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Everything posted by Nebula

  1. Specially conducted experiments with various types of wounds. Healing occurs in one game day. A character with zero knowledge of medicine.
  2. Sorry, but this is more like an excuse ... With the same success you can: - Why can a character read books and magazines in total darkness? Answer: Because Kentucky nights are too bright. Or else like this: - Because some people in Kentucky have cat-like vision ... Well this is generally nonsense to be honest with this perk! Ahaha. X-Men literally ... LOL. During my game experience (sandbox), the temperature in winter was always below zero Celsius ... and this is sorry for freezing everything and everyone, even during the day oddly enough. I agree, but if the sun falls to the surface, then the temperature of the object will be above the freezing point, but this will not happen in the shade.
  3. Please make the food freeze in cold weather. It hurts the eyes and brain, when in winter, when cold, foods begin to deteriorate, instead of freezing.
  4. Nebula

    Raven Creek

    Very interesting. Where can I download this city?
  5. I would like to see more stages of hair growth. Now on the character’s face, the beard appears too sharply, bypassing the stages of light bristles, bristles, etc.
  6. I mean, wounds (scratches, cuts, burns, etc.) heal too quickly ... literally in one day. Make at least three days. It will be more realistic. I don’t ask for scars anymore. Although ... it would be interesting.
  7. Why do wounds heal so quickly? Literally in a day there is a complete cure of a deep laceration? This is not realistic. Increase wound healing time.
  8. I wonder how you would react if a Russian spy did the same in the USA ... Again, they would start shouting to the whole world that Russia is interfering in your affairs? Or are you so exceptional that you can do anything? Hypocrites!
  9. Nebula

    Taking aim

    And food and water - as it did not freeze in the winter in the cold, it does not freeze.
  10. You have a strange problem. Is the error still present? You are the only one who has a problem. Download the mod again. Such an error can occur when the number of dreams in a constant does not coincide with the actual number of dreams in the mod file.
  11. Help add a scrollbar to the info window. Here is the code I use ... DreamsWindow = ISCollapsableWindow:derive("DreamsWindow"); DreamsWindow.compassLines = {} function DreamsWindow:initialise() ISCollapsableWindow.initialise(self); end function DreamsWindow:new(x, y, width, height) local o = {}; o = ISCollapsableWindow:new(x, y, width, height); setmetatable(o, self); self.__index = self; o.title = getText("IGUI_Dreams_Window"); o.pin = false; o:noBackground(); return o; end function DreamsWindow:setText(newText) DreamsWindow.HomeWindow.text = newText; DreamsWindow.HomeWindow:paginate(); local tempTexture = getTexture("media/textures/dreams/dreams.png") if (tempTexture) then self.Image:setImage(tempTexture) else self.Image:setImage(getTexture("media/textures/dreams/dreams.png")) end end function DreamsWindow:createChildren() ISCollapsableWindow.createChildren(self); self.Image = ISButton:new(10, 25, 240, 240, " ", nil, nil); self.Image:setImage(getTexture("media/textures/dreams/dreams.png")) self.Image:setVisible(true); self.Image:setEnable(true); -- self.Image:addToUIManager(); self:addChild(self.Image) self.HomeWindow = ISRichTextPanel:new(260, 25, 340, 240); self.HomeWindow:initialise(); self.HomeWindow.autosetheight = true self.HomeWindow:ignoreHeightChange() self:addChild(self.HomeWindow) end function DreamsWindowCreate() DreamsWindow = DreamsWindow:new(330, 330, 610, 275) DreamsWindow:addToUIManager(); DreamsWindow:setVisible(false); DreamsWindow.pin = false; DreamsWindow.resizable = false; end Events.OnGameStart.Add(DreamsWindowCreate); Please help, really needed.
  12. Nebula

    Wet clothes

    How to wet the pants of the character dressed in the code and make them dirty?
  13. Nebula

    Get item ID

    How to get item ID?
  14. Your jokes are inappropriate here. I need help with the code. And by the way, yes, it would be more interesting if the characters were completely undressable, and underwear was dressed as well as clothes.
  15. How to determine the gender of the character?
  16. I need to get the item name display. How to do it right? It gives me an error: Callframe at: PerformMakeItem Object tried to call nil in recipe_ recipe name I have this code: item WorkItem1 { Type = Normal, DisplayName = WorkItem1, Icon = WorkItem1, Weight = 0.1, } recipe WorkItemExample { WоrkItem1,WorkItem2,WorkItem3,WorkItem4,WorkItem5 destroy WorkItemqqq, Result:WorkItemResult, Time:30.0, NeedToBeLearn:false, OnCreate:recipe_WorkExampleCreat, } --------------------------------------------------------- function recipe_WorkExampleCreat(items, result, player) WorkItemName = getPlayer():getInventory():getModData():getDisplayName(getText("IGUI_WorkItem1")); end IGUI_WorkItem is recorded in the IGUI_EN table You need to iterate over the names from the first list in the recipe. And save in the variable WorkItemName the name of the IGUI of the object that was used when crafting ... You need to get the name that I indicated in IGUI_EN
  17. How to color the displayed text in green, set the character size and font?
  18. Thank you, problem solved. Here is the correct code that I got. function WorkDelta(items, player) local player = getPlayer(); for i = 0, player:getInventory():getItems():size() - 1 do local item = player:getInventory():getItems():get(i); if item:getType() == "WorkItem" then item:setUsedDelta((item:getUsedDelta() - 0.01)); end end
  19. Help me please. I'm trying to solve the problem myself, but it doesn’t work ... I need to find the item in the inventory, read its current delta and reduce it. What am I doing wrong? function WorkDelta (items, player) for i=0, items:size()-1 do if items:get(i):getType() == "WorkItem" then items:setUsedDelta((getUsedDelta() - 0.001)); end end
  20. recipe Open Package { PackageClosed, keep KitchenKnife/HuntingKnife/MeatCleaver/LetterOpener/Scissors, Sound:PutItemInBag, Time:15.0, Result:PackageOpened, OnCreate:FillPackage, }
  21. How to make the delta of an item be spent without being in hands? Show an example.
  22. Make it possible to hang radios on the waist belt, as you already did with the weapon. It’s very inconvenient to keep the radio in your hand all the time.
  23. West Point - Pharmacy Store food instead of medicine on shelves
  24. Nebula

    Hydrocraft Mod

    I somehow informed Hydro that the mod was causing a problem in build 41 with a bonfire. No more.
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