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Everything posted by TiRekS

  1. When take gas from pump, the amount of gas in pump does not change. There is a function in the ISTakeFuel function ISTakeFuel:perform() while self.petrolCan:getUsedDelta() < 1 and tonumber(self.square:getProperties():Val("fuelAmount")) > 0 do self.petrolCan:setUsedDelta(self.petrolCan:getUsedDelta() + self.petrolCan:getUseDelta()); -- FIXME: sync in multiplayer self.square:getProperties():Set("fuelAmount", (tonumber(self.square:getProperties():Val("fuelAmount")) - 1) .. ""); end -- needed to remove from queue / start next. ISBaseTimedAction.perform(self); end and it looks like it does not work in SP too, because the level of gas is always 100(at least at the stations I tested). Please, fix it.
  2. How, and is it even possible, to translate fields like "DefaultPort", "PublicName", "PublicDescription" etc. in server setting menu?
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