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  1. Description of game Dr. Dunno created a miraculous elixir to cure his daughter’s illness. Unfortunately, an accidental blast pulverized the cure, little drops going in all directions. Help the doctor to restore the elixir by collecting all drops. Solve puzzles, unlock new abilities, check every nook and cranny and leave no stone unturned! Genre: - Puzzle trivia adventure game Key features: 4 level packs with 80 levels Logical and fun gameplay Cute characters Sharp graphics New art in every chapter Engaging game element combos New levels and updates to follow Platforms: Android Windows OS PC iOS (in process) Engine: Unity Gameplay Demonstration Press-kit: download press-kit Official website - Oriplay.com Google PlayStore - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.OriplayGames.DropHunt Windows Store - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/games/drop-hunt/9wzdncrdt2h0 Twitter - https://twitter.com/_oriplay_ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Oriplaycom/439231659528754?ref=hl Drop Hunt is a free game. Try it, please! We are waiting for your feedback.
  2. Hello, friends! We are updating this thread with a new devlog (23/07/2015 CheckPoint). All graphics and gameplay features are a work in progress. Stay with us and look, how Sol-Ark is evolving right before your eyes! Check Sol-Ark's page on IndieDB website and our blog with devlogs to know more. Join us on Sol-Ark's official website to stay tuned.
  3. Hello, everyone! We are updating our thread with a regular devlog (07/07/2015 CheckPoint). Take a look, how Sol-Ark evolves right before your eyes! http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vfC7GAtxCq4/VZuqV6LxbVI/AAAAAAAAA4g/UXAoDlsnokU/s1600/2015jule3_3_opt.gif We want to give a HUGE thanks to everyone who helped us test the latest build of the game. Some of you racked up four or more hours of playtime which we find truly incredible. I’m sure the body count for dead astronauts is well in the hundreds. Nice work. We have received an immense amount of feedback about what is working great and what needs to be improved. It’s helped us formulate a better development plan and given us a good, hard look at where we need to go in order to build a great game. Part of this decision involves switching our engine over to HAXE, which will help us tremendously in the long run. Much of our time has been dedicated to crafting the particulars of an engine that suits our game’s needs, which are quite complex, but utilizing HAXE at this stage will allow further progress to come more smoothly and readily. We’ll be announcing some things in about a month from now, so stay tuned, and if you managed to get your hands on our build we hope you play it until the solar system is littered with dead pirate bodies. Check Sol-Ark's page on IndieDB website and our blog with devlogs to know more. Join us on Sol-Ark's official website to stay tuned.
  4. Hello, friends! We are updating this thread with a new devlog (23/06/2015 CheckPoint) and a new gameplay video. All graphics and gameplay features are a work in progress. Stay with us and look, how Sol-Ark is evolving right before your eyes! http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-K3pSLJZ-w3w/VYpsJ83EnHI/AAAAAAAAA3g/1391l66ebX4/s1600/2015june23_2.gif Check Sol-Ark's page on IndieDB website and our blog with devlogs to know more. Join us on Sol-Ark's official website to stay tuned.
  5. Hello, friends! We are updating this thread with a new devlog (16/06/2015 CheckPoint) and a new gameplay video. All graphics and gameplay features are a work in progress. Stay with us and look, how Sol-Ark is evolving right before your eyes! http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/38/37689/thumb_620x2000/BATTLE_2.gif Check Sol-Ark's page on IndieDB website and our blog with devlogs to know more. Join us on Sol-Ark's official website to stay tuned.
  6. TESTERS NEEDED FOR DEEP SPACE GAMEPLAY *********************************************** http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hSoCqKfjx08/VXQ6cvmJG6I/AAAAAAAAA0A/KDuPwr7w2Uo/s1600/2015june7_2.gif Have you ever wanted to build a spaceship, take care of astronauts, mine asteroids, and subsequently watch your vessel get obliterated while your crew chokes to death on interstellar void? Come join us as a volunteer tester for Sol-Ark’s demo.This will be a closed test, super secret, and used to help us with our full demo release at the end of June. Sol-Ark is currently running through its pre-flight checklist and is looking for a handful of brave (and unpaid) testers to strap themselves to our rocket and see what happens. We’re reaching out to those who have commented on our posts and articles so far, basically anyone who showed any sort of interest in the game to date. Sol-Ark is still in its prototype phase and we are looking to get some broader feedback before we put out a hardened, finite demo for everyone to get their hands on. This means that the builds you’ll be playing will be limited in some capacities and don’t represent the final gameplay and graphics that we’re shooting for. There are placeholder elements for the user interface, windows, menus, that sort of stuff. Some gameplay mechanics will be switched off so we can focus in on things we know need to be tested, we’ll test all aspects of the game a bit later. You may encounter errors and bugs or lags, and we’re hoping you find some! We need this kind of feedback and want you to report back to us with all your thoughts, opinions, and experience. All of your input can be submitted via a feedback form we’ll provide you with should you be chosen for our little deep-space experiment. What we’ll need from you: Your email addressAn internet high five ( ^∇^)ノA promise you won’t blog, tweet, post or hoot and holler about everything you’ll be playing, at least for a little while. Still interested? Shoot an email off to solarkgame@gmail.com with “Tester” in the subject line. So keep your eyes on your personal message transponders and look out for an incoming message signal from a far off galaxy. It’s either an invitation to test, or a distress signal because I miscalculated my required propulsion (again) and have flown clear out of the solar system. *********************************************** New devlog (10/06/2015 CheckPoint) http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HD758Ht4s9c/VXiihpUsZkI/AAAAAAAAA00/XCETEi9pNsw/s1600/2015june9_5.gif Full list of performed work you can find on Sol-Ark's blog with devlogs Take a look at Sol-Ark's page on IndieDB website or Sol-Ark's blog with devlogs to know more. Join us on Sol-Ark's official website to stay tuned
  7. Greetings to all you dirty astronauts stuck in your gravity wells! We are updating this thread with a new devlog (02/06/2015 CheckPoint). Over the last week we’ve made some major strides towards balancing gameplay and polishing the features already inside of it. Enemy ship behavior is receiving a major upgrade that changes some fundamental characteristics of space battles, NPC combat, and even how you arrive at a “Game Over” or make a startling comeback. Needless to say, cruising by asteroids and suns in the game is becoming evermore exciting. Soon enough we’ll drag you off planet and you’ll understand why. http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/38/37689/thumb_620x2000/2015june_1_4.gif Check Sol-Ark's page on IndieDB website and our blog with devlogs to know more. Join us on Sol-Ark's official website to stay tuned.
