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winterpyre got a reaction from grammarsalad in Prexisting corpses
I would like to see scenes where one zombie is surrounded by other dead(really dead) zeds.
The idea being he knew he was doomed, presumably bitten or just lost hope, and went to take as many as he could with him and now you at least have to kill a zed to get the guns/ammo/supplies.
also adding onto the hanging idea, could some of them be hanging zeds of people who tried to hang themselves post infection?
harmless(unless the rope breaks) but amusing to see
winterpyre got a reaction from Erkinwine in Prexisting corpses
I would like to see scenes where one zombie is surrounded by other dead(really dead) zeds.
The idea being he knew he was doomed, presumably bitten or just lost hope, and went to take as many as he could with him and now you at least have to kill a zed to get the guns/ammo/supplies.
also adding onto the hanging idea, could some of them be hanging zeds of people who tried to hang themselves post infection?
harmless(unless the rope breaks) but amusing to see
winterpyre reacted to nasKo in Hot Wheels
This weekend has seen a whole bunch of vehicular fun, so… buckle up? Is that too corny?
A new build of physics-enabled vehicles fun is currently doing the rounds in internal testing. The general consensus is still that they are ‘way better than we were expecting’, so hats off to all the work put in by EP, Martin and Yuri from General Arcade.
In our new build different car models have different handling and performance and when you’re speeding down the road you’ll occasionally be forced into a hard brake by the pile-ups of wrecked cars that we have envisaged for the edges of the map. These still need work, but one thing that’s pretty cool is that each wreck is a physics object, so you’ll be able to smash your way through if you’re in a pinch.
Right now it takes 5-6 minutes to drive from West Point to Muldraugh, and around 10 if you’re making the trip all the way up to Rosewood Prison – which will knock off about a quarter of tank of gas in an average car. This already feels fairly balanced, but will clearly come under scrutiny when we’re playing around with the system later on. We will also need to make zombies very interested in engine noise.
Here’s a video of our current vehicles build, as provided by the ever-lovable Mark.exe. Please note, as ever, that everything in the vid is WIP and in development – visuals, handling, UI, zombie collision and everything.
Martin’s new textures mean that cars pop out of the screen less than they did , but we are also going to experiment without using gradients – which could result in them looking more at home in the PZ world and its colours. We’re currently doing a few new textures with this in mind, and hope to get a few examples into our next internal test build.
Alongside general implementation and gameplay tasks that still need doing, this test flagged a few more things that need attention, and a few of which we’ve worked on today. Wheels need more detail so you can see them spin, there needs to be less ‘float’ on sharp turns, we need shadows placed under vehicles so they look a little more grounded and there’s also a few flickers and (non vehicular) MP crashes that need attention.
We should also do our best to limit this sort of zombie car-tipping – although it is quite fun.
So Build 37 is nearly here – it’s just a matter of checking its fixes are working correctly, and maaaybe squeezing a few more nuggets from The Great Bug Purge in too.
To this end we’ve just released Build 37.6 into the IWBUMS public beta. This adds new annotated stash maps to the game for equipment hidden in offices, restaurants and warehouses – and introduces maps for all the major urban hubs on the PZ map. You can also rename map items should you want to make their uses clearer in your inventory, and that of you MP buddies.
As mentioned last week, this also features changes to the MP sleep system and some assaults on longstanding issues like saucepan rain, co-op curtain sync and many/various gamepad eccentricities.
Clearly work on overriding systems and animations continue in the background while vehicles thunder forwards into view, but we’ve also got some smaller nuggets in the can for Build 38. Stuff like extra powers for Admins over player inventories, Discord integration into MP chat and the ever increased likelihood that the next map update will be ready to roll for it too.
In more general PZ news: as of today we have a new team-member! He’s a super-talented guy with a bunch of games industry experience garnered from a multitude of different projects (some small, some massive, some Zomboid-size) and he’ll be working deep in our codebase for the foreseeable future. It’s only his first week though, so we’ll let him bed in a bit before demanding Mondoid contributions.
This week’s last stand from Levi [Hun]. The Centralized Block of Italicised Text would like to direct your attention to the PZ Wiki should you feel like editing or amending something, and the PZ Mailing List that can send blogs like this and patch notes direct to your mailbox. We also live on Twitter right here! Our Discord is now open for chat and hijinks too. A general overview of the content of PZ builds past, in testing and upcoming can be found here. Mod Spotlight blog featuring the lovely Nolan now coming tomorrow on projectzomboid.com. Thanks all!
winterpyre got a reaction from grammarsalad in Soup up our vehicles
There are some practical things that could be done, Kim Jong Un has pretty much nailed most of them on the head I do think that mounted guns should be considered with the caveat that drivers cant use them also something that hasn't been mentioned are mounting flood lights, speakers and storage racks on the top of the car
winterpyre reacted to Kirrus in Walls
This sounds about right for real life really. Unless you're building a wall with brand new metal materials, or a wire fence from previously created wire and strong reinforcement posts.. metal walls should be a bit pants compared to log walls
winterpyre got a reaction from grammarsalad in Stylist Profession
i would imagine perfume would help hid you rather than attract zombies, they're looking for people and perfume would mask your sweat and blood smell that(i think) they would be attracted too.
