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  1. Okay. Let's talk about hearing aids. I don't think it will happen, and there doesn't seem like much of a point to it.
  2. I guess everyone is different. The fear of spiders that never goes away is arachnophobia. I'm not saying peoples PHOBIA's go away, as I have my own phobia's that won't change. But regular fears, things that are part of your every day life, you get used to them. Take driving for example. It's extremely dangerous and kills thousands of people every year. When we start driving we're usually afraid, but we do it, and as time goes on, we get used to it. Again, just my two cents, but that's the reality of things for me, and most people I know. Not a game breaker of course.
  3. I have a suggestion that I'll add here because it's sorta related. Why wouldn't the survivors eventually get used to seeing the undead/infected? As in after a while they wouldn't get extremely panicked every time they encountered them. Like anything in life, after doing it over and over, you get used to it. Like the first time you ride a roller coaster you're terrified, but after doing it a bunch of times you don't even get nervous. That same principle should apply here. This is true, that most people would already be wearing theirs, but you should be able to find them off of dead zombies (kind of an oxymoron.. dead zombies) especially zombies that have grey hair. This all, assuming it's added to the game. maybe what they can do to make it realistic, is when you add traits in the beginning, you could add "Hard of hearing" and getting a hearing aid would fix that. Idk.
  4. "Sucks worse than PZ" PZ doesn't suck at all, IMO. That being said, I'll check it out. I love these zombie survival games.
  5. I think they did that to cover their own asses. "DISCLAIMER: BLEACH IS NOT A FOOD" etc. They're just saying that so people don't drink bleach in real life and try to blame the game. There are some really, really, really, really, really stupid people out there.
  6. The only way I see multiplayer being good in this game would be if it was kind of like an MMO. There would be offline, then there would be the massive online multiplayer. Because if you're doing co-op or just an open room, you would know everyone who came in right away, get a feel for them, and kick them if you didn't like how they behaved. And that's just not realistic. This is of course my opinion, so if you disagree, that's your opinion.
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