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About rabidbadger

  • Birthday 08/01/1974

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  1. I have to advocate the sandbox. Through this I get pretty much the zombie experience I enjoy. High numbers but low respawn/migration. Very much the 1970's Romero apocolypse. Mess around with the numbers and you WILL get somewhere close to YOUR zombie scenario. Enjoy.
  2. I can't wait to see what they come up with for the NPC's, and I do hope there will be group/survivor stories with jobs/quests that deepen the immersion of the game. I'm not sure about KOS play though, it is purely a behind-the-internet safety-feature of gaming. Real life disaster and war stories demonstrate that the best survival skills are in conflict avoidance and social altruism. Escaped soldiers, troops trapped behind enemy lines, families escaping conflict zones all show that a low profile and situational awareness are far better survival strategies than cold blooded murder. Admittedly there are always some small groups of wanna-be hard dudes and dudesses who will act like arseheads, but in disasters, especially after the passing of some time (because they are usually killed because of their actions), they are a minority rather than the rule. Perhaps integration of NPC's could have a generally high level of protective non-violoent hostility (won't shoot on sight, but have no desire to trust or help you and want you away from their group), with a handful of trusting survivors and a small group of individuals / gangs who are of the nature to kill and rob. And robocop. I'd love to see a static robocop in the police station that can be activated with a generator. 'Dead or alive, you're going to be dead!' BOOOM BOOM!
  3. What's the point of Tartar sauce when there is no scampi to be had? None! None I tell you. Oh how I dispair! The only seafood I like, the majesty of Whitby scampi, missing from the entire zombie apocylipso. The humanity, the humanity!
  4. Thank lordy I'm not the only one. Spent ages wanting purple pants and took them of a zomble in Pharmabug.
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