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Everything posted by chthonic

  1. Agreed with harakka. Don't go much in-depth for now. Just do so that weights make more sense (sheets, clothing, some food, etc). Thx for starting this project. Weights overhaul has been long-needed
  2. I just checked it and all commas are there ^^. Besides, simple soup doesn't even have the third ingredient, it's 2. The mod works just fine for me. What "issues" are you experiencing? UPD: found the missing comma. It was in tasty soup and in another file. Reuploaded the mod Thanks for feedback! Much appreciated
  3. I think cannibalism and cannibal trait is a good idea. Why I like zombie games and zombie themes is because human meanness is uncovered through it. A fine example of it is the "walking dead" comic series. Cannibalism is an inseparable part of zombie apocalypse. Morality is an empty word in a post-apocalyptic world. Limits are exceeded, boundaries are broken. The forbidden fruit thing also plays its role. Besides, cannibalism immersely adds to the atmosphere of the apocalypse, if presented right (depression, as stated above), insanity (if it's added), etc Besides, cannibalism is a great part of roleplaying a villain (hello, skyrim).
  4. Greetings, post-apocalyptic gourmet. Here's my (technically) first mod at pz forums. This mod rebalances the process of cooking soup, so that it's more realistic and complex. > Cooking soup became more realistic, complex and feels more like cooking > Secondary soup ingredients list has been considerably extended. > Soup can now be made from the products of farming > Eating soup uncooked will impact your health > Custom icons, 2 secret soup recipes And more! Extended description can be found in readme.txt My goal in making mods is making them as suitable for vanilla gameplay as possible Your feedback and (constructive) criticism are very important to me Download: http://pz-mods.net/gameplay/SoupOverhaul/
  5. http://pz-mods.net/gameplay/CorpseMod/
  6. RJ, how do I override a recipe from module Base? http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/3986-replacement-of-a-recipe-in-base-module/ Help, if you have time, please
  7. I figured, those who have uploaded mods there know how to do that and will just answer
  8. So I'm making a cooking overhaul mod for soups. What I want is to change the recipe of, say, Boring Soup in base module. Is there a way to do this via mod loader (not replacing the lines in the actual recipes.txt)? UPD: I've read RJ's tutorial to modloader, but still can't override the recipes in module Base What I've done is I've created a file SoupOverhaul.txt here are its contents: In the game, instead of overriding the vanilla recipe, it shows 2: the vanilla recipe and mine. UPD: placing the whole recipes.txt with modified recipes in mod folder worked. But I'm still not satisfied. Want a more compact version, like i showed above So, how can I replace the recipe? UPD: doesn't work with items.txt stuff either. I created a file soup.txt, placed it inside my mod folder. Doesn't override the original tasty soup. Replacing whole items.txt works though, same as recipes.txt UPD: got it working with the items, not recipes though. It works only if I name the txt file in the mod folder "customitems.txt" other names don't work Anyone? still unsolved
  9. front picture of the mod, that everyone can see. Same as an avatar at forums, but for a mod At site pz-mods.net
  10. I modified your mod a bit, so that it's simpler (removed soap and towel req). It now also covers cleaning mayonnaise/remoulade bottles and salad bowls. Also tweaked cleaning time a bit (it's now twice faster for bowls than for cooking pots and bottles) http://pz-mods.net/gameplay/CleanDish/
  11. Just played the .19 build. Same fps issues as before: dropping to 10, slow motion, etc
  12. it's chinese, not japanese
  13. I think, the topic can be closed now that a dev answered. I want to point out one small thing though. I am kinda shocked by the "we don't really need someone for fixing bugs" thing. This just doesn't make sense. The game has had certain bugs for a long long time, and RJ is too busy for that, overloaded with work, so who's gonna fix them? And if no one, then why does hiring people sound wrong? Because fixing bugs is boring? Is this even a serious argument? I mean, working is boring, but people work. Besides, I didn't mean "hire a special bug-fixer person". But that's not important. Hope that forum users will fix bugs for you? Hope that they make stuff that can be ninjaed into the game? Maybe there are people that like working for free, I personally do not. In conclusion, I'm gonna paraphrase a bit what I said earlier: this game is gonna stay in the indie slums with the things going like that. Years of waiting - then release of a middling product that is suddenly outdated. I understand devs are working hard but that's the pace of a trash indie game, taking a decade to go into beta, not the pace of a brilliant, promising project as I see PZ. Just my unwanted opinion. Anyways, sorry for creating the trollo-flaming atmosphere in this topic. Nothing personal, just frustration. Bye
