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Everything posted by Snakeman

  1. There are two things can causes that, the way you pack the file and some issue maybe with properties of your custom tiles.
  2. haha a nice way to find ammo in specific places Loot tables with "TheFurniture" - "Other" and "All" string make zombies spawn with specific loot. 😛
  3. I found this: (Line 114) need to be changed good to sport? -- sports vehicles, sometimes on good looking area. VehicleZoneDistribution.sport = {}; VehicleZoneDistribution.sport.vehicles = {}; VehicleZoneDistribution.sport.vehicles["Base.CarLuxury"] = {index = -1, spawnChance = 50}; VehicleZoneDistribution.sport.vehicles["Base.SportsCar"] = {index = -1, spawnChance = 50}; VehicleZoneDistribution.good.baseVehicleQuality = 1.2; VehicleZoneDistribution.trailerpark.chanceToSpawnSpecial = 0;
  4. Este es el sector de reporte de bugs, cualquier información que requieras sobre mods puedes enviar mensaje a mi perfil!
  5. https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.6618146821810893,0.21374840659058875,257.74203221714686 Vehicle path connect with kitchen.
  6. Well, making a mod update i discover a basegame bug. When a custom map have a destroyed plant tile, gives error. The way to solve that comes from MOFarming.lua located in media\lua\server\Map\MapObjects Function "NewDestroyed(isoObject)": There is a line (42) that called: ISPlant.initModData(modData) - this line needs to be changed to SPlantGlobalObject.initModData(modData) and in the end of the function needs to add modData.typeOfSeed = typeOfSeed to set properly the icon when players open the farminginfo window. Also there is the same "ISPlant.initModData(modData)" inside of function NewPlow(isoObject) - (Line 33) Needs to be changed also to SPlantGlobalObject.initModData(modData). I patched it in my mod to see if it works. Image that proves that patch working:
  7. Can I suggest to remove borders from zombies and add a icon when aiming with firearms? Like this?
  8. Conditions: Moveable sprite needs to have canbreak property. (You can check that if you select pick up that object) Moveable sprite needs at less two tiles long. (SpriteGridPos properties) Player needs to have a less level skill to pick up that moveable (Can break if you try to pick up) If all conditions are checked you can rotate the moveable and the system sometimes thinks moveable breaks spawning materials from scraps properties. But moveable not breaking when rotate... so, you can spawn a unlimited amount of materials only rotating a object. Video showing the bug: https://youtu.be/_JbfeN74RgE
  9. Map: Military Complex Hey Devs i have to report something about stashes in custom maps, the addContainer function seems not work. require "StashDescriptions/StashUtil"; -- guns local stashMap1 = StashUtil.newStash("McStashMap1", "Map", "Base.MilitaryComplexMap", "Stash_AnnotedMap"); stashMap1.buildingX = 5439; stashMap1.buildingY = 9213; stashMap1.spawnTable = "GunCache1"; stashMap1:addContainer("GunBox",nil,"Base.Duffelbag",nil,5440,9214,0); stashMap1:addStamp("media/ui/LootableMaps/map_x.png",nil,241,588,0,0,0); stashMap1:addStamp(nil,"Stash_McMap1_Text1",221,630,0,0,0); Stamps works good Another Test: I modify the construction coords and the container spawn coords to a vanilla construction and works. Now i know the code works only in vanilla construction and coords. It's a Bug!!! (Please Fix that to make awesome things with this system in custom maps)
  10. I think it's the way you pack the custom tiles. How you pack textures?
  11. Same happen when you equip a car seat in your secondary hand and then insert to vehicle.
  12. I think the problem is the generation of item inside of worldobject inventory in MP. When you transfer that item to your inventory, system thinks its non valid item (dupe or like that) but if you transfer that item to floor first maybe system not check that... I think it's the same code that adds ReplaceOnCooked.. because when you set this string and item finish to cooked... generate a new item inside of stove (Non player inventory)
  13. need to search... because when i detected that issue changed the code to add item on the floor. like this: self.character:getCurrentSquare():AddWorldInventoryItem(TheItem, self.character:getX() - math.floor(self.character:getX()), self.character:getY() - math.floor(self.character:getY()), self.character:getZ() - math.floor(self.character:getZ())); i think not working code in MP: self.object:getInventory():additem() or additemonserver() (I can't remember very well)
  14. This happen also when add a item inside of objectcontainer in lua (MP)... when you transfer the item to your inventory banishes... you need to transfer item to floor first.
  15. I think Maris set ReplaceOnCooked in scripts. Some modders have a issue with ReplaceOnCooked string in scripts, works good in SP but MP sometimes item banish when transfer to inventory. (Spawn in inventory and a second after doing that... banish)... If the server owner stops the server and restart, items banished spawns inside the stove inventory.
  16. This is weird, sometimes sound playing and sometimes not... it's a cooldown feature or bug? i remember builds ago sound playing ever when select another itemcontainer. This happen on SP, not tested in MP.
  17. in build 40.36 trunk condition 100% and have only 20? Bug?? Some small cars have 40 at 100%
  18. I found two missed strings. Furnitures: location_shop_generic_01_53 & location_shop_generic_01_54 Strings for OverlayMap will be. overlayMap["location_shop_generic_01_53"] = {other = {"clothing_01_14", "clothing_01_22"}} overlayMap["location_shop_generic_01_54"] = {other = {"clothing_01_15", "clothing_01_23"}} With this code we can view clothing when container is filled.
  19. I tested new builds (After add more chances to get rain climate) i think rain chances it's too high, Thunderstorm chances it's good (Sometimes happen) but rainy days it's to much. Played all september and october month with this changes: Total of 5 days aprox not rain (Not consecutive). Note: Can fix that issue? I really appreciate if can do that because i need to patch my mod all times when the game updating ISBuildMenu.lua
  20. i think the issue it's not the drop... because 82% of 39 = 31 76% of 39 will be 29 and we have 37... Calculation of repairment are wrong i think < 82... item SmallGasTank1 { Weight = 11.0, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Small Gas Tank, Icon = CarGastank, VehicleType = 1, MaxCapacity = 39, ConditionAffectsCapacity = true, ConditionMax = 100, ChanceToSpawnDamaged = 60, }
  21. There is another bug with repairment of trunk (Can't repair - no contextmenu to fix) for a van vehicle (The Van have a lot of windows and seats)
  22. Confirm this on MP making a second floor above of a room. (Maybe after down and up the server)
  23. i think the problem is in a corner in MP. (Not tested SP) Walls_exterior_house_02_63 its the correct tile that dissapears. In the other side of the corner a orange painted wall. The doorframe has a door placed in it. Later i will send a screenshot (Another colors works good)
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