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  1. I wouldn't say it will be useless. I'd vastly prefer practicing in a cleared and fortified neighbourhood, without a need to watch my back, using less efficient weapon and ammo. Now my go-to shooting practice is dragging horde behind the car and shooting from the window. Time consuming, still risky and wasting valuable shotgun shells. XP multiplier should be based on the chosen target, and watermelons should give the most
  2. Pomyślałem, że podzielę się kilkoma sugestiami: 1) Od samego początku gryzie mnie "stirfry" na patelni. Czy "potrawka" byłoby odpowiednim określeniem? 2) Różne rzeczy odkażone i służące do odkażania mają długie, nieporęczne nazwy. Można by użyć sformułowań "jałowe", "sterylne", czy "dezynfekcyjne" (to ostatnie zwłaszcza do "waciki bawełniane nasączone alkoholem") 3) Plecaki osobiście ponazywałbym "Plecak górski" (zamiast "Duży plecak turystyczny"), i "Plecak sił specjalnych" (zamiast "Plecak wyprawowy", żeby zachować wojskowe skojarzenie), a dopóki nie spodziewamy się w grze handlarzy organami, "Szaszetka biodrowa" spokojnie może zostać "Nerką"
  3. The game need burns too! When cooking, wleding, being exposed too long in the sun. Or running pants-less through the nettle patch.
  4. It was featured in some much earlier builds, around 36 IIRC? Could even happen on the walk, if you got tired enough. It felt tense, when I was getting out from overrun city, along the highway, wondering if i can find a spot for rest before I fall, and maybe never get up again. I miss this much, please bring it back!
  5. Totally need this. Hate to circle the corners around from the distance to not bump in some resting zombie.
  6. I wonder if it's possible to have some creatures visible only in foraging mode. Would be good not only for snakes, but also rats, frogs and other small meat sources. I think two kinds of snakes will be enough - regular snake, that can be found, killed and eaten, and rattlesnake, that will be able to hear without going in forage mode. Imagine this - you run from the horde through the filed, and hear a rattle. Do you risk running further, or slow down and search for this damn snake, when zombies are closing in? Events like this is why I keep coming back to Zomboid. +1 for snakes in game.
  7. Hey, if anybody needs to know, there's "Working Masks" mod by evoc, which makes various face and head gear protect against corpse sickness. There's one single multiplier that you can change, and it makes exactly what I wanted. Open mod file and look for a line: deltaSicknessLevel - ((bodyDamage:getInfectionGrowthRate() * (2 + Math.round(bodyDamage:getPoisonLevel() / 10.0))) * gameTimeMultiplier) And edit "10" to any number you like. I made it 2, and with about 30-40 corpses around, I was dead in 7h, instead of just catching the sickness after 13h. Yay! Guess I'll make it even lower XD
  8. Well, regarding corpse health impact: I did some experiments, and although on "High" setting is it in fact stronger than on "Low", I still can't say it is anywhere near dangerous levels. On "Low" I had about 500 corpses around and not a single fly, so it could be set as "None" as well. On "High" flies appear with 15 corpses, but it still take 11.5 hours to develop first Sick moodle (also, Resilient and Prone to illness do nothing with that). Too bad, because that feature has a lot of potential for players that like to make game harder for themselves. With sickness kicking in aftre1.5-2h, it would add a lot on the strategic level, e.g. forbidding static clearing from fortified positions, preventing long loot runs in corpse-filled area, or forcing to leave the base you just defended from horde, because you will die long before you dispose of the dead zeds (regardless crazy short time of grave digging). Or even using bodies as a bio-weapon in MP. I assume it's not easy, as the corpse sickness code is somewhere deep in the game core (couldn't find it in the scripts), but is worth looking into it, IMHO. That would be a nice touch of dpeth to the gameplay. (PS Also, sometimes the game window minimizes randomly, never did on stable version).
  9. I'd like to make it catch from even a single corpse around, making body disposal a must. Yet I couldn't find the relevant scripts. Anybody tried this? Guess it should be possible, as there are mods to prevent the sickness (masks etc.)... Can it be done by files edition?
  10. I've written something for it some time ago, let me repeat myself : It needs adding only a single number in items and object stats. Let's call it "cubature" and define as "the longest dimension of an object". If object's cubature is equal to container's capacity, it fills it entirely and nothing else can be put in there; if bigger, there's simply not enough space for it. If cubature is smaller than capacity, you can stuff it up to it's weight limit. I suggest using a book and medkit as a base of "1".
  11. +1. It always bugged me that some places are impenetrable, yet making fences destroyable by default will mean finding new places always destroyed by idle zombies. Tying i to player presence is the solution I needed.
  12. I would also object the minimap. But there's definately a need for an item "Roadmap", with complete game area but minimum of details - only roads, town contours and maybe icons for gas stations, motels and restaurants. Now I use a printed screenshot of online map for marking looted areas, it feels little cheaty but I think is necessary.
  13. 736. Context menu on right-click on "main" and "secondary" equipped items
  14. 727. Circles for main and secondary item could show their durability or other relevant bar - little star is not very precise, and checking it in item list is unhandy, espeically in combat.
  15. Actually, inconveniences of bad sleep happened to my character twice. After 2 or 3 (can't remember exactly) nights of sleeping in chair I woke up with "Minor pain" moodle, apparently without a reason (Health panel full OK). Thought it was a bug. Soon after I've been forced to spend a night on the bench in the changing room, and exactly the same thing happened, needing only single night. But I'd like to see OP idea as an extension of injuries system, where source of pain could be located in the way other wounds are - projected on the health panel. Untreated headache (say, after spending too much time in the sun) could give effects described by OP. Regular hauling of heavy loads should result in back or arms pain, extensive running (especially encumbered) may cause your legs hurt. It would be an incentive to actually rest - currently there's hardly anything discouraging from 14-h/d long lumberjacking marathons.
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