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Everything posted by ProjectSky

  1. local zb = getWorld():getCell():getZombieList() if zb ~= nil then for i = 0, zb:size() - 1 do zb:get(i):setSpeedMod(1.1) end end as far as I know there is no way to set the properties of a single zombie
  2. used by an old mod of mine, try it getSandboxOptions():getOptionByName(option):setValue(value) getSandboxOptions():sendToServer()
  3. if use other gui implemented i need to rewrite all the base code which is equivalent to make a new mod. so i hope dev consider optimizing its performance.
  4. because my more buildings mod add lot of builds, it requires a lot of submenu
  5. game loads 2x textures even when Double-sized Textures is turned off. this issues caused my mod to not display the 1x texture properly, looking at the logs I found that the game was still loading the 2x texture. delete 2x texture work for me. texturepack: loading morebuild2x
  6. container capacity is set by the ContainerCapacity key of the tile definition
  7. ISContextMenu performance been optimized?
  8. you are right, this test is too extreme i hope pz can standard base things of the engine, hope it can become better
  9. i don't think set a limit is good thing, dev should try optimize it if possible
  10. i have 49k+ nails in inventory, right click game freezes 5+ sec this is a extreme test, but developers need to be notice this issues 49k.mp4
  11. DoParam should use key, value format, not weird "ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 70" format like this DoParam("ConditionLowerChanceOneIn", 100)
  12. bot name base on the server name, use the -servername startup parameter to modify it
  13. local function SpawnInventoryItem(sq) local x, y, z = sq:getX(), sq:getY(), sq:getZ() if x == 6142 and y == 5399 and z == 0 then sq:AddWorldInventoryItem("Base.Axe", 0, 0, 0) Events.LoadGridsquare.Remove(SpawnInventoryItem) --once end end Events.LoadGridsquare.Add(SpawnInventoryItem)
  14. server_browser_announced_ip used by nosteam server, try use StartServer64.bat -ip x.x.x.x parameters to configure ip
  15. no content update, just added ProjectZomboid64ShowConsole.bat modified ProjectZomboid64.bat file
  16. version 41.66 no mod i mean right click on the world tile, not right click in player inventory update: 41.65 is the same
  17. If the player has too many items in the inventory(i have 2000+ nails) game will freeze every time they right-click, this a known performance issue?
  18. ProjectSky

    42 Techdoid

    some off topic. pz have considered deprecating kahlua? it not too late.
  19. getCell():gridSquareIsSnow(x, y, z) -- is snow tiles? IsoCell doesn't expose snowGridCur, can't get snow amount, but this method can be used to get tile is covered with snow
  20. not happened my server, did you do that after shutting down the server?
  21. ./start-server.sh -port 12345 -servername test
  22. try load 300+ context menu every right click mouse game freeze ISContextMenu seems to have poor performance so i hope dev consider optimizing its performance local testFunc = {} testFunc.doTestMenu = function(player, context) local starttime = os.time() for i=1,300 do local firstMenu = context:addOption("test" .. i, nil, nil) local secondMenu = ISContextMenu:getNew(context) context:addSubMenu(firstMenu, secondMenu) end local endtime = os.time() print(string.format("cost time: %.4f", endtime - starttime)) -- cost time: 0.2440 end Events.OnFillWorldObjectContextMenu.Add(testFunc.doTestMenu)
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