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Element4ry's Achievements

  1. After spending a day or two in the base, I've decided to head out for some supplies. On my way I found one of my cars duplicated with everything that was in it. There's saved game in the link if needed. Difficulty setting is custom. EDIT: Just after hitting "continue" from main menu, duplicated car... dissapeared, and it's no longer there where it's shown on the screenshot. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Q1Ta0wn6jZES8aS9pQLen3G4axfEgwO8
  2. Hello, I briefly tested vehicles so far, and now can't wait to see it finished – it's just so awesome even in its current form. This dramatically changes the gameplay for better. I know it's still not done and features are missing, but I want to share some thoughts. I've started the game with "Easy Vehicles" option turned off. Spawned in some house with "mine" mail truck, as I found the key in said house – though my character was a policeman. I giggled a bit, maybe he lived with his wife who worked in the post office or maybe it wasn't his house in the first place. Anyway, it would be nice for a chance to see vehicle appropriate to character's profession. But that's minor and not important, story behind it may be justified in myriad ways. As I gathered some stuff from neighbors and packing it into the vehicle, the best idea I could imagine was to drive straight to the warehouse to gather more stuff – and I did. Somewhat. The car was a ruin, engine stopped frequently and it was loud as hell (according to "quality" and "loudness" stats of the engine). After reaching my destination I began searching for better vehicle – and I found one, but keys were nowhere to be found. Hopefully, shortly after I found yet another pretty good car (not as good as the one without keys) with a key nearby. This lead me to thoughts: I'd like to see is more complex "internal" damage of the cars. Judging from what I can see in the info panel of the car and placeholder thingy for opening the hood – this is a thing. You know, possibility to change battery when it's dead (and charge it eventually), spark plugs, damaged ignition cables, faulty carburetor, broken alternator, leaking fuel tank or some other components like busted radiator hose or the radiator itself. Flat tires would also be a nice thing. That would motivate players to scavenge for parts at some point: "that radiator won't hold much longer, I should look around for spare parts." When it comes to repairing – it would be great to repair damaged car after running over some zombies or into a wall. Or just repairing it after finding it somewhere in damaged state. I think "Metalwork" skill, and maybe some new "Car mechanic" skill which would be also needed to perform such repairs. This also leads me with my thoughts to crafting various things – like upgrades – for cars: extra storage space space on the roof (for some vehicles), additional armor, pipe bumper to run over zeds and protect front end in case of collision with more solid object. Next one is – getting into the car, and starting it when we don't have keys. In non-zombified society someone who do just that, would be called a car thief. Maybe that could be nice new profession on top of the mentioned car mechanic. I see that profession like: Car mechanic at level 1 and +75% experience boost and Electrician skill at level 1. Because to get into the car and start it involves both, knowledge about how the parts are working inside the car's door and some know-how about the electrical wiring to connect right cables to enable ignition. Or just plain old "grand theft auto style" – smash the window and start the car with only Electrician skill at level 1. Probably I've gone way too far with it... Now to the bugs. I didn't found many, because I've been playing just a bit. Most of them I saw already mentioned earlier in this thread as I briefly scrolled through. So the only thing I can say is misplaced access points to storage compartments of the vehicles – for example the minivan-ish one have access point somewhat on the side of it but trunk door is at the back of the car. TL;DR: Suggestions/thoughts/ideas: – vehicles upgrades and customization. – more complex damage of internal parts. – repairing damaged vehicles – new skill: car mechanic – new professions: car mechanic and car thief
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