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About KinkyCode

  • Birthday 07/13/1990

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    Gaming, Moding, Music.

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  1. Indeed I did, I just double checked.... Could someone please try to recreate these steps with my images, maybe my WorldEd may be malfunctioning? I followed the tutorial almost to a T, even made a palette so I knew my colors would be spot on.
  2. If you double click the 0;0 cell, it should open it in a new tab with all of the vegetation and such displayed properly, from there you are also capable of adding your new .lot buildings. Hmm, I reloaded the map, added it to the worlded, BMP -> TMX, then made sure to check the preferneces, and double clicked the cell to double check, nothing has changed... Also, my cell 0,0 is wrong... I think.. http://puu.sh/gps9H/c1a9f08f2f.png Still no luck making this work...
  3. If you double click the 0;0 cell, it should open it in a new tab with all of the vegetation and such displayed properly, from there you are also capable of adding your new .lot buildings. Hmm, I reloaded the map, added it to the worlded, BMP -> TMX, then made sure to check the preferneces, and double clicked the cell to double check, nothing has changed... Also, my cell 0,0 is wrong... I think.. http://puu.sh/gps9H/c1a9f08f2f.png
  4. OKay cool, lastly. Whats a good width for roads and such etc...
  5. So, I think... I am having trouble converting BMP to TMX.... Here are the two images I am using for my testmap. It looks horrible, but really I am just trying to get in game, compare road withs, look at how tiles generate, etc... nothing fancy yet. Just wana get something working, then I can spend hours pixeling in the world details in another BMP... So, here we go.. and veg So, I open WorldEd, and here is what it looks like after following THIS tutorial... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69737873/PZ/Sonstiges/mapping/Mapping%20Guide_v0.2.pdf I just noticed his looks a bit more detailed than mine, but I am unsure why. It seems his generated vegitation and mine did nothing, why is this?
  6. Hello all, now... I am in the process of learning to map, and one of my biggest motivations is sharing information learned with other people! This way if I learn something, and I tell you all about it, and by chance its wrong... Well then you can tell me to fix it! So, instead of a FLOOD of random small tutorials, I want to post them all here, as to not annoy anyone.... '._. http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/5075-mapping-guide-v02/ The above is a link to the tutorial I am making use of, during this time I downloaded Gimp, as my image editor, as I think it's MUCH more suited for this, although it can seem excessive I am sure to those of you who are new to these sort of things, however one thing I would advise is making use of palletes! So... My first post will be a tutorial on how to setup a palette in Gimp for editing with PZ Colors (( Assumeing everything I just read is still relevant. )) Anyways first you need to download and install gimp... Here is some smexy linkage! http://www.gimp.org/ Next, download the Palette I made at the bottom of this post! I used all the RGB values listed in the tutorial I linked, so to save you the time of inputing them EVERY time you needed to change colors! Makes working much easier. Now navigate to your windows USER FOLDER, this should look like this... Let's open .gimp-2.8, browse to the palletes folder. Yours may or may not look like mine but thats not important, so first let's grab the PZMAP.txt file I had you download, and put it in the palettes folder. Next, open it in a text editor, any should do. Now, once open, simply save it to the PALETTES FOLDER as PZMAP.gpl! Once done, let's start up gimp... I still remeber the first time I saw gimps "Multi-window" interface, boy was I scarred. Anyways, here have some screen-shots for comfort. Notice the red circle, that's what you need to find and click! This one's a bit bigger... sorry.... So, this will add a new tab to that window, called palletes. Basicly pre-set color swatches you can pick from for those who don't know much about this, and just love PZ so much they are learning to make maps. ((( For those who are in the know, sorry about the long tutorial...)) Well, now that we have that tab added, click the Palletes tab, and let's add our PZMAP pallete into Gimp! Here is an image, showing what you should be looking for. We need to be in the PALETTES DIALOUGE tab. Now we will go TAB OPTIONS -> PALETTES MENU -> IMPORT PALETTE Boom, almost there! Now we simply browse to our PALETTES folder, where we saved the PZMAP.gpl and import that into gimp! If your preview looks like that, your good to go! Ready to map to your hearts content! To use the palette, find it in the Palettes tab, and double click to bring it's window, you can pick the colors from the swatches and paint using the pencil or brush tool! This is as far as I will take this, because it's as far as I have gotten! Hope this helps someone... Once you have this installed, let's browse to your USER folder in windows, this is normally where gimp keeps all it's bits of data and such. PZMAP.txt
  7. Hello, Zomboiders and Survivors. My name is Kinky Code, and I come to you in hopes of discussing what my next big project will be... You see, my developement PC is out of commision for a while, so I can't do any real pressing work and i the meantime I would like to keep my minds eye as vivid and excersised as possible, I am hoping I can turn to a game I have loved since it's early Desura days for a outlet. So, here is my big questions.... I wan't to do a map, in hopes of creating a new large area, modeled after a real life location... But, I am cursious as to what would be practical and what would be unwise. I am asking, because I will be using google-images to re-create a location, which I would like to have you all vote on. This will also be my first time working with the PZ Editors and tools, so expect intial updates to be slow, but I am a steady worker and once I put mind to work, I don't stop until it's perfect. Before I go further I have some questions.... Large cities, such as Seattle, Chicago, New-York... Could these be done? Is there a limit to the number of stories a building can have? Design wise, what has been known to be more in the way than practical? Lastly, how many of you actually ENJOY extremely large maps, how often do they matter if you stay dug in at one location.... Thanks for all you read my wall of text, and thanks for all who answer.
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