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GoatLover's Achievements

  1. I'm having a problem disabling empty cases. I followed your guide on changing the game settings, created a template mod referring to this and it didn't work, empty cases continued spawning after each shot. I then went to ORGM core file and set ORGM.Settings.CasesEnabled to false and again it didn't work. Need some help here.
  2. I haven't found any way to alter barricade health without accessing the .class java files, and those can't be recompiled. Can any lua file do this?
  3. So basically I wanted to make barricades sturdier and found IsoBarricade.class file, decompiled it, changed health value but can't recompile it back. I just use command prompt and simply call javac *filename* but get errors during compilation. I guess it's because I miss packages/libraries being imported in the .class file? Haven't managed to find answers by googling, so here I am. How to overcome this problem? Thanx.
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