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Everything posted by AiweLelia

  1. File Food Soup.txt Missed "," in MinuteToBurn item HCRamennoodlebowlchicken { HungerChange = -20, Weight = 1, Type = Food, UnhappyChange = -2, DisplayName = Chicken Ramen Noodles, ReplaceOnUse = Bowl, Icon = HCRamennoodlebowl, BoredomChange = -2, DaysTotallyRotten = 2, DaysFresh = 1, CustomContextMenu = Eat, FoodType = NoExplicit, IsCookable = TRUE, MinutesToCook = 15, MinuteToBurn = 30 Carbohydrates = 23, Proteins = 65, Lipids = 49, Calories = 785, EvolvedRecipe = Soup:20;Stew:20;Sandwich:5;Burger:5;Salad:5, } item HCRamennoodlebowlbeef { HungerChange = -20, Weight = 1, Type = Food, UnhappyChange = -2, DisplayName = Beef Ramen Noodles, ReplaceOnUse = Bowl, Icon = HCRamennoodlebowl, BoredomChange = -2, DaysTotallyRotten = 2, DaysFresh = 1, CustomContextMenu = Eat, FoodType = NoExplicit, IsCookable = TRUE, MinutesToCook = 15, MinuteToBurn = 30 Carbohydrates = 23, Proteins = 65, Lipids = 49, Calories = 785, EvolvedRecipe = Soup:20;Stew:20;Sandwich:5;Burger:5;Salad:5, } item HCRamennoodlebowlshrimp { HungerChange = -20, Weight = 1, Type = Food, UnhappyChange = -2, DisplayName = Shrimp Ramen Noodles, ReplaceOnUse = Bowl, Icon = HCRamennoodlebowl, BoredomChange = -2, DaysTotallyRotten = 2, DaysFresh = 1, CustomContextMenu = Eat, FoodType = NoExplicit, IsCookable = TRUE, MinutesToCook = 15, MinuteToBurn = 30 Carbohydrates = 23, Proteins = 65, Lipids = 49, Calories = 785, EvolvedRecipe = Soup:20;Stew:20;Sandwich:5;Burger:5;Salad:5, } item HCRamennoodlebowlcheese { HungerChange = -20, Weight = 1, Type = Food, UnhappyChange = -2, DisplayName = Cheese Ramen Noodles, ReplaceOnUse = Bowl, Icon = HCRamennoodlebowl, BoredomChange = -2, DaysTotallyRotten = 2, DaysFresh = 1, CustomContextMenu = Eat, FoodType = NoExplicit, IsCookable = TRUE, MinutesToCook = 15, MinuteToBurn = 30 Carbohydrates = 23, Proteins = 65, Lipids = 49, Calories = 785, EvolvedRecipe = Soup:20;Stew:20;Sandwich:5;Burger:5;Salad:5, }
  2. Missing "=" in HungerChange in Food Cokies .txt item HCCookieschocolatechipbag { HungerChange -30, Weight = 0.01, Type = Food, DisplayName = Bag of Chocolate Chip Cookies, Icon = HCCookieschocolatechipbag, UnhappyChange = -20, BoredomChange = -15, FoodType = NoExplicit, Carbohydrates = 196.8, Proteins = 12.4, Lipids = 68, Calories = 1416, ReplaceOnUse = Hydrocraft.HCCookieschocolatechipbagtrash, } item HCCookiesmintbag { HungerChange -30, Weight = 0.01, Type = Food, DisplayName = Bag of Mint Cookies, Icon = HCCookiesmintbag, UnhappyChange = -20, BoredomChange = -15, FoodType = NoExplicit, Carbohydrates = 196.8, Proteins = 12.4, Lipids = 68, Calories = 1416, ReplaceOnUse = Hydrocraft.HCCookiesmintbagtrash, } item HCCookiesbrowniebag { HungerChange -30, Weight = 0.01, Type = Food, DisplayName = Bag of Brownie Cookies, Icon = HCCookiesbrowniebag, UnhappyChange = -20, BoredomChange = -15, FoodType = NoExplicit, Carbohydrates = 196.8, Proteins = 12.4, Lipids = 68, Calories = 1416, ReplaceOnUse = Hydrocraft.HCCookiesbrowniebagtrash, }
