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About Torenico

  • Birthday 09/10/1993

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  1. Hi I believe Mod Selection menu needs a bit of help, two things should be added: 1) A search function, so you can search for mods using key words, handy if you have subscribed to a ton of different mods. 2) Sort-by feature, so we can sort by name or status (activated or not) That's all, thanks!
  2. Two things regarding 3D placed objects: First, I can't place anything on the floor, it only allows me to place stuff at the same height as the shelf, even if I press TAB: Also, how about placing objects on the floor but under tables? Would be pretty neat imo. Finally, I like the new sounds and the same goes for the new jumpscare sound as well, however, I don't want to suffer a heart attack while playing Zomboid. I get that some players love jumpscares.. I don't, it makes me pretty uncomfortable. I do like to get scared sometimes, and the adrenaline that comes with it is great, however I don't like forced jumpscares, it's a cheap and not fun mechanic for me. So my small suggestion would be to add an option to disable them in the Sounds menu, please? Let players decide if they want it or not
  3. My character is getting dirty very very quickly, was something changed in this regard? I'm doing nothing but sitting around all day reading books.
  4. Title, basically. I get it, fishing is something weird. There is no interaction between the player and the act of fishing, you just press a button and let RNG roll the dice. But getting socks and shoes near constantly is both frustrating and not realistic. I suggest either removing that thing entirely or cutting it's chances by half, I'd rather sit and wait and not get any actual fish than get 4 pair of socks and 2 pairs of shoes that I will never use.
  5. I think there's a map somewhere that you can "pick up" and place anywhere you want, but it's a map of the entire US iirc. But I agree, hanging maps on walls would be aesthetically pleasing. Also been able to leave notes in cork walls (giving paper another use) would be nice
  6. I agree, metal doors should have a lot of durability, they should be much harder to knock down compared to a normal house/cabin wooden door. Garage doors, imo, should have the most durability. Also I want to add that different types of doors should make different sounds when opening/closing I'm on the fence regarding the windows though. I agree that maybe you need tools to open up certain windows, because sometimes it feels too easy to break in into houses/warehouses/whatever just with your bare hands!.. on the other hand, not being able to silently break into a house because you don't have a crowbar (which, honestly, it's not a very common item after all) will make gameplay a bit tedious, considering that early game you don't have the necessary tools and that will limit your looting options, also having to carry tools just to get windows opened will become a burden pretty soon... I dunno, not a terrible idea though, maybe I'll implement as an option, you know, like cars have "simple use" option...
  7. Stay safe out there! You guys are great at surviving the zombie apocalypse, but this is the real deal. Do it for yourself and for your loved ones!
  8. I haven't been able to hear footsteps (on concrete floors) for a couple of updates now. All other footstep sounds (Gravel, grass) are fine... Any ideas?
  9. Hello I've noticed I have some lag/stuttering while going through here-ish: https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.24534448357417113,0.21766058488464032,8.68035003259794 When I'm driving from the south, coming from Rosewood, around that area I have some near constant lag that doesn't go away until I quit to main menu and then reload the save. Also, when traveling that area from the north down south, towards Rosewood, the map takes some time to load, the map loads before me, it's all black, if my character/car hits the black area it completely stops. Before reaching the black edge, the car will slow down by itself. It's rather annoying because sometimes it takes a couple of seconds to load completely. It also happens when I travel to the Gas Station and Gun Store up north. Also the main street of Rosewood is very laggy now.
  10. It's simple: Cars are a VERY useful asset to move things around, but the storage options are limited to the interior. You know cars can equip racks on their roofs to carry even more stuff, used by those who would like to transport a bicycle or some bags/boxes containing whatever they want. You should be able to equip one of these racks into your car, the visual model would be updated to show them. This way you can make your vehicle even more effective at transporting junk. A dream come true would be displaying exactly what you're transporting, for example, if you're moving a wooden table, an actual wooden table would be displayed at the racks. Racks could be found already installed in cars or at gas stations/auto parts/warehouses. Thanks.
  11. Or you can use it as fuel for your fire hehe
  12. Torenico

    Super Survivors!

    Hello Some of my survivors are displaying debug-like speeches and options. I can get them to follow around but the UI is riddled with this weird text. I also had a few survivors just getting stuck inside cars, the only way to "unstuck" them was to move as far as possible so that when you come back, they move towards you.
  13. Torenico


    Hello, first things first, I love the game. It is by far the best zombie game I ever played, and the most survival-ish as well. Now, I'd like to suggest if you guys could do a slight rework on some of the roads that connect different towns. For example, the road that goes north starting from Rosewood is quite large, but it turns to the right abruptly. When you are going at high speeds it's easy to crash when you enconter a curve that is 90°, especially if your car does not have the best brakes. There are roads that do not turn in abrupt 90° curves, and that's a good thing. If you could do the same for all major roads, that'd be great! Nothing else, thank you so much for your hard work PZ devs!.
  14. Torenico

    Super Survivors!

    Is there a way to stop my wife from eating all my food?. She eats a lot, my supply was running low even though I looted several places and was well equipped to last for like two weeks without raiding.. Well, she is dead now, but she ate quite a few of tuna cans. RIP, tho. But still, amazing mod!
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