  14. Have you added the id=modname line to mod.info?
  15. @Fj45, Connall, Walther This topic is not about my personal desires. This topic is about what is best for the project. I don't understand why everyone thinks bug fixing is so complicated. I've done a number of small bug fixes for pz myself (I don't have any programming-related education). People in the modding section post bug fixes all the time. If dummies can do that, it's a piece cake for the hired competent people Oh, and welcome to the hater pack, by the way
  16. I'm sure development is faster with more spare hands. I've already given the example of small ridiculous bugs that are in the game. Can be fixed by anyone, still they aren't
  17. Speaking about "about the same success". Initially, i was judging by site "vk.com" (it's russian facebook). Then I took a look at facebook. The number of people supporting zomboid is 9 times bigger than that supporting these 2 games combined at facebook. It's 10 times more at vk. You like them as much, tastes differ. But PZ is better and much more promising factually. When I say invest I mean put money into development. You can't do that yourself, obviously. If one of us buys a 100 copies of the game, he can't guarantee the money will be used for speeding up the development.
  18. Worked for me. This is what it looks like after modifying shapeconf.lua (am not permitted to upload files, unfortunately) ------------------------------------- -- Configuration file -- -- for shape of tags -- ------------------------------------- shapeConf = {}; shapeConf.list = { {text = 'Spray on Floor', symbolTypes = { {text = 'Simple Symbol', shapes = { { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_CROSS_Floor.png', text = 'Cross' }, { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_SQUARE_Floor.png', text = 'Square' }, { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_CIRCLE_Floor.png', text = 'Circle' }, { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_TRIANGLE_Floor.png', text = 'Triangle' }, } }, {text = 'Arrow', shapes = { { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_ArrowWEST_Floor.png', text = 'West' }, { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_ArrowNORTH_Floor.png', text = 'North' }, { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_ArrowSOUTH_Floor.png', text = 'South' }, { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_ArrowEAST_Floor.png', text = 'East' }, { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_ArrowNORTHWEST_Floor.png', text = 'Northwest' }, { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_ArrowNORTHEAST_Floor.png', text = 'Northeast' }, { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_ArrowSOUTHWEST_Floor.png', text = 'Southwest' }, { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_ArrowSOUTHEAST_Floor.png', text = 'Southeast' }, } }, {text = 'Special Meaning Symbol', shapes = { { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_LOOTED_Floor.png', text = 'Looted' }, { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_HORDES_Floor.png', text = 'Hordes!' }, { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_NOTSAFE_Floor.png', text = 'Not safe!' }, { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_SAFE_Floor.png', text = 'Safe' }, { id = '', name = 'c:/Users/user/Zomboid/mods/SprayPaint/media/textures/tz_SAFEHOUSE_Floor.png', text = 'Safehouse' }, } } } } };
  19. @Rathlord PZ is 2 years 7 months old + the time it took to develop the first tech demo PZ is special, unlike the faceless games you mentioned. I personally haven't heard about them once, being an experienced gamer. PZ is not just a random indie game that's gonna fade in time. PZ is a monster, who, if fed correctly, will grow into a gigantic insatiable money-making machine. The zombie rave makes it even more promising. Invest into it -> get money, that's what I mean
  20. Please do! That would be supernice. I don't see why the author would protest, since he himself doesn't provide the support
  21. I understand, roker. This is all good, but what can be done apart from nothing? Sitting on your arse and waiting seems legit, but not effective
  22. Maybe some resonance in this thread will make devs look at my idea at a new angle. Something should be done, 'cause if everyone goes "OKAY I'll wait another month for the build", as people here tend to do now, nothing will change
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