  3. Lost Item: 1529841128566 ERROR: can't find recipe source "HCWhippedcreamcan" in recipe "Make Apple Jello Dessert" 1529841128576 ERROR: can't find recipe source "HCRamenchickenflavor" in recipe "Prepare Chicken Ramen in Bowl" 1529841128576 ERROR: can't find recipe source "HCRamenbeefflavor" in recipe "Prepare Beef Ramen in Bowl" 1529841128576 ERROR: can't find recipe source "HCRamenshrimpflavor" in recipe "Prepare Shrimp Ramen in Bowl" 1529841128576 ERROR: can't find recipe source "HCRamencheeseflavor" in recipe "Prepare Cheese Ramen in Bowl" Unbox item result self item recipe Unbox Chicken Ramen Flat { HCRamenchicken, Result:HCRamenchicken=8, OnCreate:recipe_unboxramenflat, Time:25.0, Category:Cooking, } Maybe: recipe Unbox Chicken Ramen Flat { HCRamenflatchicken, Result:HCRamenchicken=8, OnCreate:recipe_unboxramenflat, Time:25.0, Category:Cooking, } And same recipes fixes^ recipe Unbox Beef Ramen Flat { HCRamenflatbeef, Result:HCRamenbeef=8, OnCreate:recipe_unboxramenflat, Time:25.0, Category:Cooking, } recipe Unbox Shrimp Ramen Flat { HCRamenflatshrimp, Result:HCRamenshrimp=8, OnCreate:recipe_unboxramenflat, Time:25.0, Category:Cooking, } recipe Unbox Cheese Ramen Flat { HCRamenflatcheese, Result:HCRamencheese=8, OnCreate:recipe_unboxramenflat, Time:25.0, Category:Cooking, }
  4. item Fishhooktin { Type = Normal, DisplayName = Tin Fishhook, Icon = HCFishhooktitanium, Weight = 0.01, } Error Need Name it HCFishhooktin All recipes use that name
  5. item HCCatfoodopen { HungerChange = -17, Weight = 0.3, Type = Food, DaysTotallyRotten = 4, DisplayName = Open Cat Food, UnhappyChange = 50, Icon = HCCatfoodopen, DaysFresh = 2, FoodType = Fish, Carbohydrates = 0, Proteins = 15, Lipids = 34, Calories = 370, Packaged = TRUE, ReplaceOnUse = TinCanEmpty, } recipe Open Cat Food { HCCatfood, keep TinOpener, Result:HCCatfoodOpen, Time:80.0, Category:Cooking, } Error in Result name
  6. Maybe keep HCFunnel, replace on keep HCFunnel/HCGlassfunnel,?
  7. 1527862367775 ERROR: can't find recipe result "HCCatwhitemale" in recipe "Feed Cat" WhiteCat not working.
  8. recipe Pack Dirt { HCDirt=4, EmptySandbag, keep Shovel, Result:Dirtbag, Time:50, Category:Stoneworking, } recipe Unpack Dirt { Dirtbag, Result:HCDirt, Time:50, Category:Stoneworking, } Maybe unpack HCDirt=4 to?
  9. kitchen.txt item HCPlasticsknife Error in item name
  10. item HCArmadillomale { Weight = 0.8, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Armadillo (Male), Icon = HCBeavermale, ResizeWorldIcon = 1.0, } Wrong Icon
  11. All Items have english display name, but here name contains some symbols not shown correctly in other locals
  12. It vanila DisplayName. By default it need be in English
  13. item HCJagermeibter { HungerChange = -5, Weight = 0.5, Type = Food, ThirstChange = -20, DisplayName = JдgermeiЯter, Alcoholic = TRUE, UnhappyChange = -10, ReplaceOnUse = WhiskeyEmpty, Icon = HCJagermeibter, CustomContextMenu = Drink, CustomEatSound = PZ_DrinkingFromBottle, AlcoholPower = 2, FoodType = NoExplicit, Carbohydrates = 11, Proteins = 0, Lipids = 0, Calories = 103, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, Packaged = TRUE, }
  14. recipe Fill Empty Metal Barrel With Sulfuric Acid { HCPoisonsulfuricacid=20, HCBarrelmetalempty, keep HCRubberglove, keep HCSafetyglasses, keep HCFunnel/HCGlassfunnel, Result:HCBarrelmetalammonia, Time:250, Category:Alchemy, }
  15. Food Bar.txt item HCJдgermeiЯter { HungerChange = -5, Weight = 0.5, Type = Food, ThirstChange = -20, DisplayName = JдgermeiЯter, Alcoholic = TRUE, UnhappyChange = -10, ReplaceOnUse = WhiskeyEmpty, Icon = HCJagermeibter, CustomContextMenu = Drink, CustomEatSound = PZ_DrinkingFromBottle, AlcoholPower = 2, FoodType = NoExplicit, Carbohydrates = 11, Proteins = 0, Lipids = 0, Calories = 103, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, Packaged = TRUE, } HCJдgermeiЯter need replace to HCJagermeibter
  16. Eyedroppers.txt recipe Put Potassium Permanganate In Beaker { HCEyedropperpotassiumpermanganate, HCGlassbeaker, keep HCLab, CanBeDoneFromFloor:true, Result:HCBeakerpotassiumpermanganatehalf, OnCreate:recipe_hcgeteyedropper, Time:50, Category:Health, } Missing item
