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Viral Influx

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  1. Hello again, King! Anyways, this is a suggestion that would hopefully keep/increase the immersion of the game!
  2. Nice Kajin. I did perform a search but maybe my keywords weren't ideal. Feel free to plug away, very cool idea and not just limited to fridges. I likey.
  3. Thanks King. Unfortunately, looks like this will be lost among other ideas!
  4. What? A game mechanic that acts as an additional 'sink' to the food system, thefore providing players with another means to dispose of rotten foods instead of through eating or cooking them. Why? Freedom of choice. All skills require time investments and not everyone is a cook/chef. An additional method of removing non-usable food to free up local space, specifically around bases/homes and food spawning containers (fridges). How? Once rotten food is left sitting around (on ground and possibly other instances as well) for a server-prescribed amount of time, a couple scenarios could take place: 1) Outside- rotten food on the ground can attract insects and/or fungi that will work to exhaust the remaining energy stores and then vanish. 2) Indoors- can attract insects that will again consume the rotting food but can also have a potentially negative drawback: food spawning containers can attract the insects brought indoors originally by the spoiled food and become infested (if in close enough proximity). Once this happens, all newly spawned food in said containers will be tainted by the insects,causing a chance for harmful sickness if ingested by humans. Another consequence could be that infested fridges must be cleaned with bleach/disinfectant in order to rid them of the "infested" property. Recap: In essence, this is a propsal to provide players/NPCs with an additional "space freeing" capability in regards to item management. The downsides would be the negative consequences of rotten food attracting insects/fungi that could possibly spread to fresh food, unbeknownst to the player/NPC. Attached is a simple flow chart just for funsies, chiefly.
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