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Everything posted by migulao

  1. Don't you love it when people speak with intelligent arguments in a thread about drugs? On the internet?
  2. migulao


    Survival Heavy pretty like princess!
  3. I assume that with joysticks, you aim with the joystick and hit with another button? Well, you charge by aiming your weapon a few seconds before actually pressing the attack button. btw weapons like the axe and bat do most damage when you attack with them at the longest range they can hit. You know that part in the Matrix where Neo say "....I know kung fu" That's what I feel like right now. Also I can't believe this but that video is 2 views away from 1k Take the red pill, yadah. But not the bleach. Never the bleach.
  4. I assume that with joysticks, you aim with the joystick and hit with another button? Well, you charge by aiming your weapon a few seconds before actually pressing the attack button. btw weapons like the axe and bat do most damage when you attack with them at the longest range they can hit.
  5. Oh god, that must've been so painfull to watch
  6. Yup, The War Z aka Infestation: Survivor Stories. Not sure if sarcasm. Or actual complaint
  7. Trust me, it will happen sooner or later. Like drinking bleach after mistaking it for chardonnay...
  8. Well, chest pain is pretty obviously reflected by the moodle pain, nauseated by the queasy moodles and such. Shortness of breath and a chocking sensation could make exertion appear faster, sweating and trembling make you interact with objects slower and make you less efficient with weapons.
  9. Sounds like utter hell. I like it.
  10. I thought you could craft raw axes and hammers... I didn't know you could actually craft a sledgehammer! You can't, I dunno where he got that information. Also, can you actually craft a normal hammer?
  11. And maybe higher levels of digust to zombies that have been dead (dead dead, not undead) for a while?
  12. Dat moment when you get a like from an admin

    1. _Gold_


      It's funny because he thinks he's got a like from an admin ;3

  13. So, a mod that turns you into Jesus?
  14. The devs will probably implement this, as I think they said it was something they wanted to see. But even as a tool or weapon, it would be innefective. Consider the noise it would make! Not even that, but the fuel you would need to keep that thing going! I'd recommend saving that fuel for vehicles, rather than chainsaws
  15. Just remember that the best stories will probably come from the ones you make in Survival, with NPCs
  16. Are you saying there may be a dead cat in the box? ...wait Are you saying I'm in the box? I'm a cat in a box... NO SCHRODINGER NO! I WANT TO LIIIIIVE! Am I alive or dead? Someone send help or a funeral service please. Suddendly, I think Hellsing.
  17. The place where PZ is set is under quarantine, if you were to use a helicopter, you would probably just get shot down by the military anyway. In all modes of PZ there is quarantine? I thought it's only in Kate&Baldspot story. I think there is no reason to have helicopter. You must be pilot to use it and you can't figure it out by yourself. It's just too complicated / complex. It would be overpowered or useless. Not so good idea in my opinion. On the other hand maybe paraglider could be a thing? I don't know how common are they in USA but in my country it's common thing to see on sky. It's not so complicated to use / fix it. I dont see how you would even use a paraglider, because 1: You can't go up, you can only glide down. 2: To begin using them, You'd need to be higher up, and since there are no mountains or hills, you'd have to use rooftops, to which you have no way to transport the glider to. Also, it's the same place as the Kate&Baldspot story, so naturally it is under the same circumstances, so yes, it is under quarantine.
  18. The place where PZ is set is under quarantine, if you were to use a helicopter, you would probably just get shot down by the military anyway.
  19. no guns dude, just transport.. Its still an overpowered vehicle. And I really doubt every survivor in the world would be able to use a helicopter
  20. http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/192-commonly-suggested-suggestions-read-before-posting-unofficial/ [n] Overpowered Vehicles/Tanks
  21. migulao


    I guess I kind of worded it wrong, but I was agreeing with you that they should have a fishing profession in the game and if they do add it they should give you a bonus to the fishing skill. There already is a Fisherman profession, it provides a bonus to fishing and foraging.
  22. migulao


    That... is literally what I just said. That the fisherman profession would let the character stay entertained while fishing.
  23. migulao


    Not that many people actually enjoy fishing. I assume that most of the activity consists mostly of waiting around, and I don't see how that's entertaining. Although I think the fisherman profession should keep the character entertained while fishing.
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