  8. Hello, friends! We are publishing a regular article from a series about main Sol-Ark's features of gameplay - Resources! http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/38/37689/thumb_620x2000/2015may29_6_CUT.gif Any successful interstellar adventure requires resources. Sunlight, water, organic compounds, minerals, all of these are crucial for prolonged voyages into the void. In Sol-Ark you will need to spend time harvesting these resources and putting them to good use. One of the most viable means of resource collection involves mining asteroids, as the big hunks of floating rock are fairly common in every solar system. Read full article on Sol-Ark's page on IndieDB portal Join us on our website to know more
  9. Hello, friends! We are updating this thread with a new devlog (26/05/2015 CheckPoint). All graphics and gameplay features are a work in progress. Stay with us and look, how Sol-Ark is evolving right before our eyes! http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-eVP7xSpQtPU/VWQSYeUcd1I/AAAAAAAAAxc/50JQYQWiPPo/s1600/2015may25_1.gif Check Sol-Ark's page on IndieDB website and our blog with devlogs to know more. Join us on Sol-Ark's official website to stay tuned.
  10. Hello brave space explorers! We have a quick update and video covering some aspects of the Micromanagement Map Level inside the game. Check back weekly to stay up to date on our game’s progress and to see the new stuff we’re launching out of our torpedo tubes. http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/38/37689/thumb_620x2000/2015may22_3.gif We all have priorities in life, but even though I know it’s more important to put out a kitchen fire than take a shower, the same doesn’t go for astronauts in our game. It’s the player’s responsibility to select task priority for their NPC crew and order them accordingly. Read full article on Sol-Ark's page on IndieDB portal Join us on our website to know more
  11. Hello, friends! We are updating this thread with a new devlog (18/05/2015 CheckPoint) and a new gameplay video. All graphics and gameplay features are a work in progress. Stay with us and look, how Sol-Ark is evolving right before your eyes! http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kq7iXvc0DUk/VVrfremxUOI/AAAAAAAAAwY/pPl0zQnTQY8/s1600/2015may18_3_opt.gif Check Sol-Ark's page on IndieDB website and our blog with devlogs to know more. Join us on Sol-Ark's official website to stay tuned.
  12. Hello, friends! We are publishing a regular article from a series about main Sol-Ark's features of gameplay - Local space map level! http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/38/37689/thumb_620x2000/2015may15_1_opt.gif Space is a vast and wild frontier. Survival on its fringes often boils down to tried and true violence. You’ll need to fully understand your ship’s systems and its offensive/defensive capabilities if you don’t want to be torn apart by other vessels lurking in the dark. Read full article on Sol-Ark's page on IndieDB portal Join us on our website to know more
  13. Hello, friends! We are updating this thread with a new devlog (13/05/2015 CheckPoint) and a new gameplay video. All graphics and gameplay features are a work in progress. Stay with us and look, how Sol-Ark is evolving right before your eyes! http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1pN7KP57P40/VVLXETUUYdI/AAAAAAAAAvw/esyevUyS1M4/s1600/2015may11_2.gif Check Sol-Ark's page on IndieDB website and our blog with devlogs to know more. Join us on Sol-Ark's official website to stay tuned.
  14. Hello, everyone! We are publishing a regular article from a series about main Sol-Ark's features of gameplay - Star system map level! http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/38/37689/thumb_620x2000/2015may9_2_opt.gif Space is huge. Simulating vast interplanetary expanses on a screen is something we’ve thought about a great deal, and we have some secrets to share in regards to its exploration. Sol-Ark’s System Map will give you an overview of the entire solar system you and your crew have warped into. All the space shown is playable. Read full article on IndieDB page Join us on our website to know more
  15. Hello, friends! We are updating this thread with a new devlog (05/05/2015 CheckPoint) and a new gameplay video. All graphics and gameplay features are a work in progress. Stay with us and look, how Sol-Ark evolves right before your eyes! P.S. On community's demand I've spent more than 6 hours, fixing all our threads on different forums and portals. First of all, I deleted (but left their links) all visible gifs from previous posts, excepting the zero post and last messages. My apologies to everyone who had troubles with that. From now, we'll use gifs only in the first and in the last messages. http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/38/37689/thumb_620x2000/2015may4_3.gif Check Sol-Ark's page on IndieDB website and our blog with devlogs to know more. Join us on Sol-Ark's official website to stay tuned.
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