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Everything posted by Unghin

  1. Finally! Thank you very much for answering, RJ. Now I am calm about overload harm And what about of faint and sunstroke, can we recieve some information? I know, that I becomes boring with duplicating of this question. But I dunno why this nice features still unfinished?
  2. It will be so beutiful! 166. Add function to sheetrope - wrap in and wrap out instead of removing it.
  3. Why not? Just another way to survive. As I know: throwing weapon have special form for accuracy throws. Regular weapon allow to make a fine throw too? It's a good idea btw.
  4. Me too! But: What it may mean? No harm for overload, or it will calculated in other way? I am realy worried about this. Also, Extinguisher can be used for fight?
  5. I haven't found something about this issues (topics\mondoids) - so what we can expect? Edit: - Have found few broken windows in world with no zombies. - Also, paintbucket with weight 5.0 - enough only for 4 signs.
  6. Вот это новости! Ждем значит в следующих билдах больше банок, крышек и закаточную машинку "Мэри".
  7. Unghin


    Map expanding and animations - so sweet
  8. So, I have spent 9 days in carpentry to research wood frames and disasseble. 1. Wooden frame: Looks like everything working fine. I have crafted raw of frames and then have upgraded it to different lvl's. Only one strange thing: I was able to look through full barricated wall with window (crafted). 2. Disassembling: Almost good. I totally disassembled about 5 houses and got few issues. - if you are disassembling door with sheet - sheet disappears. - when you disassembling crate (crafted\already existist) - you can got 3 planks (but it needs 2 planks to be crafted) - I disassembled this chair 2 times. All rest process is fine - carpentry level increasing chance to recieve useful materials. 3. Sleep: All 9 days I slept on bed or sofa without alarm (also I spawned in house with alarmclocks which alarm was set on 15:00 - thats one was spooky) and what I can said: - I went slep with quit and large sleepiness but difference was in 1 hour - everytime I slept about 8-9 hours, 1 time awoke by shot event. One time I got nightmare and and feel sleepiness after 5 hours. In my opinion range of sleep time should be more wide. (Sometimes I can sleep 10-12 hours IRL without any loads - and I hate it, but it is realistic ) 4. Nutrition: Ehm... I am just ran and make no notes. Few time I cooked some soup. I have it mostly wih mid hungers but to bellyfull and now I haven't limit for eating like in build 34. So everyday I was hunger and gets bellyfull. At 9 days I threw 5 kg, seems to much huh? Also no jiggering for my char. And I have few questions to developers: when appears? - faint from a sleep debt? (in build ~32 I was really scared when horde catch me at gasoline station, and I have got max sleep debt - and I thought that now I will fall in faint and hord will make invasion inside. That was really creapy feeling.) - harm from overloading (remembered when I got harm trying to take to much planks in alfa) - sunhits. Edit: next time I will work with metal.
  9. I tried to imagine how it can looks IRL if you carrying big bag with small plastic chair:
  10. It's remind me one character from sovient\post soviet cartoon:
  11. Agree with 1st and 2nd points. So about 3rd - with big trees, forest will cange from unvisible wall to realistic - so after that we can makes opinions about pathways, I think.
  12. 13thGeneral, thank you. You inspirated me to write 5th point of suggestions.
  13. Like a dog forage, good thought. But what if you can craft filter of some textile material and then boil this water?
  14. 1. Bunch of trash bags. I think that in USA people buying trash bags in bunches (rolls\reels I dunno correct translation) - right? So, It can be found in houses or shops. Yes it's making game quite easier, but much realistic. Also if Muldraugh will have pound - so why not? Pictures for example: 2. Bag's shops. You know what I mean. Rarety of bags unfair in my opinion. 3. Corpse "barricades". Walking throught corpses will slow characters and zombies. Heap of corpses will slow more. As I saw in new animations video - copses have some physics? May be it will makes good combination? 4. Roof gutters and puddles. While rain goes - rain water flowing dawn in roof's gutters. And you can place water collector under flow and collecting water faster. Ander flows without collectors can appears big puddles. And puddles on roads, dirt and grass. Also, you will have big chance to slip while running across mud puddles (I mean puddles at dirty tiles), and low chance while running across puddles on asphalt. Addon: 5. Perk 'Wierd taste'. It is mean that food that increasing sadness and boring with this perk increasing them less about 50% (75% / 100%) instead normal string or something like that. For example: you like dog forage. Or you can have this perk attaching to random meals causing sadness and boring nerfing them, or increasing power of removing sadness and boring for regular meals. Just duplicating my suggestions here from other threads: 6. Zombificated after first aid. What about to make zombies with drop like empty/half empty disinfectant? I mean that you can meet zombie which recently was infected and tried to administrate aid on himself before, even with bondage. It can contain different loot of first aid administrating. 7. Bugs in PZ. Flies flying above dead bodieas of suicided people. Or above completly dead zombies body. And what about cockroaches in trash or in houses? I realize that it will be look like miving pixels but so atmospere (and debuff for bug-scared characters).
