's meant to be hidden and farmlands), as well as all paved roads. Sand and gravel roads are not supported (intended). All roads have names - meaning you can know where you are better. Crossroads usually have signs like the picture above, indicating the rough direction of points of interest. If you don't know what direction you are facing in-game, I recommend using a Compass Mod. The above map is a EZ Country Map with crudely painted roads to show the roads layout. You can click it to make it bigger. There's also some supported mods - meaning they add new locations in the map and they will be named in the game. The currently supported mods are: Fort Redstone Fort Knox (huge work - 99% of the streets have names. Localities also have names, so you know if you are in a theater or barracks) West Point Expansion (Name in the game is West Point - Salt Ridge) Snake's Mods South Muldraugh Factory - known in-game for lore reasons as Brandenburg Control Point - Factory Riverside Gunstore - known in-game for lore reasons as South Riverside Military Complex All 3 locations of "Pimp My Ride" (aka Taller Mecanico) - they are known in game as Snake's Auto Garage The "current location" indicator will show "outskirts" for any non-defined areas. If you are deep in the forest or that farm upstate, or if you are in a city from a (unsupported) map mod, you will have no clue where you are. Using a heavily modified (read: my code is spaghetti) Coordinate Viewer and Horizon Clock lua code (all credit to RoboMat & Turbotutone (& Mist) & Thuztor) I define areas based on X and Y coordinates. Once you step inside one of pre-defined area "squares" (sometimes rectangles) your location is updated and shown. If you step out, you are back in the "outskirts". Areas are usually a bit bigger than their built area and usually encompass a bit of the highway/local road, so the player has a better idea when to turn and enter the city or what place they are approaching. The mod is currently somewhat visual - there's a sign in the bottom left of your screen. I would like to improve that, adding different graphics that change depending on the type of road you are (such as highway, road, street). Before this, however, I need to figure out to make everything re-sizable and not use different "functions" to draw text and image. Something else that would be nice is figuring out how to use the game "zones" in this mod - so if you are deep in the forest, it would tell you. If you are in the rural lands, it would tell you. It could also mean making things more "dynamic" so we could have "Riverside (Industrial)" as a region and add dynamic, generic support for map mods. No one really asked me anything, just trying to anticipate questions here. Q: Any known conflicts? A: Not that I know of. It might conflict with any mod that uses Coordinate Viewer/Horizon Clock code but I'm not sure. Tried my best to differentiate so they wouldn't clash, but I'm shit at Lua. Needs testing. Q: How did you decide on the names for the roads/streets? A: I use the names of real roads and streets in the region, as well as highways. As the map isn't a perfect reproduction of the current Knox county, sometimes roads don't exactly match their IRL counterparts. Q: Help, I can see the sign but not any text! A: There's 2 known reasons for this - either you are playing in a resolution different than 1920x1080 or you pressed F8, disabled the sign and reactivated again. If the problem is the latter, in that case, pressing F8 a few more times will solve it - eventually text and image will be back. If the problem is the former (non 1080p resolutions) then the only solution is going to the AWTY.lua file and changing the values in SCREEN_X and SCREEN_Y until the text appears in the game. Sorry, it's a bother, but I don't know how to fix it and I'm still working on a solution. Q: Does this mod support MP/Split-screen Co-op? A: Likely no. I don't know how to add support to either. Sorry. Q: Are you adding this to the Steam Workshop? A: Not in a million years. I own the game on GoG, not on Steam. I don't have access there and I'm forced to pirate mods from Steam. Q: Can I use this in my mod? A: Yes! Feel free to. Just remember to credit RoboMat & Turbotutone & Thuztor too, since I'm mostly basing my code on theirs. And me. Q: Can I add this mid-game? A: Yep, should be safe to add and/or remove mid game. Q: How to disable the "current location" indicator? A: Press F8 on your keyboard. Pressing F8 again will show the current location again. Note this is a bit buggy in the current (0.2) version for reasons so you might need to press it some 3 times for everything to reappear. Q: How to install this mod? A: Unpack the AWTY folder in your [your OS drive letter]:\Users\[yourusernamehere]\Zomboid\mods Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. If you know Lua and can help me improve my code, feel free to post it here. Hope this helps somebody! Non-forums Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i7vb02rveo0axbs/AWTY v0.2.7z?dl=0 AWTY v0.2.7z
  13. Is the IWBUMS coming to GoG? Because it's certainly not in the GoG IWBUMS channel.
  14. I highly doubt the mod will appear with the mod author gone.
  15. Really nice. Can't wait for it to land on GOG.
  16. Hey Woldren, that seems like a fantastic work. Thank you for this. Any chance of you putting up non-steam workshop links for the gog users out there?
  17. Thank you very much Fernys_Wolf!
  18. Any word when GOG users will get the latest IWBUMS or stable release?
  19. Hey FilibusterRhymes, would it be too much trouble to ask you to upload this mod and Smaller Cars to a direct download site like Google Drive, Mega or Mediafire ? I ask this because I have the GOG version and the Steam Workshop works like a walled garden - we get stuck with outdated versions that someone else was kind enough to upload. Though you seem to imply in the workshop that there's a need to use the latest IWBUMS and GOG has a channel for that but it doesn't update to the latest version, sadly. But in the future when 0.40 is released I will be able to use it!
