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Shinjitsu noDeshi

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Everything posted by Shinjitsu noDeshi

  1. I took the OP's comment to mean there should be an alternator part in the vehicle. I tend to agree - I was surprised to see a "heater" part but no "alternator" part... Shin
  2. As an aside, I like the mechanic where the car key appears over your head when you approach the matching car. I'd like to see this extended to house keys at some point. Shin
  3. Yep, I've had this happen MANY times (not finding a car floating in the air, but making one flip over like it) It can be finicky to reproduce, but the best way I've found is to park some where and leave the engine running, gather a horde to surround your car (like as many as are in the picture), and then try and drive off. Often the zombies will start to bounce you back and forth between them like a ping-pong ball, with each bounce gaining more momentum until your vehicle crushes a bunch of the zombies and flies off somewhere. Shin
  4. H still bound to BOTH horn and health panel. This is the third game where I've tried using the vehicle horn as a noise maker, and all of them failed horribly. Zombies just stand there a couple of meters away, staring at their feet. Shin
  5. As previously reported, the Laine's Automotive magazines are appearing as "Already Read" before being read. If this is hardcoded so that people can test their automotive mechanic skills, I'd suggest that you put the magazines in peoples inventory on character instantiation instead. It's confusing and annoying to find books flagged as read when you are pretty sure you haven't (ie it slows down looting.) Shin
  6. I disagree. I love the fact that you can leave an idling car in the middle of nowhere as a noise attractant. It does sound like there are still some performance issues they need to work on though. Shin
  7. Without knowing the code and design, it's silly to try and suggest a "better" set of features to be working on. It's important to keep in mind that RJ and the other devs have the roadmap; it's best to let them set the priorities as they see fit. Shin
  8. So does this mean that there is a hard cap of 32768 zombies in the game? Shin
  9. I'd like to be able to dismantle the vehicle frames with a blowtorch. It gets the vehicle out of the way, increases your metalworking skill, and possibly provides some scrap metal. Shin
  10. If you get a chance, could you retest this with the new build? I do this as my first priority for clearing zeds from neighborhoods, and I couldn't get more than a small crowd of ~40 zombies to follow me at a given time. Thanks Shin
  11. Using a car as a lure device is no longer effective. I can idle a car and repeatedly honk the horn, and zombies ~25 squares away will ignore it entirely - standing in place, staring at their feet. This is with insane hordes, vehicle attraction multiplier on default of 1, and zombie hearing at poor. Shin
  12. Converting my save from 31 to 31.1 throws an exception and hangs. console.txt on pastebin Shin
  13. I'm just now starting to mess around with the mechanic skill system, and I have to agree that the xp gain is horrible. With a 3x multiplier and a mechanic skill of 1, I took all the tires, windows, doors, and lights off a car. I pulled the seats out and put them back in a few times, and I now have a grand total of 9xp for roughly half a game day of monkeying with it. The electrical skill is the same, but not quite as bad. As a side note you should be able to dismantle fridges, microwaves, stoves, and street lamps... Shin
  14. Heaters stop working after awhile. The picture below is the Franklin All-Terrain, but it happens across multiple vehicle types - pickups, and station wagons for sure in my current game. Shin
  15. To be more specific, I was referring to being on foot; so to answer your question, pretty much any of the forested areas across the main drag from the shops in Muldraugh. Here, for example. With the vehicles, I'll start here and slowly zig-zag back and forth across the street honking the horn to gather as many zombies together as I can, working my way up to this road before circling back to Muldraugh. When I get to the end point, I'd guess I have close to 2k zombies following me (I like to play with insane hordes and no respawns.) This didn't work out so well for me on my current playthrough because there was a two-car wreck on the gravel road at the end, so I had to abandoned my vehicle and run back to Muldraugh on foot. I'll do the same thing going in the opposite direction, but coming back into town on this road which dumps out by The Rusty Rifle. Shin
  16. Out of curiousity, was the forest areas around Muldraugh (and possibly other towns) thinned out? I used to be able to drag a herd a couple dozen steps into the forest, and then make a 90 left/right turn to lose them. Just before turning, I couldn't see them and they couldn't see me - now there's still a pretty good line of sight, and it's much more difficult to lose zombies this way. Shin
  17. Just started another new game, and found a "Lane's Auto Manual - Standard Models." I have neither taken the "Amateur Mechanic" trait, nor have I read any of the vehicle magazines, but this one is showing as "already read." Shin
  18. Agreed. I'm just throwing out ideas, since with all the other skills you basically destroy something to get parts, and then make something else from those parts. I don't see that pattern working well with the cars... Shin
  19. I'm ok with mechanic tasks taking a bit longer to complete - eg installing or uninstalling a headlight, changing tires, replacing brakes - but I certainly don't want to tie it to a particular item. I'd hate to have to find a new headlight to monkey with every time I want to practice the skill. What if the developers were to add character damage to failed mechanic attempts, instead of damaging the parts? Cut your hand because your tool slipped when trying to install the headlight, or the tire fell off the plate-thingy and onto your foot when trying to change it.? Shin
  20. I just tried starting a Chevalier Nyalia with 7 failures in a row, and it has 100% in engine, battery, and muffler. Please look at the RNG logic controlling vehicle starting - the failure rates seem to be far too high. Also, with a new game the horn is not defaulting to 'Q', and there's some strange text in the descriptor box. Changing the horn to 'Q' replaces the shout binding with 'H'. The game should NOT force a 1-1 mapping between keys and actions. Shin
  21. Running into saplings is still causing your vehicle to come to a dead stop. Shin
  22. I've had a whole neighborhood have their alarms set off like dominoes due to one zombie getting frisky. Normally the only time I bail is when the helicopter comes - this time, evac was in full effect. I love (and hate) the change! Shin
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