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Everything posted by larsmaehlum

  1. I've tried deleting and re-installing PZ as well, no go.. :\
  2. So, I've tried setting this up, but it seems I get stuck without the dedicated server shell script. (projectzomboid-dedi-server.sh) I've ran the steamcmd thing 20+ times now, how many times should it take?
  3. Oh man. This map, 30+ players on a persistent multi-player server.. I'm salivating..
  4. Instead of a drop down meny, maybe a wheel menu system would be better? You could hold right click, then a wheel with a few named circles (or icons) would open around the pointer where you could choose what to do. If you drag to the carpentry circle, it would open a new wheel with categories, and inside those there would be craftable items. This should also help a lot with putting up things quickly, as you would rely on a predictable set of movements. Just an idea
  5. Ah, if it starts there, then NPCs killing eachother for their sheets would make very little sense. My suggestion would only make sense if the country if slowly being overrun with the things, and people are desperately preparing for it.
  6. Maybe it would be possible to just start with a few "weak" NPCs in each house, and no zombies until day 3-5? Then the zombies will ramp up the spawn rate over 2-3 days to simulate an outbreak, while possibly killing off the weak NPCs as they start roaming around. It would be easy to imagine the outbreak already being known at this time, but the spread has not reach our lovely little town yet, as to not break immersion when raiding random houses in preparation of an invasion. No military, no tv/radio reports, just a ramp up period to give the player a head start and different experience. I, for one, would love to see this as an option in the future, as getting a bit more prepared before the onslaught would be interesting.
  7. It would be cool to see small looting parties come in from temporary camps in the woods some time after the start. Maybe in the period 2-12 months as that's when they would have to move from their out of map farms or such and into the town to get more food.
  8. I really need to know what happended next. At least give them an honorable death if you need to end it..
  9. Awesome series. Learning so much stuff that's going to be useful later
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