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Everything posted by Bourbon

  1. I put them out for now, but still not working.
  2. I replaced the old ISReloadManager.lua with the new code you gave me, and renamed it. I threw the other two out for now, because they were just there to test stuff. But I just tried shooting some rounds ingame after using the debug button and it did not spawn empty brass
  3. I am trying it out right now. HUGE Thanks for the help! I got some fucked up shit everywhere in this mod because I am trying a lot of things with the mod. It isnt anywhere near to release state. My Plan was to get the recipies and eject brass + loot distribution in order and releasing it. Of Course you will get mentioned because you did a lot of work! Unfortunatly It does not run on my game, did you copy the right code?
  4. So you want to make Nailboxes drainable, but you should be able to take some out of it too. Seems not tooooo hard to script. Good idea anyway! Would make the inventory less messy.
  5. @tommysticks tried your code, still no error code, nothing in console :/ The item is where it should be. It linked a debug function for spawning brass next to the player on "O". I will now try to copy the functions into the new ISReloadManager from PZCode. Old Code might be the problem as you said. This is the mod as it is right now, if you want download it and try something in the code directly. "O" is debug for the casespawning, "P" is for all the items. http://www.mediafire.com/file/ana7k23j3hbq12r/HandloadingMod.zip You have been a HUGE help honestly thank you.
  6. @tommysticksThanks for the reply, man! Something clearly worked here, but unfortunetly NO ejected brass, but NO ErrorCode either. You still get a cookie! My uneducated guess is that something with the spawning ist wrong. Any further ideas?
  7. Hallo Everyone, i am trying to get Rausheims Reloading mod up to date. But i ran into a wall there. I tried to get his old code working, but there is an Error occouring when you fire the shot. (Error Code below) I am pretty much stuck here. I am happy for anyone helping [spoiler][code]require "ISBaseObject" require "Reloading/ISReloadUtil" require "Reloading/ISRackAction" require "Reloading/ISReloadAction" ISReloadManager = ISBaseObject:derive("ISReloadManager"); --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadable:initialise --** --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:initialise() end -- CUSTOM FUNCTION FOR EJECTING BRASS -- Called from: ISReloadManager:fireShot below. local function addEmptyBrass(wielder, weapon) local player = wielder; -- gets the player shooting -- Get the name. local weapon = weapon; --The Weapon local name = weapon:getName(); --The Weapon Name -- Compare the name (string) to the weapon strings if name == "Pistol" then player:getCurrentSquare():AddWorldInventoryItem("handloading.emptybrass9mm", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); -- This is 9mm brass elseif name == 'Shotgun' then player:getCurrentSquare():AddWorldInventoryItem("handloading.emptyshell12ga", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); -- This is shotgun shells, rename the item to what it is called. elseif name == 'Varmint Rifle' then player:getCurrentSquare():AddWorldInventoryItem("handloading.emptybrass223", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); -- .223, rename to what it is in your code. elseif name == 'Hunting Rifle' then player:getCurrentSquare():AddWorldInventoryItem("handloading.emptybrass308", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); -- .308, rename to what it is in your code. end end --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:new --** --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:new(player) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.reloadAction = nil; o.reloadStarted = false; o.reloadWeapon = nil; o.rackingStarted = false; o.chainReload = false; o.spaceIsPressed = false; o.rIsPressed = false; --o.kIsPressed = false; -- debugging tool o.difficulty = 1; o.reloadAction = nil; o.rackingAction = nil; o.reloadable = nil; o.playerid = player; o.lastClickTime = 0 -- Debug hooks --o.managerDetails = function() --return ReloadManager:printManagerDetails(); --end --Events.OnPlayerUpdate.Add(o.managerDetails); return o; end aaa = {} aaa.startRackingHook = function(pl) if pl then return ReloadManager[pl:getPlayerNum()+1]:checkRackConditions(); else return ReloadManager[1]:checkRackConditions(); end end Events.OnPlayerUpdate.Add(aaa.startRackingHook); aaa.startReloadHook = function(pl) if pl then return ReloadManager[pl:getPlayerNum()+1]:checkReloadConditions(); else return ReloadManager[1]:checkReloadConditions(); end end Events.OnPlayerUpdate.Add(aaa.startReloadHook); aaa.fireShotHook = function(wielder, weapon) return ReloadManager[wielder:getPlayerNum()+1]:fireShot(wielder, weapon); end Events.OnWeaponSwingHitPoint.Add(aaa.fireShotHook); aaa.checkLoadedHook = function(character, chargeDelta) return ReloadManager[character:getPlayerNum()+1]:checkLoaded(character, chargeDelta); end Hook.Attack.Add(aaa.checkLoadedHook); --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:checkLoaded --** --** Checks whether the DoAttackMethod may begin (i.e whether a weapon) --** has a round loaded. --** --************************************************************************-- --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:checkLoaded(character, chargeDelta) local weapon = character:getPrimaryHandItem(); if(ReloadUtil:setUpGun(weapon) == true) then self.reloadable = ReloadUtil:getReloadableWeapon(weapon, character); if(self.reloadable:isLoaded(self.difficulty) == true) then ISTimedActionQueue.clear(character) if(chargeDelta == nil) then character:DoAttack(0); else character:DoAttack(chargeDelta); end else character:DoAttack(chargeDelta, true, self.reloadable.clickSound); -- elseif Calendar.getInstance():getTimeInMillis() - self.lastClickTime > 250 then -- getSoundManager():PlayWorldSound(self.reloadable.clickSound, character:getSquare(), 0, 4, 1.0, false); -- self.lastClickTime = Calendar.getInstance():getTimeInMillis() end else character:DoAttack(chargeDelta); end self.reloadable = nil; end --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:fireShot --** --** Checks whether weapon is reloadable and performs any necessary --** actions after the weapon is fired --** --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:fireShot(wielder, weapon, difficulty) self.reloadable = ReloadUtil:getReloadableWeapon(weapon, wielder); if(self.reloadable ~= nil) then self.reloadable:fireShot(weapon, self.difficulty); addEmptyBrass(wielder, weapon); -- HERE WE EJECT OUR BRASS end self.reloadable = nil; end --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:isWeaponReloadable --** --** Performs various checks to make sure that the equipped item is --** reloadable --** --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:isWeaponReloadable() self.reloadWeapon = getSpecificPlayer(self.playerid):getPrimaryHandItem(); if(self.reloadWeapon == nil) then return false; end self.reloadable = ReloadUtil:getReloadableWeapon(self.reloadWeapon, getSpecificPlayer(self.playerid)); if self.reloadable == nil then return false; end local isReloadable = self.reloadable:canReload(getSpecificPlayer(self.playerid)); self.reloadable = nil; return isReloadable; end --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:stopReload --** --** Resets variables after a cancelled reload timed action. --** --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:stopReload(noSound) if self.reloadable.bulletOutSound and self.reloadable.currentCapacity > 0 and not noSound then getSoundManager():PlayWorldSound(self.reloadable.bulletOutSound, getSpecificPlayer(self.playerid):getSquare(), 0, 10, 1.0, false); end self.reloadStarted = false; self.reloadAction.javaAction = nil; self.reloadWeapon = nil; self.reloadable = nil; self.chainReload = false; end --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:stopReloadSuccess --** --** Determines whether further reload actions should be performed and --** resets variables after a reload timed action completes successfully. --** --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:stopReloadSuccess() self.chainReload = ReloadUtil:getReloadableWeapon(self.reloadWeapon,getSpecificPlayer(self.playerid)):isChainReloading(); if(self.reloadWeapon ~= nil and self.chainReload == true and self.reloadStarted == true) then self.reloadStarted = false; if(self.reloadable:canReload(getSpecificPlayer(self.playerid))) then self:startReloading(); else if self.reloadable.bulletOutSound and self.reloadable.currentCapacity > 0 then getSoundManager():PlayWorldSound(self.reloadable.bulletOutSound, getSpecificPlayer(self.playerid):getSquare(), 0, 10, 1.0, false); end end elseif(self.chainReload == false) then self:stopReload(); end end --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:checkReloadConditions --** --** Checks for the reload key being pressed and starts the reload if --** conditions are suitable --** --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:checkReloadConditions() if((isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_R) == true or getSpecificPlayer(self.playerid):isLTPressed()) and self.reloadStarted == false and self.rackingStarted == false) then self.reloadWeapon = getSpecificPlayer(self.playerid):getPrimaryHandItem(); if not(self.difficulty == 3 and isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_SPACE)) then if(self:isWeaponReloadable() == true) then self:startReloading(); end end end end --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:startReload --** --** Sets up and starts the reload timed action --** --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:startReloading() -- prep the reload information local player = getSpecificPlayer(self.playerid) local moodles = player:getMoodles(); local panicLevel = moodles:getMoodleLevel(MoodleType.Panic); self.reloadable = ReloadUtil:getReloadableWeapon(self.reloadWeapon, player); self.reloadAction = ISReloadAction:new(self, player, player:getSquare(), (self.reloadable:getReloadTime()*player:getReloadingMod())+(panicLevel*30)) self.reloadStarted = true if not self.chainReload then ISTimedActionQueue.clear(player) end ISTimedActionQueue.add(self.reloadAction) end --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:startReloadFromUi --** --** Sets up and starts the reload timed action from the UI --** --************************************************************************-- --function ISReloadManager:startReloadFromUi(item) -- if(self.reloadStarted == false and self.rackingStarted == false) then -- self.reloadWeapon = item; -- self:startReloading(); -- end -- end function ISReloadManager:startReloadFromUi(item) if(self.reloadStarted == false and self.rackingStarted == false) then self.reloadWeapon = item; self:startReloading(); end end --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:checkRackConditions --** --** Checks for the rack key being pressed and starts racking if --** conditions are suitable --** --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:checkRackConditions() if(isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_SPACE) == true and self.rackingStarted == false and self.reloadStarted == false) then if(self.difficulty == 3 and isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_R) == false) then self.reloadWeapon = getSpecificPlayer(self.playerid):getPrimaryHandItem(); if(self.reloadWeapon == nil) then return false; end self.reloadable = ReloadUtil:getReloadableWeapon(self.reloadWeapon, getSpecificPlayer(self.playerid)); if(self.reloadable ~= nil) then self:startRacking(); else self:stopRacking(); end end end end --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:startRackFromUi --** --** Sets up and starts the rack timed action from the UI --** --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:startRackFromUi(item) if(self.reloadStarted == false and self.rackingStarted == false) then self.reloadWeapon = item; self:startRacking(); end end --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:startRacking --** --** Sets up and starts the racking timed action --** --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:startRacking() -- prep the racking information local player = getSpecificPlayer(self.playerid) local moodles = player:getMoodles(); local panicLevel = moodles:getMoodleLevel(MoodleType.Panic); self.reloadable = ReloadUtil:getReloadableWeapon(self.reloadWeapon, player); self.rackingAction = ISRackAction:new(self, player, player:getSquare(), (self.reloadable:getRackTime()*player:getReloadingMod())+(panicLevel*30)); self.rackingStarted = true; ISTimedActionQueue.add(self.rackingAction) end --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:stopRacking --** --** Resets variables after a racking timed action. --** --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:stopRacking() self.rackingStarted = false; self.rackingAction = nil; self.reloadWeapon = nil; end --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:setDifficulty --** --** Sets the Difficulty to the value provided. Valid difficulties are: --** 1 = EASY --** 2 = MEDIUM --** 3 = HARDCORE --** --** @param newDifficulty a number representing the new difficulty --** --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:setDifficulty(newDifficulty) self.difficulty = newDifficulty; end --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:getDifficulty --** --** Gets the Difficulty value currently set. Will return a number between --** 1 and 3 where each number corresponds with the following --** difficulties: --** --** 1 = EASY --** 2 = MEDIUM --** 3 = HARDCORE --** --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:getDifficulty() return self.difficulty; end --************************************************************************-- --** ISReloadManager:getDifficultyDescription --** --** Returns the text that should appear in the MainOptions screen to --** describe the reload difficulty setting. --** --************************************************************************-- function ISReloadManager:getDifficultyDescription(difficulty) if(difficulty == 1) then return 'Reloading handguns refills the weapon provided there is ammunition available.'; elseif(difficulty == 3) then return 'Reloading handguns ejects or inserts a magazine. The magazine must be reloaded separately.\nWeapons must be racked before firing to ensure a round is chambered.'; else return 'Reloading handguns ejects or inserts a magazine. The magazine must be reloaded separately.'; end end function ISReloadManager:printManagerDetails() if(isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_K) == true) then self.kIsPressed = true; print('***************************************************************'); print('Reload Manager state'); print('***************************************************************'); local outString = ''; if(self.reloadStarted ~= nil) then outString = outString..', reload Started: ' if(self.reloadStarted == true) then outString = outString..'true'; else outString = outString..'false'; end else outString = outString..', reload Started == nil'; end if(self.reloadWeapon ~= nil) then outString = outString..', reload Weapon: '..self.reloadWeapon; else outString = outString..', reload Weapon == nil'; end if(self.rackingStarted ~= nil) then outString = outString..', rackingStarted: ' if(self.rackingStarted == true) then outString = outString..'true'; else outString = outString..'false'; end else outString = outString..', racking Started = nil'; end if(self.chainReload ~= nil) then outString = outString..', chain reloading: '; if(self.chainReload == true) then outString = outString..'true'; else outString = outString..'false'; end else outString = outString..', chain reloading == nil'; end if(self.spaceIsPressed ~= nil) then outString = outString..', space Is Pressed: '; if(self.spaceIsPressed == true) then outString = outString..'true'; else outString = outString..'false'; end else outString = outString..', space Is pressed = nil'; end if(self.rIsPressed ~= nil) then outString = outString..', r Is Pressed: '; if(self.rIsPressed == true) then outString = outString..'true'; else outString = outString..'false'; end else outString = outString..', r Is pressed = nil'; end if(self.difficulty ~= nil) then outString = outString..', difficulty: '..self.difficulty; else outString = outString..', difficulty = nil'; end print(outString); print('self.reloadable: '); print(self.relodable); print('Reload Action:') print(self.reloadAction) print('Racking Action:') print(self.rackingAction) print('***************************************************************'); print(); print(); self:printReloadableDetails(); self:printWeaponModDetails(); self.kIsPressed = false; end end function ISReloadManager:printReloadableDetails() local weapon = getPlayer():getPrimaryHandItem(); if(weapon ~= nil) then local reloadable = ReloadUtil:getReloadableWeapon(weapon, getSpecificPlayer(self.playerid)); if(reloadable ~= nil) then reloadable:printReloadableWeaponDetails(); end end end function ISReloadManager:printWeaponModDetails() local weapon = getPlayer():getPrimaryHandItem(); if(weapon ~= nil) then local reloadable = ReloadUtil:getReloadableWeapon(weapon, getSpecificPlayer(self.playerid)); if(reloadable ~= nil) then reloadable:printWeaponDetails(weapon); end end end [/code][/spoiler] STACK TRACE Callframe at: se.krka.kahlua.integration.expose.MultiLuaJavaInvoker@6a0cdb41 function: checkLoaded --file: ISReloadMAnager.lua line # 90
  8. Worked for me too! Thanks for the reference you two!
  9. I am tinkering atm with Rausheims Reloading mod, in the script files i found this: item emptyshell12gabox { Weight = 0.5, Type = Normal, Count = 1, <---------What TF is this? UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, DisplayName = Bag of empty shotgun shell, Icon = empty12ga.png, } item emptyshell12ga { Weight = 0.005, Type = Normal, Count = 12, <-------and this? UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, DisplayName = Empty shotgun shell, Icon = empty12ga.png, } I would like to know what this does. Thanks for the help.
  10. I am atm tinkering with Rausheim´s old Reloding mod, and i am trying to change some of his code. I would run into more issues if i had to consider Reloading difficulty, so i want to force it. Does someone know a way?
  11. I am trying to get Rausheims Reloding (Handloading) Mod up and running again. But i am not so great at scripting, if someone wants to look into that and share some ideas how to get this running again i would be thankful. After we get it running, we could make it ORGM-compatible.
  12. Bourbon


