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Jack Bower

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Everything posted by Jack Bower

  1. Hello Indiestone, it is I. Jack Bauer back once again to post a bunch of suggestions to help the RP community flourish. I've been playing across most of the top RP servers over the last 3 months and have been active in their discords. I wanted to post about a few problems / suggestions that could help these servers prosper. Logic Gates - These are common in a lot of games, we can tie it to the electrical skill. Provide a use for all the electronic scraps people get for disassembling watches. Creating electrical circuits can also provide electrical xp. So people stop disassembling 10k watches/Radios/Televsion Sets. This can also open up options in the future for electrical devices. (Security Cameras, Electronic gates / doors, perimeter alarm.) That is without even mentioning what some of the more intelligent people in this community can do with logic gates. Vehicles and V levels - This is the future. The thousands of things that could come from allowing your vehicle to pass from one elevation to another. We don't care if it is buggy, The players will find a way to make it work. Give me a big beautiful ramp that can be made with carpentry/Metal working. Interesting ways to disable vehicles. - Currently, the best way to mess with someone, is to install 15% brakes on their vehicle so they have problems stopping. I'd like if vehicle sabotage was given more mechanical support. Especially in the form of cutting the brake lines on a vehicle or slashing tires with a bladed weapon. Noise Traps - Currently only broken glass seems to work for this. I'd love it if we could add more of these. List of random problems I have encountered on roleplay servers. Weather / Time I've heard mods complain they don't have enough control over the server clock / weather. Given plenty of servers are running the Cyrogenic mod, people could benefit from perhaps a biome setting on server creation? Can choose between different weather types? IE : Desert is really hot in the day, cold in the night not much rain. This would be for when people play on custom maps in different regions, or want to simulate the nuclear winter Kentucky experience. In the same way, I feel it would be nice if we could set the IG date in server options. For those who want a 1000 BC privative wooden spear experience. Disassembly We have had a massive problem stretching across several of the larger RP communities where individuals who are grinding skills disassemble half the world. Resulting in the server having to wipe or reset. Having more reasonable / renewable ways to grind skills would do a lot to alleviate this problem. Vehicle Mechanics & Engine Parts Vehicles and engine parts - We have a problem where a few people only remove the engine parts from vehicles which results in a server of car skeletons with no reasonable way to restore them. Either making it so car engines are harder to scrap to 0% or perhaps add an alternative way to gain engine parts through crafting? Too hard to adjust food / Firearm / Specific Object Spawn rates. A lot of people in the PZ community have logged hundreds of hours and they've gotten pretty good at the game. A lot of the servers have had similar problems. Food is way too easy to get, that is without mentioning foraging and fishing. A server option to specifically target a few categories of items would be good. For example, a server with preserved food set to low or scarce while also setting firearms to non-existent would save server mod developers a lot of time.
  2. I believe you can right click on yourself and press /put out fire./ However no armor seems to have any resistance to fire damage, which could be helpful because pipe bombs tend to kill people in close to a hit at the moment.
  3. This is an annoying one for certain.Nothing like installing a military ham into a police car only for it to become a terrible 1 way receiver only radio. Please fix this and the RP community will love you. Including the abilities to switch what kind of radio you put inside a vehicle would be nice also. I noticed a lot of trucks don't have the option for the ham radio. This bug has persisted across multiple versions and as far as I know. Affects both SP/Multiplayer. Perhaps is an oversight?
  4. Instead of getting anxiety when you watch this film, instead you'll get depressed at how they ruined the doggoblin franchise. This will be a typical dog-goblin movie sequel, like all great sequels it takes place in space and makes you wonder what the original premise was.
  5. Been playing 1.5 for two weeks now. The Valley Station / Louisville only map is something I have been waiting a long time for. The staff are also pretty darn smart considering the level of mod updates and support the server gets. Currently I'd say this is the best RP server at the moment for it's rules and approach towards the players. Especially the application system which doesn't ask for a 3 page biography and gives you the benefit of the doubt.
  6. A /Lot/ of people are asking for this. Please take this suggestion seriously!!!
  7. Been playing here recently. Died plenty, seen lots of great things and getting on the server / making a new character is simple and quick. Having rolled around on RP servers for quite a long time this one has my seal of approval.
  8. I am def getting injured indoors while moving without shoes. I also get injured moving across various forms of pavement that should not be injuring me either including manicured lawns roadways and sidewalks. But that is outside. I've done lots of testing involving taking my shoes off and running around.
  9. Jebus has long been running great PZ servers. Certainly worth checking out!
  10. I find the game is almost designed to be played on multiplayer. Sure, solo play is fun. But being in a persistent world with other people driving around on the roads, leaving wrecks and shooting at each other. It turns the game into a whole different beast.
  11. Faking your death is the true OG move.
  12. Nothing like shooting a gun and hitting your friend who was standing standing beside you.
  13. The difference is the amount of time it takes to heal. As someone who has constructed numerous big ugly forts. Having a doctor with even 6 heal skill mend your broken leg compared to you trying to do it yourself is like a 16 irl hour heal time difference. It also helps out in situations when someone ended up getting shot 5 times and is at the brink of death.
  14. Plenty of old timers in the PZ community have been waiting a long time for this patch. Friends and enemies alike - here we go again!
  15. Given most of the bombs in this game are pretty small and lackluster. I think it'd be nice if we had the option to make larger explosive devices that could do some serious damage to buildings and players and zombies alike. I'd like to hear what the community thinks on this of course so please add your input.
  16. So long suckers! I rev up my motorcycle and create a huge cloud of co2. When the cloud dissipates im lying completely dead on the pavement.

