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Everything posted by Malvado

  1. Ive had some trouble building floors inside buildings, specifically storage buildings like the one in the added pictures, once you start building a larger floor in the second floor, that area will start to appear as "outside" even though it has a ceiling above it and rain pours through cosmetically. Temperatures in that area does not correlate either to the temperatures that should be inside. The difference is inside temperature vs outside temperature, so if you have 22 C in that other area just a few tiles away it drops way bellow ( 10c for example ).
  2. I've found a few of these houses where you seem to fall through an roof when going out of the windows , even worse in some buildings its possible to hang up an rope and climb down into the lower level from an upper windows, going through what should be roof / wall. Can be pretty game breaking if you thought you would actually be able to get outside the building to avoid zombies that are infesting the house.
  3. I'd deliberately want to mention the very important question : Where are the brains? Zombies needs to eat you know Joking asides , sending you guys a big Latte and best wishes , keep up with the good work and don't worry , time will set your right.
  4. Just read the first post and I can understand the frustration it takes to be a game developer and wanting at the same time to deliver. But it's better to deliver with a small spoon instead of throwing everything out and choking the eaters...
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