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Everything posted by mieksta

  1. Bought it on Desura in 2012, with money from my first job when i was like 15. 6 years later and now i just put in a few hours each update. Waiting for NPCs before I really jump into it again.
  2. The title of this really caught my attention. Phrasing bro. Phrasing.
  3. I love being weird, unless there are children or doppelsoldner drug fiends hanging around my house. However, this doesn't prevent them from noticing the strange things that try butt chocolate. I'm a curious homophobic pagan, who buys people.
  4. I love being weird, unless there are children or doppelsoldner drug fiends hanging around my house. However, this doesn't prevent them from noticing the strange things that try butt chocolate.
  5. Did I quintuple post?! Mods help!
  6. His pineapples were rolling with a mamma dog attack helicopter. Then suddenly, a wild squirrel army and a squirrel commander demanded nuts. He only waited five squirrel seconds before he politely obliged. Before they ripped his pineapples away, they exploded, causing a squirrel massacre, while screaming, causing cancer, and destroying Sauron himself which caused the Apocalypse, leading to legitimate heterophobia. In the next nightmare of Bernie, the sky felt the need to defecate furiously. All umbrellas were utterly useless. The Sun then squealed and a Rainbow covered placenta tree grew trans lesbians. Banana hammocks were banned in Texas, Kentucky and so were regular pineapples. The Governor was unhappy with recent fruit events and created stronger LSD to control Bikini Bottom. Gradually, citizens and animals became cannibalistic and ate the bourgeoisie. "The doughboy award was fraudulently given out to vegan feminist Nazi supporters" said Shelly, as a giant Cthulhu fighter jet opened fire at people and Shelly was instantly killed. Meanwhile in Neverland, dragons want to have super gentle partytimes. The strippers philanthropically distributed rabid raccoons to nuns. These raccoons couldn't spell, hex, scry, or make orgasmic noises. However, while tied up, suspended mid-air was a BDSM fantasy. "Oh No," Raccoons grumbled as he amalgamated form, becoming a house-sized SufferPuddle®. Then suddenly
  7. His pineapples were rolling with a mamma dog attack helicopter. Then suddenly, a wild squirrel army and a squirrel commander demanded nuts. He only waited five squirrel seconds before he politely obliged. Before they ripped his pineapples away, they exploded, causing a squirrel massacre, while screaming, causing cancer, and destroying Sauron himself which caused the Apocalypse, leading to legitimate heterophobia. In the next nightmare of Bernie, the sky felt the need to defecate furiously. All umbrellas were utterly useless. The Sun then squealed and a Rainbow covered placenta tree grew trans lesbians. Banana hammocks were banned in Texas, Kentucky and so were regular pineapples. The Governor was unhappy with recent fruit events and created stronger LSD to control Bikini Bottom. Gradually, citizens and animals became cannibalistic and ate the bourgeoisie. "The doughboy award was fraudulently given out to vegan feminist Nazi supporters" said Shelly, as a giant Cthulhu fighter jet opened fire at people and Shelly was instantly killed. Meanwhile in Neverland, dragons want to have super gentle partytimes. The strippers philanthropically distributed rabid raccoons to nuns. These raccoons couldn't spell, hex, scry, or make
  8. His pineapples were rolling with a mamma dog attack helicopter. Then suddenly, a wild squirrel army and a squirrel commander demanded nuts. He only waited five squirrel seconds before he politely obliged. Before they ripped his pineapples away, they exploded, causing a squirrel massacre, while screaming, causing cancer, and destroying Sauron himself which caused the Apocalypse, leading to legitimate heterophobia. In the next nightmare of Bernie, the sky felt the need to defecate furiously. All umbrellas were utterly useless. The Sun then squealed and a Rainbow covered placenta tree grew trans lesbians. Banana hammocks were banned in Texas, Kentucky and so were regular pineapples. The Govener was unhappy with recent fruit events and created stronger LSD to control Bikini Bottom. Gradually, citizens and animals became cannibalistic and ate
  9. His pineapples were rolling with a mamma dog attack helicopter. Then suddenly, a wild squirrel army and a squirrel commander demanded nuts.
  10. Personally I do a pretty good job cutting my own hair. I just butchered my sweet fro a couple weeks ago with some scissors and it looks fine except I didn't do the hairline.
  11. I got 10 whole dollars! Would you rather starve to death or be eaten alive?(I need to know, for.. er ... reasons.)
  12. When you bottle toilet water from other people's houses just in case you run out.
  13. I am truly horrified. What are you, some sort of demonic sock puppet? Do you floss regularly?(humanity as we know it depends on your answer)
  14. I have semi-romantic friendship rivalry with another artist, she's trying to get better than me and vice versa. Why has George Lopez fallen into obscurity?
  15. One time this man went to the store looking for potatoes, but when he got there. No potatoes!(cue laugh-track) Which power ranger is the best power ranger?
  16. Tried this for the heck of it, foot went through cheap door. Thx internet. You didn't kick it in the right spot, did you? I'm imaging that fire-fighter kicking through the door like you did. And then, the Backdraft blows his leg off. Good times. I went a good 6-8 inches toward the center, that poor door.
  17. Tried this for the heck of it, foot went through cheap door. Thx internet.
  18. So, once NPCs come out there will be gun fights. As of right now there is no way to take cover or shoot from cover. Is there any plan to change this?
  19. I was just goofing around the interwebs and found this jem a few months before it went to steam. Well worth 7 bucks.
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