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Everything posted by nolanri

  1. nolanri

    Survivors Mod

    Before, I had made the control survivor via Java, because dev team gave me a copy of IsoPlayer.class file. tho that file is now outdated, and its too much trouble to ask for the new one every time it changes. so now its all made via lua, the downside is that some features were lost during this change, such as the "Full control" option. you can still control them slightly but prespective will remain on your main character. when survivor eats, it is a timed action, same as the player, so if you drop 3 foods at a survivors feet, much food will be wasted as they will start eating a 2nd food before they even finished the first food. Just give them food 1 at a time with some time inbetween foods.
  2. nolanri

    Survivors Mod

    Take a look at the lua/client/prespawns.lua file. you can copy a line that defines a preset survivor, then change the coordinates and anything else you like.
  3. Wiki updated: http://undeniable.info/pz/wiki/itemlist.php?sort=Version&DESC=DESC&kind=Hydrocraft
  4. nolanri

    Driving Cars Mod

    disable the mod "Quick bags"
  5. wiki updated see new items here: http://undeniable.info/pz/wiki/itemlist.php?sort=Version&DESC=DESC&kind=Hydrocraft
  6. nolanri

    Survivors Mod

    yes if someone made the models for dogs,
  7. nolanri

    Survivors Mod

    Yeah there are some rare survivors that fight with torch and gasoline causing the target they hit to catch on fire
  8. nolanri

    Survivors Mod

    set MaxHostileNPC=0 in the settings, and don't ever turn on pvp.
  9. nolanri

    Survivors Mod

    UPDATE: (Requires UPDATE Zombie.zip)- Big performance boost, higher fps, less slow down, less lag etc- Fixed moodles bug- Fixed common pathfind error making survivors not able to move sometimes- Fixed Necroforge gltich- Fixed Survivor sometimes misjudging thier own attack range- You can now Die as a controlled survivor without losing your save or the game exiting. But If your MAIN character dies, whether you controlling him or not, game will end.- Survivors now have a chance to flee rather than attack a zombie depending on their panic level AND how many zombies are near by, ie more panic and or zombies means less chance survivor will try to attack, more chance they will run or avoid
  10. I only have enough to allocate 1GB RAM. Is this enough to do anything? how many players could connect at one time?
  11. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=786130456
  12. nolanri

    Impendin' 37

    Just stopping by to throw my name in the consideration pool
  13. Here is what I got so far: But then I admit I got distracted and ended up doing this:
  14. Oh, OnZombieUpdate event works. and im feeling motivated so i'll work on a zombie capturing mod. I'm imagining for starters, craft lasso stick with a rope and stick, then wack a zombie with it, after you hit a zombie with it, the zombie will be basically be immobile and you can drag it around, but attacking will also be disabled while doing this. then find a nice spot, take out your hammer and drive the stick lasso into the ground basically mounting your captured zombie to that spot and freeing up your hands once again. or alternatively, a key or option to just drop your wrangled zombie freeing the zombie . idk about the camouflage part of it, but we'll see
  15. I wanted to make a mod for this for a very long time. However last time I tried to it appeared that the onZombieUpdate event to add code to the zombie update loop appeared to be broken. Otherwise a "My Little Zombie" mod is easy.
  16. sure, it looks like a cool armor mod. I didn't mean re-write. overwrite means copy it, into your mod. and the game will use Your version instead of base game. it works. but base game changes might break it when the base game updates. if that happen you will have to go back in and re-copy the base game functions, and if your afk when this happens the mod could be unusable for some time. btw, you ever use SVN aka Subversion?
  17. Actually it seems like you can overwrite base game functions in a mod, but it could break any number of things if the base game updates and things surrounding your changes are made. Seems like too much trouble for just 1 feature.
  18. Oh well can't really use base game edits in a mod though.
  19. oh so you must have used these IsoGameCharacter functions : setClothingItem_Back(InventoryItem pClothingItem_Back) void setClothingItem_Feet(InventoryItem ClothingItem_Feet) void setClothingItem_Hands(InventoryItem ClothingItem_Hands) void setClothingItem_Head(InventoryItem ClothingItem_Head) void setClothingItem_Legs(InventoryItem ClothingItem_Legs) void setClothingItem_Torso(InventoryItem pClothingItem_Torso) If i use them then the items show as equipped. Yeahs its a nice touch. I'll add it, thanks. EDIT: oh but actually there is no clothing slot for Arm armor. hmm
  20. so you made everything besides shirt, shoes and pants to be "bags" ? that's kind of odd i feel. Also I felt that it should not reduce weight because the armor is kind of op, so high weight is good i thought.
  21. if the menu is all russian, i really have hard time understanding what is going on in this video
  22. I used all the code you sent me i think. I must not understand at all what your trying to say. tell me what does it really mean "Fully equipped"
  23. its always been like that, it's emulated equipping.
  24. what do you mean? I tried it just now, and it seems fine.
  25. nolanri

    Survivors Mod

    Survivors SVN repo - Open Source (sort of) I made an SVN repository for Survivors mod. If you are interested in contributing, adding features. PM me on forum or something else. And I'll give you an account.
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