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Everything posted by Burger_Time

  1. If other player tries to start car when he's offscreen, you will hear it the same as if he would do it right in front of your face, which can be very distractive especially on PVP servers.
  2. Yeah. That's extremely cool. But not being able to see anything at midday because of the rain? That sounds a bit too much.
  3. I have the same issue sometimes but I'm pretty much sure it's because of my PC.
  4. If you turn off all the lights and look outside at night, the wall around windows looks like something's emits light from outside even tho everything outside is pitch black. I feel that this light should be far less bright and maybe a bit more white.
  5. Holy fuck I laughed at this post so hard.
  6. Burger_Time


    But like, I would be surpised if I will notice that someone's wearing police uniform in zombie apocalypse.
  7. Burger_Time


    Like as one guy said before: how will you realise Special clothes on zombies? Like if they will spawn randomly, that would be unrealistic because you know, there can't be endless amount of police officers. Should there be limited amount of "Special" zombies for each city?
  8. Mood follows us everywhere we go. We always feel sad, happy, nervous. But the only thing your character feels in-game constantly is a panic or Stress if you're smoker, and in ZA it shouldn't be like that. I've decided to make a suggestion that should probably remove thoughts that the only thing char can feel is the fear. 1. More mood changing factors. Almost every decision and action you make should affect mood. Even watching TV should make your char's mood change. I.e when you see how general says that "There are no mortalities inside zone, everything is under control" your char should become angry or sad. Here are the mist of things thay could change character's mood: • Killing people first few weeks should make your character feel Anxious and sad. • Setting alarm off will definetely make your character panic. • Watching TV/Listening to radio should make you Sad/Anxious/Angry/Happier depending on programm and maybe even temperament (you can search for my "Four types of temperament" post if you want to). • Being under attack most likely make you feel Anxious and panic. • Being inside burning building should scare your cahracter for sure. • Discovering a bite on you should make your char anxious. • Simply existence in this apocalyptic world should make character depressed and anxious. 2. Insanity state. If you've been feeling sad for an unreasonable amount of time, kill thousands of people every month, spend a lot of time near big bloodstains or being alone for a very long time could really mess with your character's mind. Insanity state should affect mood changes and communication with other people. Have four stages: Starting to lose wits — something's really messing your mind up. Talk to someone if you don't want to be insane. Slightly increased Unhappiness gaining and slightly worse interaction with people. Crazy — you've been doing too much even for apocalypse. Moderately decreased chance of successful interaction with people. Psychopath — stop doing these things, goddamn it! Severe communication with people debuff. Completely insane — absolute loss of mind. Human interaction is almost impossible from that point. Your character starts to rave. 3. Make depression more severe. Depression right now is not a problem. Like you can remove a damn mental illness with one-two books. Doesn't sound severe, does it? As I said before, depression is an Illness , and it should be treated as any other sickness. The treatment is fairly easy, but it should take some time. To treat depression you need to periodically entertain your character and talk to others. With antidepressants treatment can go faster, however, your character may become addictive to them, which means that you will constantly be depressed if you don't take pills. 4. Short comments. Depending on personality, mood and health character should comment some things. I.e if your char depressed, he can sometimes say "Why am I like that? Why am I still alive?!", if you set off car alarm, he can say "Shut up you rusty piece of crap!" E.t.c. 5. Mood-exclusive actions. I don't think it's need to be explained much. Some actions like suicide should be available only if you are stressed or desperated. Maybe, you shouldn't even be able to eat food like dog food and worms unless you are very hungry. Can also be commented by the character like "I'm not eating THAT" Or "I'm hungry, but not that hungry to eat this".
  9. Burger_Time


    I've watched Animations video again and thought that it would be cool to have animations for the mood states like panic. I like how Friday the 13th: the game (R.I.P) made that. It has three states of fear: Calm, slightly spooked and scared as fugg, and each one had it's own animation. Here's the example of the third stage of "Spookiness". It would be cool to see how your character shaking when he's spooked. There should be animations for other moods. Like Anxious should make your char bite his nails, Depression should make your character cry over time or something like this. And also it will be very cool to see idle states of this animations. I.e if you panicked your char can squat/sit onI the ground, hold his head and shake a bit.
  10. 957. Different way to heal faster — rest. Maybe instead of eating lots of food, we should rest more in order to make our health restore faster? 958. Make overeating a bad thing. IRL, overeating is bad thing. So why is it good here? Maybe it should make your character, ahem, puke if you run, make healing a bit slower due to organism spending more time digesting food rather than healing wounds and some other things, however, it will make your character happier especially if he was hungry before. 959. Analog/mechanic watches. A much more common type of watch than a digital one. Should be a bit heavier, not show temperature and maybe even have their own interface.
  11. Let's be clear — These two perks are pretty unrealistic. Like really? Why can't you press that gas pedal a bit stronger? Or how did you drive faster if your car can't? My suggestion is — depending on perks, your character should panic when driving fast, and only the panic should affect driving. I.e if your character panic, he will turn worse. So, let's begin to talk about perks. Sunday driver should not affect speed. It should decrease the speed limit before yiur character starts to panic. Let's say, if you have this perk and you drive faster than 30 mph, your character will start panic. Speed demon should remove this speed limit. If you don't have a coward perk, your character won't panic if he drives fast. This would make a lot more sense than it does now.
  12. Yeah, but it shouldn't it be a bit smoother? Like in game it changes literally in one moment.
  13. For some reason if you've burned the house down, you still can use switch to turn on/off the lights. Same with any electrical item if there left any.
  14. 952. We have a scissors and razor in game, but they don't have any use right now. So umm... Maybe hair and beard should grow and you need to shave it over time? That could make your character less sad and decrease chance that zombie will grab your hair.
  15. Sometimes, same as the light and time of day, rain sounds changes are too edgy. The rain can be pretty quiet, and then suddenly become noticeable louder and vise versa.
  16. Really? I've never noticed that before.
  17. If you go upstairs and click somewhere, you can interact with items placed downstairs. I.e once I clicked on the bed and game offered me to remove broken glass. I clicked on it and my character went downstairs.
  18. The night are fuggin awesome, but I find it a bit strange when gamma instantly changes when entering the building for all the environment. My suggestion is to gradualy change the gamma ONLY inside buildings when getting closer. Same when inside buildings: gamma should change only inside, but the outdoors area should always have same gamma.
  19. Well, maybe not because of that but because you are super unlucky.
  20. That would be epic. Imagine the lightning strike somewhere in the forest which will cause a massive fire.
  21. Upd: added artery rupture and controversial eye injure paragraph.
  22. https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.55461118980399,0.09376378744635193,1467.4164653565927 for some reason this jewelry store sells concrete and nails instead of rings and necklaces. Maybe this is okay for Kentucky, but I'm not sure.
  23. This is already a thing tho. I once started a fire in the house and the entire neighborhood burned down. The only thing about that every house burned only partly (I.e one room was destroyed but the other ones was fine). Probably it would also be good if brick walls didn't catch up fire if there's no wallpaper or something else on it.
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