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Everything posted by nolanri

  1. nolanri

    Survivors Mod

    finally a nice menu:
  2. I would go pretty "apeshit " at being able to choose a hat
  3. if you can't use absolute paths, you could just make the path to the map save folder relative to where you run the map tool.
  4. nolanri

    Driving Cars Mod

    There's always been the direct download links here, though often they are out of date. I just updated each. http://undeniable.info/pz/DrivingCarsMod.php http://undeniable.info/pz/Survivors.php
  5. Please add a "Run to" Timed action. Doesn't necessarily need to add it to right click on ground like walk to timed action
  6. For future reference, since this was frustrating to calculate. Here is the method for all to use. it calculates the grid square that your mouse is over based on screen size and properly accounts for the Zoom level as well. using the center of the screen as a starting point. local sw = (128 / getCore():getZoom(0)); local sh = (64 / getCore():getZoom(0)); local mapx = getPlayer():getX(); local mapy = getPlayer():getY(); local mousex = ( (getMouseX() - (getCore():getScreenWidth() / 2)) ) ; local mousey = ( (getMouseY() - (getCore():getScreenHeight() / 2)) ) ; local sx = mapx + (mousex / (sw/2) + mousey / (sh/2)) /2; local sy = mapy + (mousey / (sh/2) -(mousex / (sw/2))) /2; local TheSquareYourMouseIsOn = getCell():getGridSquare(sx,sy,getPlayer():getZ());
  7. its should be for i=0, actmods:size()-1, 1 do Here is my function to check if a mod is enabled: function isModEnabled(modname) local actmods = getActivatedMods(); for i=0, actmods:size()-1, 1 do if actmods:get(i) == modname then return true; end end return false; end
  8. nolanri

    Survivors Mod

    3D Models Showing now:
  9. could you work on the switching for semi-auto to auto. now it deletes any attachments or ammo in the gun when you do it. you could use weapon:getModData().currentCapacity weapon:getModData().roundChambered weapon:getCanon(); weapon:getScope(); to save that stuff and then reset it to the new weapon after switching semiauto. or just using nonsemiweapon:setType("ORGM.semiweapon"); just use setType to switch back and forth might work
  10. IsoPlayer.class public void setPlayerIndex(int newPlayerIndex) { this.PlayerIndex = newPlayerIndex; players[newPlayerIndex] = this; } please and thanks
  11. sounds like you pressed the ORGM test button. YOur supposed to delete the test file to disable it. if you press it. you get 1 of EVERYTHING orgm in your inventory. I can't recall what key it is, i think it was delete or end, or something near that.
  12. that is technically just a wall. A wall that is colored to look like a door.
  13. nolanri

    Survivors Mod

    sure its possible,... just I did not have the end goal of the mod to be some kind of masterpiece. From the start I had bare bones in mind. So i just don't know how much more if any work will be done on this. I tell you it would be far more enjoyable to work on if there was a bug and problem free working Survivor class I could work with. This system uses Players class as survivors which causes a boat load of problems, the major problems have been worked around but it still frustrating. Im especially sick of trying to explain to people how to paste java files in their install dir.
  14. okay. 3rd times the charm. hopfully the final fix for armor.lua tested and observed fix of bug healing injuries by equipping to body parts already injured tested and observed fix of bug healing by removing glass or bullets with armor guarding deep wounds on subject body part tested and observed fix of bug, infection now blocked if armor blocked a injury that resulted in an infection IF there was no infection before the block AND i made sure i am sending you the file that i edited and not some older random version.
  15. someone try setting a house on fire and see what happens. Fire changes the walls to "burnt" version of the same wall doesnt really delete walls so I dont think the upper floors would fall down in the case of fire. what happens if there is containers and items and such on the ground in upper floors? will they fall to the ground?
  16. does this use like a sledgehamemr event? or would it work no matter how the walls get destroyed? like by fire or car collisions?
  17. Yeah this should be fixed with update today. This happened because removing the bandage made it seem like the injury appeared the moment your removed the bandage. Now it will not heal if the previous state of the body part was bandaged or splinted before the injury was detected. This means however that even real injuries will not be blocked on body parts that are bandaged. For example. if your chest is bandaged, and your wearing riot armor. you cannot block any injury to the chest. because this system has no way to tell the difference between an injury appear from "bandaged body part being injured" or from "removing a bandage and exposing an injury". Without a proper injury event, it's not possible to tell the difference. so in short the exploits will be gone, BUT your already injured body parts are STILL vulnerable even if you have armor blocking them. which ..kind of makes sense in a small way, because an injury does make you more sensitive and vulnerable then compared to not having an injury.
  18. yeah that was a known problem for a while. And i think it will also be addressed with this update. I let myself be attacked by 4 zombies for a number of minutes with 100% block and then afterwards i waited for 24 hours in game and hp was not going down and i was not sick so, my testing went well anyway. we\ll see how it goes after next update.
  19. fixed armor code. fixes a few exploits such as removing glass or bullet with armor healing the wound.
  20. thanks for the point to the file, thats what i was looking for. but after looking at it. I dont think it helps me. since the problem is only going DOWN the sheet ropes not up. The canClimbDownSheetRope bool detect stopped working it seems. anyway i'll try working with it for a while
  21. I know why they disabled it, my question is about lua modding not about how to climb down a rope without using E
  22. it seems that the change in build 35 which made it so you cant jump over a fence or out of a window from the 2nd floor or higher via the interact button "E" has litterly just disabled the functions: player:hopFence(player:getLastdir() , false); player:climbThroughWindow(window); when on the 2nd floor or higher. so this has made my survivors in the survivors mod not able to climb down sheet ropes any way to re-enable this interact option like it was in b34 or some other way to force a player down a sheet rope via lua. what file handles the right click "Climb over" option. i thought looking at that would be a start but no idea what file it is in.
  23. armor.lua doesnt need that. traps i think does need it.
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