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DeadDuck's Achievements

  1. DedpaUrvor, That's not a crash site, that's how trailer park residents park...
  2. Could easily be looted from Fire Stations and Fire Trucks. (Even in the 90s they were being used by FDs for automotive rescues in the states, along with the "Jaws of Life".)
  3. Looking forward to testing my survival skills in Drayton.
  4. If you do make them into containers, is there any way to make certain objects in your primary be the only way to open them if they're locked? Such as needing a screwdriver or crowbar to pry the trunk open.
  5. I don't know if anyone has noticed, or commented on, this yet. The negative trait "Sleepyhead" (Needs more sleep) doesn't seem to work properly in single player. My characters don't seem to get the "tired notification" quicker or require more sleep. When I do get the base "tired notification" I still have a maximum sleep time of 7 hours. The only change that I have noticed, but not confirmed with a non-Sleepyhead character, is that I can have my character go to sleep any time I want. (Which is great in single player for setting the clock to daylight hours to increase survival.) Great game though, can't wait for NPCs and automobiles (even if they're just lootable boxes in the road in the beginning).
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