  17. item HCCatmalecream { Weight = 1, Type = Container, Capacity = 0, DisplayName = Cat (Male), Icon = HCCatcreammale, ResizeWorldIcon = 1.0, } item HCCatcreamfemale { Weight = 1, Type = Container, Capacity = 0, DisplayName = Cat (Female), Icon = HCCatcreamfemale, ResizeWorldIcon = 1.0, } recipe Feed Cat { keep HCDogbowl, Water, HCCatfoodOpen/TunaTinOpen/MeatPatty/HCSmallgamesteak/Smallanimalmeat/Smallbirdmeat/Chicken/HCDuckmeat/HCGoosemeat/HCTurkeymeat/FishFillet/Salmon, keep HCCatmale/HCCatfemale/HCCatblackmale/HCCatblackfemale/HCCatbluemale/HCCatbluefemale/HCCatbluemale/HCCatbluefemale/HCCatbrownmale/HCCatbrownfemale/HCCatcreammale/HCCatcreamfemale/HCCatgingermale/HCCatgingerfemale/HCCatsilvermale/HCCatsilverfemale/HCCatwhitemale/HCCatwhitefemale, CanBeDoneFromFloor:true, Result:HCCatpoop, Time:15.0, Category:Ranching, OnCreate:HC_ToyStatModifier, OnGiveXP:HCHunger_OnGiveXP, } Cat name error. HCCatmalecream cant be feeded
  18. Hi. In Hunting HCExtra.lua you let playersr hunt indors. I add here position check for hunt only outdor if not player:isOutside() then player:Say("There are no animals indoors."); return; end Reciepe error recipe Fill Empty Metal Barrel With Sulfuric Acid { HCPlasticcansulfuricacid=20, HCBarrelmetalempty, keep HCRubberglove, keep HCSafetyglasses, keep HCFunnel/HCGlassfunnel, Result:HCBarrelmetalammonia, Time:250, Category:Alchemy, } Wrong barrel type Base Items.txt fixing Fix Axe { Require : Axe, Fixer : Woodglue=2; Woodwork=2, Fixer : DuctTape=2, Fixer : Glue=2, Fixer : Scotchtape=4, Fixer : HCMaskingtape=2, Fixer : HCPackingtape=2, Fixer : HCRubbercement=2, Fixer : HCSuperglue, Fixer : HCHotgluegunfull=2, } Hydrocraft not imported in file
  19. After 38 update dont work Events.OnPlayerMove
  20. 380 In Admin Panel Tiket text line to small. Some Tickets need more then one line. In Player logs and Warnings too
  21. Show "..." on player when he typing text in chat Some times player answering to slow or type long ansver and it can say "I am not afk - am typing now"
  22. Hi I playing in role playing sever and I think talk and wisper heard to far. 10+ tiles for wisper not good. Other people in near room can hear all secrets. 25+ tiles for talk to far I think wisper need to do 3-5 tiles, talk - 10. And maybe try make harder hear anything in house if you outside. Saying text above player head changed if far distance or we have wall, but in chat console we can see full text, without any changes and all effect lose. And why we can't write on the paper sheet? Only on full notebook or journal. P.s: sorry for my english
  23. Good day We have troble with latest update on server Steam. Can somebody give as link on previous version 31 19:39?
  24. I found if few mods use this files, array will be deleted this string: ItemTimeTrackerMod = {}; -- DONT delete this! Maybe rewrite only if array empty? if ItemTimeTrackerMod == nil then ItemTimeTrackerMod = {}; -- DONT delete this! end
  25. Sorry for my English. I'm new in pz modding and don't know all rules. Few days ago I post my mod Horses on Steam. Now I think I need ask permission on continue work on it. I like last animals update where added tired and hungry. I want use this for horses. And I have some idea about randomize animal breeding. Now animal give constant count of child. If add random count and gender in breed function, you can remove second recipe for breeding. Maybe some time in breed action added zero child's. Just for realism.
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