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Everything posted by BayCon

  1. I wish there was an NPC mod as well, at least a basic one. It would help to migrate hordes, make looting more difficult, etc, or maybe they could just run, attract zombies, and die like Ben suggested. All I know is, I'll be playing video games with my grandkids and showing them this game only to have it laughed off by them and their CoD 50th Anniversary Edition before they finish NPC's, so it would be nice to have someone make an appetizer mod in its place until then.
  2. Seems like a pretty cool idea, I had the same idea a couple of days ago when playing, except with mine I didn't think that you should have earmuffs or anything because that would only make it even MORE difficult to use a firearm defensively (having to search police stations for ear muffs), I merely thought that shooting in small spaces or indoors could cause your ears to hurt at several different stages, the final doing permanent damage to your character's hearing range and clarity. This doesn't seem like it would be too bad though, because there are earbuds in the game that you can find on bodies.
  3. Lol these a great! Svarog, that is a truly amazing horde story. I've never been to the mall legit, only on a server with admin and invisibility/invincibility. Saw the same amount of zoms you described. Josko_91, best noob moment ever. GG, GG, GG. Dan, I go on rampages too when I get infected, except the shotgun stopped doing damage as I was dying and got more anxious... I get they're going for realism but that's just ridiculous. He missed 3 zoms @ point blank...
  4. What is your craziest Project Zomboid experience? Were you looting a grocery store when you heard glass break behind you and turned only to see a horde funneling inside? Did you walk across the city only to find that your destination is overrun? Whatever the case may be, tell me your craziest Project Zomboid experience. It would be awesome to hear how you survived, if you did. Here's mine, for example. My craziest experience was when my brother and I were looting a few houses on a rich neighborhood. I had already spotted enough zombies packed into the streets to be a horde, as there's always a LOT of zombies in those rich neighborhoods. My brother was inside looting the fridge and I was in the garage of the house next door looting tools. When I opened a window to that house itself, an alarm went off and I calmly and instinctively said "Dude, run upstairs...NOW", and ran to regroup with my brother in that house. Oh, and our characters were too sleepy to fight through a horde, so when we ran upstairs and closed ourselves in the smaller bedroom, all we could do is sleep, and hope. As we slept, all we heard was breaking glass everywhere, countless moans, and zombies banging on doors. When we woke up at about 1 in the morning, we found that none of that banging (thankfully) was on our bedroom door, but that didn't matter. It was time for our escape plan. Downstairs was a no-no, I mean, we could hear why that was the case. Jumping out of the second story window in the room was a no-no; who knows how long we would last against a horde of zombies down there with a broken bone. So we settled on sheet ropes, which we had never used this way before. So I fumbled around in my inventory until I had found my ripped sheets, and I nailed two of them, one for each floor. I looked out the window for a second and looked at my brother irl, then took the slide of faith. There were about 30 zombies at the bottom around where the rope was, but every last one of them was focused on the house and somehow didn't see me, so I told my brother to come quickly, and he slid down and we ran until we were out of the neighborhood (the houses we searched were by the entrance). We made it back home safely, and without a scratch. Now that's smart planning! The End (<---lol). There's mine. I've only got about 50 hours on the game and about 40 of those were spent noobing around and learning the game, so hopefully I'll have something even more epic later on.
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