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Everything posted by Snakeman

  1. Insert Fuel not appear in context menĂº, and for some reason Lamp on pillar never goes off on this build. (in 38.28 this lamp consumed batteries, goes off and can't add fuel too) i think there is 2 issues with this: 1- The light changes problem related yesterday but also on lamp on pillar. 2- context menĂº option to add fuel not appear (i don't know if the lamp consumed fuel in this build because i can't see light changes).
  2. IWBUMS 38.29 MP Test observations: *In this build, when i place outdoors walls-lamp and generator powered rooms, light seems not to work (i can switch on, off this lamps) but i can't see light changes. (38.28 work good with this actions) *Carpenter LightPoles: When batteries are consumed i can't put new batteries on it. (Lightpoles in exteriors and interiors). *I've testing for 5 hours on MP mode and our clothes (pants) didn't get dirty Sorry about my language i speak spanish.
  3. Observations: Laggy zombies. (some dissappears) Microwave sound too loud (also i can hear it outside from the house too loud) Waterpots only can warm it in a stove if have 100% water. Translation code for job when apply cataplasm on health panel needed: ISComfreyCataplasm.lua function ISComfreyCataplasm:update() self.item:setJobDelta(self:getJobDelta()); ISHealthPanel.setBodyPartActionForPlayer(self.otherPlayer, self.bodyPart, self, "Apply Cataplasm", { comfrey = true }) end Very Fun Megatest: The [NaiS] Team!!!
  4. Found two bugs in this new build for mp server! 1- Bob issue. 2- Warm a Waterpot to make sterilized rags. https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/tracker/issue/1218--{?}/
  5. Same on my game.... my full-screen resolution = 1280x720
  6. Well, i tried MP [38.14] When 2 or more players kills massive zombies inside of a room = No flies. When 2 or more player kills massive zombies in exterior = flies (loud and non stop sound after burn all corpses) if i'm alone on the server... flies system seems not working (Inside and outside) The sound of flies become too loud after time passes... Exterior lights (streetLights) are off... When load my save on MP and spawn in a room, lights inside = on... but exterior lights (Attached to the wall outside = off) Errors when i try to make a evolved recipe (HotDrink) with watermug + sugar(maybe sugar causes issue because its drainable and not food?)
  7. Tu seteo es solo en zombies?
  8. This method still works? (Toolstore, shelves) index 43 and 44. Because i get some red screens when i approach to toolstore
  9. This feature only worked if you play the game on english language!!
  10. When load my SP save this spawn on console: GRAVE: null java.lang.NullPointerException at zombie.iso.LightingJNI.update(LightingJNI.java:386) at zombie.iso.LightingThread.update(LightingThread.java:466) at zombie.GameWindow.run(GameWindow.java:1296) at zombie.GameWindow.maina(GameWindow.java:1053) at zombie.gameStates.MainScreenState.main(MainScreenState.java:180) Later i will try MP
  11. Tested it and not solved yet... still happen the same issue (Now flies sound should not causes some lag but still happen the same as 38.12) I was connected on the server alone... kill zombies and acumulate the corpses on the campfire to burn it... another player connecting to the server... when the player spawn, flies sound becomes too loud and after burn corpses, sound non stop (sound radius its ok, but if i kill 10 zombies on my base on MP and there is 2 or more players, the sound never stops) :/ After close the server and open again i get a nullpointer issue on client console
  12. The flies sound not stop after burning corpses on MP server [IWBUMS 38.12] only when 2 or more players play on the same zone... the only way to stop that is disconnect [all players that stay in the zone] and connect again to the server... need to be fixed please!!!!
  13. ZombieLore.Speed=2 ZombieLore.Strength=4 ZombieLore.Toughness=4 ZombieLore.Transmission=1 ZombieLore.Mortality=5 ZombieLore.Reanimate=3 ZombieLore.Cognition=3 ZombieLore.Memory=2 ZombieLore.Decomp=1 ZombieLore.Sight=2 ZombieLore.Hearing=2 ZombieLore.Smell=2 ZombieLore.ThumpNoChasing=true ZombieLore.ThumpOnConstruction=true ZombieLore.ActiveOnly=1
  14. Not tested in singleplayer game, but in MP not working!!! zombies can break doors but not windows!
  15. I was tested a MP server also: Found this issue. https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/tracker/issue/1117--{?}/
  16. New game: first week gameplay... day 1 (check date on clock)
  17. I was tried build 38 weeks ago... i think it comes when riverside is add. Sorry about my language, i speak spanish...
  18. Street lights not working on single and MP server [38.12]
  19. No foraging zones here https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.5109106639382675,0.04029441320168036,111.18583951326265 About the key, how long takes to receive it???
  20. Suggestion here:
  21. Updated to 1.5 (French Translation)
  22. @Connall , @RobertJohnson Feature for mod.info (pack=....) needs to be updated to choose .packs. Example: pack1x=... (only load this pack when the game settings is 1x) pack2x=... (only load this pack when the game settings is 2x)
  23. Sorry about my language i speak spanish. 1- Well, i made two texture packs (1x and 2x). There are tiles with the same name inside of each packs. 2- Settings on mod.info Pack=textures1x Pack=textures2x 3- Two packs will be loading when the game is booted . 4- If i play in 2x, can see 2x tiles (Because the last pack loaded in mod.info is textures2) but if i changed settings to 1x custom 2x tiles appear on the game because the same reason (Game load textures2x) i was searched the console.txt (if i play with 1x settings only load tiles1x and not tiles2x) There are another way to load a custom texture pack(lua code) depending on settings used for 1x or 2x? i want to load textures 1x or 2x when boot the game depending on the saved settings. Feature for mod.info (pack=....) needs to be updated to choose .packs. Example: pack1x=... (only load this pack when the game settings is 1x) pack2x=... (only load this pack when the game settings is 2x)
  24. Updated to 1.4 (Italian Translation)
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