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  1. lol awwwwwkwaaaaard... been there done that. ima save this tyvm gud sir.
  2. Lol. Just read it. It doeant bother me as much as the real life pictures. At first when she took off her underwear, I thought she was just wet. Then later on she pooped LOL.
  3. How long did it take you to make that fine art? It screams " le cake". The pie is undermined (if that makes sense?).
  4. As much as I want to stay away from this. I am intrigued. You'll have to google it, as it is highly NSFW. "Doujin The Holes".To give you a brief description (don't open the spoiler if you don't want pictures in your head): Reading this on my phone, but pictures weren't there. BUT by the description, wtf! Putting stuff inside those holes and the thought of it uhhh!
  5. Once you nail the basics its quite easy to get the hang of it. The in-game tutorial does do a half-decent job at teaching you most of the stuff. Also a guide here that you can use - http://z3.invisionfree.com/UrW_forum/index.php?showtopic=1651 Among others. Regarding an axe, you should be able to make a stone axe. Can't remember the requirements for it but it might be a slender trunk, a stone and some tying equipment. You can get slender trunks using a knife. With a stone axe I think you can also make a wooden shovel. Anyhow Unreal world is a hardcore survival sim and it isn't meant to coddle you other than help you learn the interface and the basics of the gameplay. After that your on your own. I'm still on my 2nd character (since I started playing URW) and I have it hard because my character was made before all the lovely stat changes came in for the characters plus I happened to pick the Drikki tribe which are shit across the board on everything they do. I only found this out when a friend of mine picked a different culture than mine and happened to mention all the lovely high stats he had. So yeah don't pick the Drikki if you want an easy start. I just pick the first class because of the high stats. And when I repsawn I choose the one closest to the yellow section. They said that one has a lot of markets to trade. BUT getting meat for currency is hard as fuq.
  6. I just got the game a day ago and i've been playing non stop. Only because I can't survive those stupid raiders. They always come with machine guns and my guys only have 1 pistol. The turrets can't hold them off either. EDIT: Nvm. There is a problem with the turrets. The more turrets you have the more raiders (people) there will be. If you have 0, It ends up not being too many. I have 0 turrets and im on day 50. w00t. I'm just hoarding stuff right now.
  7. Pit traps is already hard to build since I don't have shovel or axe. Idk man this game is hard. I've had maybe 10 guys die already of starvation. No tools or equipment and I'm far from any settlements (even when I'm close to one) I still die. Fml
  8. lol. Please elaborate why this is.
  9. As much as I want to stay away from this. I am intrigued.
  10. I always die of starvation. I've fished so many times but this guy just cannot catch any fish. I've set around maybe 5-8 light lever traps (i think that's what they're called) and not a single animal has triggered it. The fire doesn't seem to last very long. I made a fire that had over 50 twigs/branches and I try to refuel them so many times too. Frustrating game, yet fun too. Made a shelter, had some drop off spots, weapons i could not make. Time to watch some let's play.
  11. What is this hybrid people have started about. (dont refer to my above posts) Only Pie wins. This hybrid these people speak of is just a cake in disguise to lure pie lovers that all pies are cake. If what you say is true "Only Pie wins", the equation cake = pie, by definition. Cake wins. I believe the cake vs pie has just been settled.
  12. I'm so lost, but i can see the potential this game has. It does seem fun once (when I do) you understand the gameplay. I would love it if this game was multiplayer
  13. You know how the saying goes... "Cake over pie"
  14. You sir have not seen this. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2185878/Doctors-baffled-mystery-illness-causes-woman-grow-fingernails-instead-hair.html Lol. I highly suggest that you give in to your curiosity and click away on the links. It's not really NSFW.
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