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cool daddy shark

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Everything posted by cool daddy shark

  1. Any military vehicles you can show?
  2. This sure will be a gargantuan update as much as it will be a gargantuan of a wait. Time to shelve the game and wait.
  3. Yeah, i do. I just didnt see it at the usual time since it was past 4 and going on 5.
  4. Thanks for all your work, Turbo.
  5. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/400086084062984947/7FDA639A2E7078279C0E68525A78C822BC234939/ Are we getting orange jumpsuit zombies?
  6. Reminds me how much I dont like the gun sound. They sound like someone clapping behind a microphone in a big gymnasium.
  7. Nice, we finally are getting the endgame expanded a bit more.
  8. cool daddy shark


    Will VOIP attract zombies? Any plans for it and typing to attract?
  9. I am somewhat of a hypochondriac and I can vouch that it does need to be extreme. If I was smashing dead peoples heads in with a bat and I had blood hitting my face id be afraid of it getting into my mouth and eyes i'd definitely be a little concerned about catching something. Atleast 159, at this point in time hemophobia is free points and in reality anyone with that fear caked in blood is absolutely going to lose it.
  10. 159. Blood on characters with hemophobia go into a panic. (No really, if you panic when perform stitching and stuff why not make them panic when they have blood all over them?) 160. Characters with hypochondria have a chance of believing they are infected if they get blood on them.
  11. Does it start with an N like Nonsense or end with a C like Cranberry?
  12. So its being released next year? Will the zombies progressively going to turn green and rotten?
  13. God, please be today.
  14. I couldn't login so I had to reset. What the fuck.
  15. The apartments in West Point and Food Market & Hardware store. If you get a sledge and destroy the stairs you are set.
  16. God I hope its tommorow, ive been having a weird week and I am really looking forward to this.
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