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Everything posted by halkaze

  1. How about Steam WorkShop unable to use at IWBUMS? I think it will improve even this alone.
  2. I can not put soil in the sandbag with a shovel. An error is displayed.
  3. Different people have different ways of enjoying.
  4. The police car doesn't seem spawn in West Point Police station. I think UI offscreen rendering & UI rendering FPS may want to revert to the previous value by default because those who haven't test with IWBUMS & Vehicle will get confused. I'm patiently wait.☕
  5. If vehicle hit an obstacle, then fly in the sky. Zombie's blood splashs a long distance. Once you get on the car, then you ride again without moving from the spot, ▲ appears at the edge of the screen. Master key. Items of initial infection are different. Scenario mode chips:3 Saw:1 Sandbox mode chips:1 Saw:0 Below are the contents of the TV/Radio Data. I posted similar content before,but I misunderstood many part. It is described on the basis of ProjectZomboid/media/radio/RadioData.xml TV/Radio broadcasting are according to schedule. But All game mode (expect six month later) start at July 9th now. Some game mode should start at July 10th. (The first week, Survival) Sandbox:Initial infection broadcast start at name="main". TV/Radio part of 00:00 doesn't broadcast when started game. So I proffer some solutions. See picture for more information. This is on the assumption above item fixed. Current: Plan 1: 00:00 is broadcasted to 06:00, and 06:00 is broadcasted to 12:00 at name="init_infection". And The first week, Survival start time earlier (Need to leave a long time from 6:00). Plan 2: All Game mode start time earlier.(Need to leave a long time from 6:00) I believe name="init_infection" seem to a Plan 1. but I have no good idea for name="main". (All game mode begin from name="init_infection" ) After devastation doesn't broadcast. I confirmed with WordZed. it had not been bind name="main". name="Jonas" name="emergency" name="pastor" name="kanibals" name="static" name="numbers" Can't gives skill xp
  6. ・The time display on the upper right of the screen is hard to see in winter. ・Dash launcher sheet UI. texture bug.
  7. ・Mercia lang 4000: taillight and headlight become black when turn on its. ・Mccoylogging:Dash-bulldriver: Sheet UI is OLD. ・Radio frequency UI FPS Remains low. ・Dead bodies on campfire doesn't show when game restarted. ・Boiling water will cool too quickly. (sterile bandage can not be made.) ・I can not cut down a tree by fast forward when I am tired.
  8. "Challenges:Opening Hours's FPS is very low and too lag. (1fps~5fps) My performance OS: Windows 10 CPU: Intel Celeron 3215U 1.7GHz GPU: no RAM: 8GB Obviously, my performance is low. How is High performance' situation ?
  9. Texture bug Vehicle's brightness is too bright (No shaders).
  10. The rear part of the vehicle is chipped. (Probably)Long car only?
  11. Similar issue textures and more. Strange misplace? These issues used not to see. Perhaps, recently occurred. New foraging zones added in build 38. At the same time, deleted Large Forest zone. https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.5022285340827468,0.09395866864549521,70.5396451639338
  12. 確かに現実に存在する名前を記載する方が最も現実味(リアル)がありますね。 「抽象的な表現」にするのではなく「固有名詞(架空の名称でも)」にすることによって現実味が出されると思います。実在する名称には及びませんが。 また、開発者は店舗や会社の1つ1つに名称を与え現実味(リアル)を持たせました、車両も同じです。 これはProject Zomboidのコンセプトでもあります。 イメージのしやすさは重要ですが、それは実装された当初もしくはプレイし始めた人のみであって時間が経つにつれ解消されます。 自分はアンケートで方向性を決めるより開発者側の意向を優先した方が良いと思います。
  13. こんにちは。和訳が大変助かっています。 海外のフォーラムで日本語で喋るのは不思議な感じがしますね。 それはさておき 今は車両の名称が「普通乗用車」や「スポーツ車」のように種類で記載されていますが、固有名詞で記載した方が現実味がより増すと思います。 以下で例えると: (上段はIG_UI_JP、下段はIG_UI_ENです。) IGUI_VehicleNameCarNormal = "普通乗用車", IGUI_VehicleNameCarNormal = "Chevalier Nyala", IGUI_VehicleNameCarLightsPolice = "普通乗用車(警察車両)", IGUI_VehicleNameCarLightsPolice = "Chevalier Nyala", が IGUI_VehicleNameCarNormal = "Chevalier Nyala"もしくは"シェヴァリエ ニアラ" IGUI_VehicleNameCarLightsPolice = "Chevalier Nyala(警察車両)"もしくは"シェヴァリエ ニアラ(警察車両)" になるのでしょうか。 まとめました 固有名詞がある車両です。 固有名詞がない車両です IG_UI_JPに記載されていない車両です
  14. >world streaming and tile rendering optimizations Dramatically improved !
  15. Do you have plans for fuel filler mark ?
  16. Can't move to Baggage on ground. Through traffic lights. Siren
  17. Do you have any plans for like police roadblock?
  18. I hope this will help. Favorite car colors of the years. Quote: Axalta Coating Systems Edit: Quote: DuPONT
  19. Does "Ignition status" come again ?
  20. The supplementary explanation about this video. "Big trees" and "Small trees" were swapped.
  21. This is seen from long ago. Perhaps there is from the Test beginning (Vehicle test 1)
  22. Sorry for my English. Zombie don't attack for vehicle. The supplementary explanation about this video bug. (test 33) edit: Vehicle sink down. 1. Only vehicles Player got on. 2. Not happen it when Player got off. Then got away from Vehicle and happen.
  23. Vehicle can through the tree. edit: vehicle test 33
  24. Blood fly too much when Zombie are hit by vehicle. [SP&MP] There is no sound when Zombie are hit by vehicle.
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