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  1. @BlastedTaco, @RobertJohnson, I agree 100% with taco on his minor adjustment to your claiming of safehouses. When online it should be your job to defend your base against players, and when you're offline, it should be there for you when you get back without being torched to the ground. This also means people will have to actually face their enemies online rather than hitting them while they're offline, and not owning it. Plus, it only makes sense to lock and trap your base if you're leaving it with nobody there anyways (making use of locks, keys, AND traps awesome addition though, not knocking it, just agreeing with taco on how to best enhance this idea to not break immersion (which is awesome in this game btw) p.s. I literally just made an acct on this site to tell you I agree with taco's standpoint <3 Keep up the awesome job!
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