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About LennyLeak

  • Birthday 07/07/1983

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  1. Interesting thread.. Personally I've never been a big fan of OSX - to be sure, mostly out of habit. The UI is slick but not to my liking. And I must say that I hate iTunes. I dont like the program at all, and all those fucking updates are intrusive and overly frequent. I got a lot of bad things to say about Windows also though, e.g. I hate how the windows updater does not detect that I'm fullscreened, and while I'm gaming all of a sudden will boot my computer. --- (Thinking about it, I think I generally hate that every little program on every platform is updated all the fucking time, and it is always intrusive and too frequent. I like my software updated but c'mon) I was reluctant to go on Steam for exactly the reasons outlined in the OP. At some point I had to install it for some game, and bit the bullet. Now I really like it, and have never had any trouble. However, the EULA does concern me, and Rathlord I would love to read that post you made on the forums explaining what people are actually agreeing to. In the end I agree that open source > not open source, and I look forward to see how SteamOS wil work out. It sounds interesting IMO. Corporations can be trusted to do one thing, maximise profit. Open source and free distribution is normally not good for corporate profit. Corporations try to gain monopoly and those things hinder that. Any initiative that counters that corporate tendency is welcomed by me. I am certainly both pleased and uneased by the developments in distribution as of late. I guess we will see what the futture brings. At any rate, I appreciate the perspectives in this thread. Sry for rambling - I better get to bed.
  2. Great post and awesome news! Thanks for explaining it in detail.. And yay(!) for cuttaway walls, hills and fog!!!
  3. AHA.. That makes sense - good call. After doing some very complex math involving both addition and subtraction of number of posts, the numbers do seem to be correct. My world is back to normal as I see that math still works
  4. You guys are mad creative.. The meteor, jellyfish on stick and the puppy were all especially awesome.. EDIT: BTW, with all the all-knowing heads in this thread.. Why is my postcount apperantly stuck at 6? Is there a new way of counting posts or something? Not that it matters a whole lot, just curious.
  5. After Apocalypse Now he stopped wearing any underwear!
  6. You wanna spitt on a baboon? Silly, is eating soup with a dull knife and a flat spoon. LennyLeak will lampoon your platoon and leave you singing a sad tune. ICE!
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