  20. Does the convert system do only props like campfires or does it also work with stuff like garage doors (converted in functional doors)? What about closed barrels?
  21. zakarum

    Defecation v2.22

    Thanks for this Nater, it's definitively a worth addition. I'm always in favor for more "simulation" or "realism" in games like this. A few questions/suggestions though. I don't know how hard it is but have you thought about making it a moodlet (could even re-use the vanilla "hungry" one) that simple says "need to go to the toilet" with variations such as "slight need, somewhat urgent need and urgent need?" It would be a bit more realistic than knowing exactly how much you are ready to go, solves the "need" to add urinating and removes the need to sometimes check a separate window. Seamless integration of a new necessity. Could do the same with diarrhea, but you could just rename it to "food poisoning" to make it more generic. Could start with "queasy", progress to "nauseous" and end up with the "food poisoning" moodlet. It would add a bit to the tension, not knowing what you have for a while. Second thing, I do agree with Bejasc and being able to interact with bathrooms instead of them being a dead zone in your house would be nice. Maybe possible other bodies of water too, such as rivers. But I think you'd still need sheets or toilet paper when using the bathroom, just less than when doing open defecation. One possibility to make things simpler would simple be to make it so toilets are recharged with TP or ripped sheets, so you don't need to haul it with you everywhere. There should be an option to defecate, in the option or toilet, without TP or anything else, but that would make you sadder and increase chances of getting food poisoning (maybe even with cooked food, if possible). Using toilets do create a problem though, which is the huge amount of water we use for flushing. I never tried myself but I hear that, in game, if you put a rain collector directly above a sink it will work again, which is nice but for toilets a barrel would be probably good for a few flushes before it runs out. So the suggestion would be to jury-rig a few rain collectors together in an upper floor to create an improvised water tower/water tank. I know that in a few poorer countries, and countries that have trouble with water, they build houses with plastic or ceramic water tanks in the upper floors (the attic, just below the roof tiles) that store a set amount of water and is used through the house. Usually they get refilled with a pump but since you can open them to clean them, I guess in PZ you could just leave them open. This would also make so any sink in the house would be usable, and could also be used in the "showering and personal hygiene" suggestions, which I also support. For showers, as mentioned previously, I agree it would be nice if there was a need for that too. A moodle for when you are getting dirty, with sweat-inducing activities such as chopping wood, carrying a heavy-load, running long times from zombies or being drenched in zombie guts quickly filling it. The dirtiness would tick slowly otherwise so not doing much running or heavy-work, like just sitting and reading would mean you probably could get away (and would be desirable to save water) without showering for a day, probably for a few, but a week without cleaning yourself would be too much. Maybe not using TP could increase your "dirtiness" instead of making you sad, so you'd need to shower sooner and both "mods" would fit nicely in a personal hygiene mod. High dirtiness would carry the increased risk of getting food poisoning when eating, even cooked meat, and could you make you a bit sad over time in high levels. It would be nice to have water as a resource that needs to be divided between thirst and hygiene, carefully rationed. You might end up alive but during dry spells or cold months without any water to shower or using the toilet for days, further complicating the player's life and encouraging less sweaty-work (while also encouraging running only in emergency situations/with abundance of water). It certainly would be less annoying than managing electricity once it goes out (especially since you can't salt food meat and pickling vegetables destroy lids). Final request: If it wouldn't be too much trouble, please, always keep a non-steam download for the mod. As a GOG owner of PZ, steam workshop only acts as a walled garden for modders beautiful creations.
  22. Vehicles-update related: 781 - Maybe more customization options for cars with the metalworking and mechanics skill - reinforcing parts (or even spiking so hitting zombies cause less damage), replacing windows with metal sheets, removing systems, all costing or adding speed of course. It would also add some synergy between metalworking and mechanic. 782 - Make engines/horns attract more zombies? I've been driving right next to zeds and they don't move much. Same thing for honking with for distant groups of zeds. 783 - If it isn't in already: Road signs more than just "stop" signs. Sings for nearby gas stations and cities, restaurants, malls and other "public" buildings. Distance to other cities and direction - the kind of stuff that's standard in roads. 784 - Functional garage doors and the option to build an equivalent for your base (it would be much easier to raid that warehouse if you can actually use their garage doors, park inside and hole up while you fill the car). Now that we have vehicles I think that's a bit urgent. 785 - Some use for concrete - we could pave garages for the cars, since off-road damages cars. Unrelated to the vehicles update 786 - Option to reopen non-full or partially-filled graves. (I filled a grave once, accidentally, that was 0/0). 787 - Option to bury trash/items. A lot of times tons of items I don't want to use just end up lying around. 788 - Ability to make regular stones in chipped stones with a hammer. 789 - Ability of cleaning grass from concrete/roads. 790 - Building locks for doors so you can lock/unlock any door you build. 791 - There got to be a better way to stockpile stuff so you know where stuff is. Maybe use paint to paint symbols in crates? 792 - Vital: try to end the fragmentation of the modding community that steam workshop integration brought. With steam workshop downloader sites not working for PZ, and for people like me that have a DRM-free version, we are basically locked out of somew mods. Also reinforcing 770. The ability of picking up barels, opening them to store water or using them to store fuel would be a given.
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