  17. Good to see this server is still so successful.
  18. This server has been an explosion of activity lately, makes me honestly excited to RP in PZ again. I know I'll see some old faces from the community, I look forward to seeing you all
  19. I will be making an apperance here, lot of old longstanding PZ players seem invested in this server. I look forward to seeing some organic RP happening here hopefully we can make some great new memories here.
  20. Should feature the pistol / hunting rifle stutter step which allows you to shoot while maintaining distance. But perhaps that is more advanced strategies for the next video?
  21. I'll answer this because these accusations are an attempt to tarnish my legacy. When they say /blatantly duping items/ they mean framed. There are no logs of items duped because I didn't dupe anything. Initially I was banned for having Alice Packs they thought I /hacked/ into the game, then when I told them you could build them with Hydrocraft and cited the recipe they just changed their reason. Nobody can cite what I duped /blatantly duped in mass/ because I didn't dupe anything. The only evidence they ever produced was me logging off in one location and logging into another. A result of loading a backup. Which I loaded because my file became corrupted because they thought adding 12 story skyscrapers with massive hordes of zombies / fixtures / textures was a good idea. The server has huge complex logs that give tons of information, if I was duping they'd easily have been able to cite what exactly they thought I was /blatantly duping./ Pretty much they make these big claims against me to try and tarnish my legacy by saying everything I did that was great or good on the server. I could only have accomplished by cheating. Which is false, I don't even want to be unbanned from New Dawn. I wear my ban proudly. Here's a story about one of their guys who had an obsession for me. Would go through every item in my base and try to interpret the rules in any way possible to try to get me in trouble. This guy, who is still an admin btw lol even after this. He has considerable sway on the server. So he rigged it. He added gun mods to the server so it allowed machine guns. Restricted drops so machine guns could only be spawned and couldn't be found randomly in boxes. Added mods that allowed extra perks / classes that gave him like +9 to aim from character creation but put it behind a gate so /nobody else could take it but a select few *Approved* individuals/ Then the guy restricted the military profession which had stats that were incredibly overpowered and made no sense how strong it was, but it was balanced because. "no one else could pick it." Then part of the class is that when they spawn they get a free machine gun with a box of ammo. Then the guy walks around and says "Look how tough I am? Have you seen my penis? it is very big and nice and impressive. I am not compensating for anything I swear." If you go up against them, expect to deal with such problems such as. Having zombies spawned on your base, have the admins friends /accidentally/ find your base. /Random/ admin events where 3 bandit players attack your base with machine guns. People ERPing 5 feet away from you... Constantly. False accusations and let's not forget some good old fashioned cheating, one such example. Making people who are their friends invincible during pvp and when asked about it claim it was an accident. I'm not alone either, there are big groups of people who played on ND who had to leave because the rigged favorism has made it not even worth playing because the winners and losers are decided by a select few people. Not by skill or merit, but by popularity gauged by a small group of "Superfriends." In the words of Coach "This used to be a nice neighborhood."
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