That aside the profession doesn't sound terrible might be a cool stealth/support hybrid
winterpyre got a reaction from EchelontheEyeless in Secret Rooms in Houses
the issue with secret rooms is that the game is isometric meaning most of the time its gonna be really obvious if there is some part of the house you can get into, unless your talking about some non-euclidean type of secret room where its bigger on the inside than outside that you craft or something
given the view of the game, it would be pretty easy to spot any part of the house/base you haven't been in, i think it would be a good idea for underground where they wouldn't be as obvious though
winterpyre reacted to nolanri in Driving Cars Mod!
I could use someones help with some questions. I want to figure out how to hide the player while driving so its like hes IN the car. And lastly make it so the car crushes zombies it runs into. To kill the zomies i hit I just need help with a way to kill a zombie with his MovingObject class. i can already detect all the moving objects i collide with just dont know how to KILL the moving object i hit if its a zombie. someone help plz
winterpyre got a reaction from Foulmouth in Immunization
while I do disagree with the overall simple immunity, I do think a system where infection symptoms subside if you survive long enough might be neat. Though to separate it with a cure mechanic i would suggest a minimum (possibly hidden) "toxicity" value that increases each time you would get infected. This toxicity value could then cause the player to occasionally experience sudden but shorter(1-5 day) fever with higher toxicity values making them more common, and increase the likelihood of being infected from other wounds as your immune system becomes weakened, maybe at 80% minimum infection fever wont let up?
also dying with any level of toxicity should turn you into a zed.
for example
gets bitten on a scavenging run (100% toxicity)
1 month later ( 60% toxicity, fever dissipates)
2 months later (20% toxicity and wont go lower - occasional relapses/moderately increased infection chances)
get bitten while foraging (100% toxicity)
1 month later (60% toxicity fever dissipates)
2 months later (50% toxicity and wont go lower - semi-frequent relapses/highly increased infection chances)
falls while building, dies and turns into zombie
bites friend who was bringing him supplies
winterpyre got a reaction from Kuren in Snow Melting Near Heat Sources
this would also really help to show how close to a fire you need to be to get any warmth from it and general spacing between fires
winterpyre reacted to Magic Mark in Urban areas stop being urban over time
I can't support Erosion not having a cap because erosion happens extremely, extremely unrealistically fast as it is. That would be overkill. I used to help a friend renovate/move homes that were sometimes flipped and sold (and still do when needed) and it is unheard of for walls to crack within a week. And I've explored some old-ass homes too. I understand why there is a need for it (because people die quickly in the game and might not see it) but it's way too fast already for no cap to be entirely balanced.
I do support fully overgrown areas switching forage/trap zones though (so animals eventually make their way in).
winterpyre reacted to nasKo in Too Long to Warm Up
We're pretty open to feedback, really. Being toxic isn't getting you anywhere.
You get support by not acting up and accepting that the world doesn't revolve around you so getting an answer to your request might sometimes take some time.
You can request a refund here:
If you're not qualified for one, you can stick around the forums with a change of attitude and we'll work things out. Giving you three days to learn some manners.
Being toxic to someone who is being toxic is still being toxic. This is not how we handle things around here. You should know better than that.
winterpyre reacted to CaptKaspar in Snow Melting Near Heat Sources
I suggest that snow near sources of heat such as campfires, woodstoves, etc should melt.
X tiles distance from the heat source could melt snow depending on the intensity of the heat. ex) a fire with a tree branch in it may only melt a tile where as a fire with 3 logs in it could melt 5-6 tiles.
This could also give a character a visual indication of how close to the fire they need to be to get the benefits of its heat.
On a similar note, snow on pavement/concrete should melt faster than grass/dirt. Even without roads being salted in the apoc, roads and other paved surfaces will melt snow faster than other surfaces up to a depth of about 6 inches or so because sunlight can still penetrate that deeply into snow and reflect heat. All of us who live in snowy environments have seen this happen.
winterpyre reacted to lemmy101 in New animation video, HOLY &%!$
Mainly Martin <3 however this is one of the only things I can ever comfortably admit working on since it's also required for the NPCs so will gladly take credit for the code implementation of the new anim system. Also Binky is as ever instrumental to anything character model related. Also Mash for her extensive work making the entire world 2x which makes a monumental difference to the resolution of the characters. This video wouldn't be close to as impressive if that wasn't in.
Group effort But it all starts with Martin's anims.