  15. Хм, серьезно? Ах да... В спрайте же несколько, хм спасибо! Жизнь не станет прежней - я воспринимал их, как один гвоздь Согласен с пакетами, что рваные и грязные как-бы не нужно отображать, но не хватает рулона мусорных пакетов. Не думаю, что они их поштучно покупают. Что ж, спасибо твой пост уберег меня от фейла. Добра тебе! Вот про рулон напишу.
  16. В спрайте 4, а на деле расходуется же один, да и для всех построек маловато гвоздей требуется, на мою думку. Пишу я сейчас про один гвоздь и про малое количество мусорных пакетов с бутылками ( и ещё немного отсебятины). А ведь такого мусора везде должно хватать. Про строительство вообще молчу, разрабы писали, что искоренят летающие замки.
  17. Я имел в виду фабричные консервы, коих полно в Зомбоиде, у нас их меньше. Да и вообще в США, вроде как, полуфабрикаты, консервы и прочее более популярно, чем у нас. На счет сала: По всiй Українi сало робиться, дядьку , и мои родственники в Белгородской области, которых я посещаю летом, тоже этим занимаются. На счет остальной России - без понятия. И я реально был удивлен - малому количеству майонеза в домах Зомбоида, в то время, как у нас майонез один из столпов домашней кухни. Прочитал я эти огромные простыни про бочки (и посмеялся над первыми двумя постами). Также вот думаю, что раз дело дошло до консерв, банок и прочего лута, то не мешало бы его сбалансировать, как и много фич в игре. А то тут вам баррикады на одном гвозде лол, раз на раз можно бутылку пустую найти и пакеты для мусора тоже редко встречаются. Пойду сейчас суггестион напишу, про все, что накипело. I lol'd
  18. I stoped here. Empty cans is very good idea - becouse it can be filled with water. I think that it is excess - becouse it is not useful, even for low load. Also useful for filling or craft - agree. Variety of new items and herbs - I think that devs will add new items with time as they are doing this now. Dunno, if you are living in urban area finding bags isn't a problem. So it's not necessary in my opinion.
  19. Да ты вы у нас тут дядя. И как оно - хоть свободное время (на зомбоид) остается? Вот на топики про консервацию натыкался, а про бочковые вопросы не слышал, можно подробнее? In summarizing can said that conservated meals (which we can find in PZ) such as meat, soup etc. not so popular in post USSR as self maded conservation in USA. For example: typical supermarkets in Ukraine have only one small shelf of conservated food. In the same time in every home you can find at list mayonnaise or souse, ketchup etc. Mayonnaise is very popular... VERY! In regular supermarket it have long shelf equal to shelf all other souses.
  20. This summer have seen as two barrels (casks) of rotten watermelon with sand was destroyed. Edit: It's a normal when walking throught sector of private houses in my town you able to see cows and goats on a pasture. Dunno what happens in american towns. So my suggestion about USA in upper posts could be a bullshit.
  21. I suggesting that USA's agriculture is focused on sale. Now I making this suggestions with quite of knowledge: I think that making of big gardens in the yard or holding country houses when you are living in apartment (summer cottage with big garden) very unpopular in USA. They sociaty are more urbanized instead of our cities/towns synthesized with countrysides (houses with regular/big gardens where you growing up some meals). You can go to the work and after returning keep your garden. I am realy know about one thing - trend of small garden in Europe for people who living in apartment/houses. It's means that there are some territory for small gardens in living square - where you can rent/buy small territory for growing food (I can mistaking in description, and I have no source for example - It was told by my teacher in univesity). I was suprised when have seen house with no garden but only with yard for resting, may be it will became new trend for new generations of our culture. This phenomenon of post USSR culture may be triggered not only by economic (and history) but it may be kind of psychological and even philosophical (creation). My mother with have a lot of free time while I am studying in another city, and father working far too - and she starts holding our cottage (grandma's legacy) - with garden and growing up some meals. In addition we are discussed about mod of life making conservation so popular in our countries. I hope that I have translated everything clearly
  22. As we suggesting about jars and lids wich so popular in post USSR territory we have some conversation in russian. I'll try to translate my post. Just wait.
  23. Yesterday my character jittered too for few seconds, I foreget to write about this.
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