    ItemZed looks very cool! I might get into modding with this!
  13. Bourbon

    Launch Procedures

    I REAAALY want the advanced Reloading Mode. Zomboid is one of the few games were this kind of micromanagement makes sense. It is one of my favorite features.
  14. Bourbon

    Last Resort

    An accidantal suicide could be eliminated if you bind the action to three buttons at once. For Example: Both Shift and F. So you would have to move your hand from the standard position.
  15. Aren´t all the Glass windows a problem? To many spots to barricade...
  16. I will try out Smoker Trait first! Edit: Yummy Cigarette! (I do not need a Lighter to "smoke" a cig)
  17. Pls highlight Z´s that are hidden behind buildings, the player cannot see, but the character sees.
  18. Handloading is a process where you create your own ammunition. Loading a Magazine with bullets is not called handloading. To Handload you usally use gunpowder, empty shells, and a new bullet and a new primer. You would need special tools to do it. It is not uncommon for some shooters to handload their own ammo, because it is cheaper than buying it. New Guns are already on the way!
  19. Someone make this pls. Add: Fhungi Infected homes, Special Infected (Stalker, Clicker, etc.), Gasmask against Spores, etc. doable?
  20. Bourbon


    Might be a flock of swallows found a net and carried a lot of them to KY and Germany. Would explain the whole Timetravel disaster in ´92.
  21. Bourbon


    Didnt someone import them in ´93? I mean i live in Germany, Coconuts dont grow here but i can buy them in most Markets.
  22. Bourbon


    I want a Coconut as an new food item. You would need a hammer, saw etc. to open it. (Like Watermelon) Also i want a drinking straw for my coconut. Because.
  23. I think Immunity/Cure are mabye a Mod Thing. I wouldnt mind a good Mod with this and give it a try. But no good idea for base game.
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