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Everything posted by Hydromancerx

  1. Hydrocraft v9.7 has been released! Which includes ... - Can Wash Leather and Animal Skin Clothing now - Fixed dried Garlic and Onion Art - Fixed Chainsaw Bugs - Fixed Mussel Shell - Removed Zinc and Chromite Veins - Fixed Feed Cat - Fixed Irish Coffee and Black Coffee - Fixed Rice Flour - Fixed Feathers - Fixed Christmas Ham - Fixed Dried Fruit - Fixed Carrot & Beet - Fixed Boxes of Plastic Untizels - New Art for Some Dogs - New Ways of Making Poison - Fixed Tin Rod - Fixed Horse Saddle Recipe - Fixed Beta Blocker Recipe - Fixed Grape and Watermelon Yogurt - Fixed Cream Cheese - Can Make Glue from Bluebells - Added Paramedic Armor - Added Potassium Permagrade - Added Cigarette Butt - Added Fiberglass - Added Tank of Refrigerant and Cooling Rack - Added Fruit Leather - Added Dried Anemone and Daisy - Added Anemone and Daisy Tea - Added Fish Oil - Added Clay and Bronze/Brass Oil Lamps - Added Chaff, Bran, Kurtan, Momigalite and Thresher - Added Brown Rice - Added Sparrows Changes to Farm Animals! - Thanks to everyone who helped! Enjoy!
  2. Yeah Goldies are suppose to have Packs too but I never updated the chart.
  3. The dogs are looking great! I also will need the armored and injured versions of the War Dogs. As you can see by the chart the Pitbull, Doberman, Rottweiler, Boxer and German Shepherd all need armored and injured versions of them. Note the armor is made of leather.
  4. Is there a way to get dropped items like flashlights to emit light when dropped on the ground?
  5. While I did make a floor mod for Rimworld I am mostly a consumer when it comes to Rimworld. They just have so many modders in that game that most everything i would want to mod is already done.
  6. Only empty lighters can be filled with lighter fluid.
  7. These look great! Also if you are up to it you may want to do the cats too.
  8. Yes of course! However you would need to make ones wearing bags and armor too.
  9. Yeah this will be fixed in the next update.
  10. Those are cool! However I am not sure how to get a bag that can keep things cold properly. The Ice Chest and Cooler are suppose to work but are glitchy.
  11. I assume I have permission to add this to core Hydrocraft when i get back to modding right?
  12. You can make a Potato Gun out of PVC Pipes.
  13. This sounds cool. Sure I would love to see what you can come up with. I already got stuff from Leliana who sent me potted plants that grow up and stuff. I am all for more advanced farming added to Hydrocraft.
  14. They are from the Spriters Resource. Those sets (sorry forgot the name of set) have a lot of good sets for maps. Best of luck converting them! On a side note could you ever make a Pet Shop building with the room tag of "PetStore"? I have loot spawn for it but no map makers have added it. It would be great if you could make one with that room tag.
  15. 1. I will check out the shell stuff. Thanks for reporting. 2. The Anarchist Cookbook should be obtained randomly if you remove book covers from red books. Note it will not spawn in bookshelves. 3. Cool. Let me know if you find anything else.
  16. There are some 90's computers hidden in the base game files. I don't think they are normal objects yet but the textures for them are there.
  17. So there is a Rimworld mod that has Advanced Rice Crafting. I would like to add some of the recopies from this mod but I need new art for it. I need the following ... - Thresher - Rice with Chaff - Chaff - Bran - Monigalite - Kuntan - Straw Rice Bag - Bag of Brown Rice - Bowl of Brown Rice - Rice Ball (White and Brown) - Rice with Egg (White and Brown) - Rice with Meat (White and Brown) - Curry Rice (White and Brown) - Bento Box (White and Brown) - Dried Rice Cake - Starch Syrup Thanks in Advance!
  18. You can make Duct Tape Pouches. You can also make Glue and Wood Glue. As well as Adhesive Bandages. But not Duct Tape.
  19. More of the Toy version of the Abacus. As for chopping bushes I think it needs some lua to do that. For the same reason I cannot get the menu option to chop trees like the base game axe.
  20. No not yet. Farmoid was supose to include the Irrigation mod that did this. And in turn Hydrocraft would include the update of Farmoid. But it has not been done yet.
  21. While idea is good, the implementation is much harder. The Cooler and Ice Chest int theory already do this. However they don't always work. If we could figure out a way for it to work reliably then maybe I would add it to the cellar.
  22. Hydrocraft v9.6 has been released! Which includes ... - Fixed Paper Recipes - Added More Compostable Items - Added Wedge's Hydrocraft Tweaks - Added Corn Whiskey - Added Leather Strips, Belt Buckle and Belt Making - Added 7 New Powders - Added Shells - Added Electrolyzer and Tweaked Centrifuge - Added Lepidolite - Added 4 New Pet Items - Added 5 New Clothing Items - Added Spindle and Spindle Head - Added 4 New Toys and Toy Making Textbook - Added 10 New Condiments - Added Stone Quarry! - Thanks to everyone who helped! Enjoy!
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