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  1. Just click the "Special BBCode" button next to font to put things in a spoiler. I added your text put I wondered if it´s finished? I am busy with school myself so that´s why I haven´t pulled this thing together yet but it would be nice if this was finished someday,
  2. Jag tar mig friheten att rätta några särskrivningar och gjorde några andra mindre ändringar. Initiativet är väldigt uppskattat . Jag ändrar till genomblöt. Jag ändrar gassande till brännande tills vidare. Gassande är inte ett vanligt vedertaget uttryck så vitt jag vet. Fnöske blir bra. Spika ett slagträ blir bra. Gör nudlar blir utmärkt.
  3. Hi. I´m sorry for my late answer. I´l appreciate you taking the time going throw my translations. I´l make some adjustments in a couple of days or so. Also if anyone who would like to work through some of the other translations it would be great.
  4. Farming Thank you! The translations are now up to date.
  5. Updated with farming. I have been busy with school.
  6. This is great indeed! On a sidenote I think the text was well written too. Keep up good work lads.
  7. Contributors: zache51 ohGr warp Robert McDuck Context menu Farming: IG UI Moodles Recipes Tooltip UI: Survival Guide Items (Not done)
  8. I´d love to translate to swedish. Speciall signs in swedish is åäö. I can translate any file sent to me.
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