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Everything posted by NebNebber

  1. Still no Zombies, kinda game breaking for a Zombie survival game, i hope this will be fixed by tomorrow (mondoid).
  2. I noticed the lack of bug fixes back in august and deduced that it could only mean Animations were imminent, i was wrong. Bug fixes are like cleaning your home, the longer you leave it the worse it gets, but no doubt there is a plan/reason.
  3. Im starting to think that i will be too used to 'solo' mode play style by tje time NPCs happen that i would liķe the option to turn them off in sandbox. Crazy as it may sound. Many of us have enjoyed this game for nearly 5 years, i think its slightly un realistic to presume that most of the player base will continue to enjoy it for another 5 years. Good games come and go. I have already saved a separate 'old' version of PZ because i am sure that some of the updates, past and planned could have the effect of subtlety changing the game to make it less fun. I have similar feelings towards Animations, altho it looks cool and all, i think the current style has retro charm. Im still always looking forward to new content tho
  4. Its been a really bad year for PZ updates.
  5. "We’re tantalizingly close to being able to grab some awesome uninterrupted footage of it working in-game"
  6. It could be that it has no Zeds so that we can spot and report bugs and stuff easier without having to run away from the dead, that would be a lame reason but its the only justification i can think of. Is it so hard to fix? Do we have to wait a whole week. Its abit disapointing that noone at TIS had a little run around first, yeah i know its IWBUMS and that WE are the testers but still....
  7. Ok, so iv been in the town to the south. Looks like someone forgot to add the Zombies to the Zombie Survival game, there are a couple of rabid residents in their houses, but they dont seem to be reacting normally to t.v or radio. It's an odd feeling to be playing P.Z and know no fear when you trip a house alarm or hear the helicopter. Can this please be fixed soon? Kinda lame to play The Sims : Running Simulator
  8. Yeah i get it dont freak out bro. It often appears that WE are not allowed to speak of NPC's just because TIS have decided not to, its a decision i respect and understand but i would like to point out the etymology of the word 'Forum'. Its meaning is rooted in concepts of an Open/Public place, a place for Public Discussion. I dont think i have broken any rules worthy of Moderator intervention, i am just expressing my open opinion in a public place and the fact that it may differ from the most popular views could be seen as a benefit to an Open public discussion, thats how we as a community grow socially rather than just become a dev worship echo box. Are we not free to discuss NPC's, our hopes and fears respectfully in this place for public discussion? Im not tryna cause trouble im simply asking, it seems far too often that any negative opinions are shouted down and that simply does not seem very grown up or progressive. P.s All hail TIS, saviours of the zombie game genre and indy games! 200+ hours of money well spent!!
  9. Yeah i get that, but lets face it that NPC's will have to be smarter than the average noob on MP otherwise all we will find are their corpses and over run safe houses. I think that Survival Hardcore is too hard for an AI to survive long enough unless they are exempt from Zed detection until the player finds them or something, and i only play thay difficulty and love it.
  10. I believe it transpired that there was some other problem that had not been forseen, as mentioned above.
  11. I work the winter season doing stuff in the Arctic circle, rhis means i travel alot during the summer and most of my gaming time is happening now, my working season is also my gaming season, lol. So last year i was totally hyped for creative, i love that kinda stuff, i was dreaming of all the real life places including my home as stages for Zombie survival, but now here i am 1 year later no closer but with a little more vanilla map and a nutrition thing that has clearly taken alot of work this spring/summer but was never listed on the road map or resoundingly requested (i may be wrong). Tbh i think it all could be a symptom of a very busy year for me personally. I would love to see Creative mode by Q2 next year but NPC's i doubt it.
  12. What if the promise of how good NPC's could be isnt actually possible. Its hard enough sometimes for me to survive a month on the hardest settings. NPC's would most likely be munched within the first couple of weeks in most play throughs on challenging difficulties. Lets face it, one of the great things about this game is that it can be HARD! Since Lemmywinks had his breakdown here back in May 2015, stating that he no longer enjoyed working on the NPC code we have heard nothing at all. Now as a human being i totally understand that post of his, it was heartfelt and genuine but as a customer i feel that that attitude to a promised feature is unproffesional. About 2 years ago i wondered to a friend that maybe the NPC bar was set far too high to be achived, and still we wait and see...
  13. Yeah i gets ya. Also @EnigmaGrey i know the deal, just abit bummed at this years development history. Rooooll on 1.0 my faith waivers
  14. IWBUMS has been the only way to get any new content in the last 7 months
  15. Its abit obvious that this was rushed out to placate us over not getting the Animation update. The 'winter of no content' was mentioned in mondoid recently, seems like this has been nearly a year of no content if your not in the IWBUMS. *sad face*
  16. https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?app=tcbugtracker&module=tracker&controller=issues&id=495 another...
  17. There have been several posts in my 'unread posts' over the last couple of days, some as bug reports orhers just as posts. As i said i haven't played iv just noticed the posts. One example is Joosy69's post above
  18. I was exited to hear of more map but now it seems there are more than a few really basic and lame faults with the new area's, i know its still in a 4 month long Iwbums but it makes me not want to play it now.
  19. NebNebber

    Court Short

    I appreciate the honesty but i feel slightly confused and mislead. To return the honesty i must admit that i find it hard to maintain my excitement and enthusiasm for features for extended periods (6 months +) and it is beginning to give me the 'meh' effect to playing Zomboid. Now dont get me wrong i love Project Zomboid, iv tottaly had my moneys worth and TIS are a really inspirational game dev company but im feeling like id get more enjoyment now if i stop playing completely for 2/3 years so that i wont feel so pr!ck teased every monday. Hate me if you will but im just sharing my truth. Keep up the good works, Zomboid already is a truly awesome gaming experience and i completely appreciate the honesty in these mondoids, i just feel i must share my feelings for constructive criticisms sake. X
  20. You would have a good point here if it was not for composting and growing various vegetables that take much longer in reality than in game. I would like to see fruit trees, maybe the best way would be to have existing fruit orchards in certain locations.
  21. Fair enough, any chance to grow our own tobacco in the future?
  22. Maybe its been updated as i havent had a chance to play for a few weeks. I was speaking of the 'top tier' Metal Door that you craft. The metal bar/pole door/gate thingy.
  23. Is it possible for someone with the Smoker Trait to quit smoking? Like with the underweight/overweight traits?
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