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Posts posted by MaxMikester

  1. This also links into your character starting with clothes and items that match there job.



    I love this idea and I'm surprised that no one has suggested this before. I mean, Zombie Cops have become quite common since RE3.


    Which makes me think.... why aren't there Nightsticks in this game? They could do for a nice weapon, and maybe even a starter one for the Security Guard and Police Officer Jobs.


    Also, I thought of two other jobs for zombies:


    Chef/Burger Flipper: They'd carry kitchen utensils, matches or maybe even food. And they would wear and apron of some kind; maybe those uniforms employees from cheap dinners use. As for unique drops, maybe non-perishable food or luxury food. Those might not seem so unique, but over a year after the end, once power has failed and everything has spoiled, finding some beef jerky or a pickle could save your belly.


    Janitor: They'd carry Mops or Brooms, as well as cleaning supplies like Bleach or a Bucket. They'd probably wear a blue uniform or jumpsuit for sorts. Not sure of what would do for their unique drops, maybe they could drop those thick rubber gloves most janitor use, but not sure of what bonus they could give you...


    I love the stuff you guys added on to my suggestion. Maybe there can be a way for survivors to have certain clothes/stuff as a profession. Also the new weapon ideas really make sense with my suggestion. Killing a police officer zombie and finding a nightstick for example not only makes sense but is very useful.


    Other nice feature to have !


    Anyone here play The Last Stand - Dead Zone? For that game, we got a handful of loot just by recycling a pile of trash hehe.


    One man's trash is another man's treasure




    I have played it. You made me think of a way to add on to this idea: Searching for useable items within trash. We could find empty cans and bottles, sheets (and ripped sheets), and other useful goodies, kind of like foraging, except you are searching through mostly inorganic materials instead of natural material found foraging in the woods.


    I had this idea today about every occupation having it's special trait like "Axe Man" for Lumberjack (...I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay...).


    Of course some of them will be better than others (compare "Desensitized" to "Night Owl" for example).



    My ideas would be:


    Fire Officer - "Fire Training" - Puts out fires quickly and never gets burnt


    Never gets burnt? Is it a bit too overpowered?



    How about we change that to "takes less damage from fire" instead. Human bodies are not immune to flame... ever, (unless you use one of those coatings and stuff people use on TV shows to emulate being on fire, but where would anyone find that in the apocalypse?)


  4. To make this clear, this is NOT talking about special, mutated zombies of any kind nor will it affect their behavior and stats. This would simply add more variation to zombie appearance and would affect loot drops and such depending on the variation.


    In the zombie apocalypse, not everyone is going to be at their homes in plain colored clothes when the outbreak spreads. People will be killed/turned at their workplace or while performing a specific service. These zombies had professions/jobs at the time of the zombie apocalypse. Once they turn, they will wear and hold (but not use) items that go with their profession or job and join the horde of the undead. As a result, looting a zombie of a certain profession has a chance to have certain items on them. I will show some examples of some "professional" zombies:


    Doctors, Nurses, Surgeons, and/or EMTs: Chance to have useful medical items such as disinfectant, bandages, or needles.


    Fireman: Chance to have axes and fire extinguishers


    Policemen:Chance to have a weapon (a bat, crowbar, pistol, shotgun, or ammo for said guns)


    Construction Worker: Chance for hammer,nails,screws,screwdriver,glue, and wood glue


    An issue of this would be how the clothes would drop. They would be wearing uniforms, not plain clothes. However maybe we can have uniforms act similar to basic clothes and act as cosmetic variations.



  5. The traps in the game so far are great for a food source, but I believe that there should be traps/structures that can slow down and/or damage the undead. Using traps on zombies would be useful both defensively and offensively. I have a few examples that could be viable:


    Bear Trap: Can be scavenged in the world and placed down (like a mouse trap). It can be used to hunt some animals, but can also stop a zombie completely for a short period should a zombie happen to be walking into it. Once a zombie is trapped it can be killed a bit more easily, or if you use a few near hordes, can lower the number of zombies chasing you, so you can fight them or run away with more ease.


    Spike Fences: These are like wood fences, but with wooden spikes pointing upward. Climbing this has a chance to injure you from a scratch to a deep wound (like a barbed wire). Should a zombie happen to climb this, they will take some damage, get slowed down slightly, and have a chance to do the following: become crippled and forced to crawl around (become a crawler), or they will end up dead from tripping and/or getting stabbed by the spikes (killed but would be an extremely low chance). Can be made by adding wooden spears to wooden or simple wire fences.


    PvP wise I don' want it to be used for this purpose because I feel it would end up with a lot of trolls on multiplayer.

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