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About Artymis

  • Birthday October 19

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  1. Anybody who has played any Bethesda game ever, namely Fallout. Also, I haven't delved into Multiplayer yet, but it sounds like a cool idea.
  2. Hello, Artymis here, average survivor of the Zomboid apocalypse. In-between all the fighting for your life, scavenging for life-saving supplies, do you ever have time to perfect your hobbies, or, say, read? Of course not, you're probably trying to prevent major blood loss with the remnants of your mother's favorite scarf, who you killed earlier when she tried to eat your brain. Well, don't fear, because I'm not introducing: Specialty Spiffos! Why bother with the boring task of stabbing previous human beings in the eye with a spoon, when you can have an all new friend to teach you the basics quick and easy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, just wanted to do that, anyways, idea. While looting a house, you've probably found a Spiffo plush (personally, I collect them and lay them around where I sleep in my home base). While looking at the PZ sites and trading cards, I've noticed he's actually quite the character. Carpenter, fighter, cook, but in-game, he's still some doll. I thought to myself: why not add a Fallout-esque bobble-head feature? Just loot around, find the Kentucky Chainsaw Spiffo, and boom, you can now do more damage with bladed weaponry. Sure, they of course shouldn't be easy to find, but it would give you SOME reason to loot kid's room closets more often. Also I made another post, Scavenger Hunts, and why not make these Spiffos some prize, like a note or phone call stating: "Hey honey, bought Mary a Cooking Spiffo for his ninth birthday, love you!" and read through his wallet for his address? Also, just saying, I'd love to find a Build-A-Spiffo in a mall sometime.
  3. Here's the catch, friend. You aren't some badass who can snap necks like nothing, and dodge out of the way with cartwheels. You are a firefighter, or construction worker, or clerk, or something. Sure, maybe there could be a new class added, "Martial Artist: +Unarmed damage", but the whole reason as to why weapons need to kept in good condition, what use is it to carry around some three-pound, barely together skull-smasher, if you can walk around and karate-chop through a horde? It's the same thing in other games, Fallout, Dead Island, Silent Hill, etc. There are so many weapons because you can't kill an average person or creature just by walking up and punching them, because they usually have more strength than you. You lose your weapon? Try and shake-off whoever's latching on to your throat, run from the twenty mindless creatures wanting a you-burger, and look for an umbrella. Take Skyrim for example. You can cut down Draugr and Bandits like daisies, but unarmed? Even Skeletons don't die right away, and they might as well be held together by chewing gum. Fallout, however, had additions to the "unarmed" skill, like brass knuckles and spiked ones, but even those took a lot of "unarmed" skill to dispatch a single enemy, which is convenient, because you could only attack one target at a time. There was no arc. You couldn't hit three guys standing close together, because you were a regular person with normal hands. At any rate, I don't think it's a good idea. With the strength perk, you throw them farther, and do more damage, but you are useless unarmed against more than three. You are desperate, you are probably scared, and that's the point.
  4. Hello, this will be my first post and suggestion of the forums. Of course, in the game, there are junk items. Most of us usually set-up a homebase at some point, and one strategy that's become popular is a term called "Breadcrumbing", where you take some item (mostly junk or bandages) and leave a trail leading to your home base. More about this later in the post. I always find lots of junk on corpses, and at one point while looting, I noticed a wallet. If you, the reader, have seen the walking dead, then you'll remember that Rick (the main character of the show, for those living under a rock) decided to hold a mini-funeral for a zombie, by reading-out random items in his wallet. "He had a lady, was an organ donor, name was _________". I thought that was a cool premise, you're killing people who were infected, who had lives, not some random creature. Now, I'm not asking for a lot of lore here, or some story to the game, but what if every once in a while, if you found a wallet, you could go through it. of course, not finding anything useful, only some randomized name and face, like in the character creation screen. But here's my big idea: ~Scavenger Hunts~ Here's where the street sign come into play. Here are my ideas. Everybody has to live somewhere, why not make the towns feel more alive? If you find an I.D. (car-keys would be nice, but that's a whole 'nother thread) then it might display some interesting tidbit. kinda like: Name: John Smith Address: 2091, Maple Lane Profession: Police Officer Then, you could find his house, one way or another, and find say, a pistol, or a police baton, or even just a random house. The streetsigns could also help you find your own, or some building that your friend told you about, making it easier than: "Oh, on that one map, go past the trailers, down the random path, and through the bank, and there's the school/ fire axe". Instead, why not make it easier? "I'm on Madrona street, police station's on King Street." or something along those lines? One last idea: Secrets Maybe on a note in a wallet, or a message on a phone (new use for batteries, eh?) maybe some message like: "John, world's gone to s***, get your family, I'll be at the cabin/bunker/house, I've stored-up food/guns/water, let's ride this out." This could bring about those long-awaited NPC interactions, like finding John's family huddled up. Unfortunately, I remember reading that moral choice and karma was a definite "no" (atleast, I think. . .), but then you could make a choice: Leave the family, rob them, or try to make a group with them. Anyways, those are just some ideas of mine, I probably typed that a bit sloppily, so I'll just try to summarize Wallets: Contain I.D. with random character, possibly a scavenger huntStreet signs: Helps you locate specific areas/buildingsPhones: Additional use for batteries, and useful tool
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