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Everything posted by ProjectSky

  1. I only get a dedicated server update.
  2. Edit: I recently looked at the javadoc, it helped me a lot, so the problem solved. local sq = getCell():getGridSquare(x, y, z); if (sq ~= nil) then for i = sq:getObjects():size(), 1, -1 do local obj = sq:getObjects():get(i - 1); if instanceof(obj, "IsoWorldInventoryObject") then if obj:getItem():getFullType() == ItemTable then sq:transmitRemoveItemFromSquare(obj) obj:removeFromSquare(); end end end end
  3. I have forgotten the problem. It's easy to solve. SpawnZombie = function(module, command, player, args) if command == "SpawnZombie" then spawnHorde(arg.x,arg.y,argz,arg.zb) end end Events.OnClientCommand.Add(SpawnZombie); Send command to the server to handle with, the problem is solved.
  4. cd Servers Directory, edit ProjectZomboid64.json { "mainClass": "zombie/network/GameServer", "classpath": [ "java/", "java/jinput.jar", "java/lwjgl.jar", "java/lwjgl_util.jar", "java/sqlite-jdbc-", "java/uncommons-maths-1.2.3.jar" ], "vmArgs": [ "-Xms2048m", "-Xmx2048m", "-Dsoftreset", "-Dzomboid.steam=1", "-Dzomboid.znetlog=1", "-Djava.library.path=linux64/:natives/", "-XX:-UseSplitVerifier", "-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/urandom" ] } Add Line -Dsoftreset run start-server.sh wating "soft-reset complete, server terminated" Tips. Don't forget Dsoftreset completion delete -Dsoftreset command!
  5. Check media/lua/server/Items/SuburbsDistributions.lua files.
  6. ProjectSky

    Happy Place

    I'm waiting for a picture.
  7. ProjectSky

    Coxis Shop

    Nope. I edited the ISCoxisShop.lua file by adding a few new buttons that you can try this version. It should reproduce the problems I mentioned. CoxisShop(edit).zip
  8. I saw the Faction function in the translation file. How do I create the Faction?
  9. New map?? Awesome!!! I think we can not wait to see the new area.
  10. Use setOptionReloadDifficulty(int) Example Code: AmmoReload = {} AmmoReload.Hardcore = function() --function getCore():setOptionReloadDifficulty(3); --set Reload Difficulty 1 = easy 2 = normal 3 = hardcore. end Events.EveryTenMinutes.Add(AmmoReload.Hardcore);--Check every ten minutes.
  11. @turbotutone Thanks. I understand. but I have another question! How to add custom radio data to the game? I try to rename RadioData.xml but it does not work.
  12. How do I add a new TV or radio channel?
  13. Darker Nights can't work in multiplayer game?
  14. 303. Automatically remove server ground garbage (player dropped items)
  15. I still can back up my SAVE in multiplayer games. So this is a error? servertest.ini - SaveTransactionID=true
  16. LuaEventManager: adding unknown event "OnTileRemoved" Init ISContextManager ------------------------------------------------------------- attempted index: x of non-table: null ----------------------------------------- STACK TRACE ----------------------------------------- function: instantiate -- file: MainScreen.lua line # 730 function: addToUIManager -- file: ISUIElement.lua line # 883 function: LoadMainScreenPanelInt -- file: MainScreen.lua line # 1609 function: LoadMainScreenPanelIngame -- file: MainScreen.lua line # 1601 java.lang.RuntimeException: attempted index: x of non-table: null at se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.tableget(KahluaThread.java:1549) at se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.luaMainloop(KahluaThread.java:473) at se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.call(KahluaThread.java:163) at se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.pcall(KahluaThread.java:1727) at se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.pcallvoid(KahluaThread.java:1672) at se.krka.kahlua.integration.LuaCaller.pcallvoid(LuaCaller.java:53) at se.krka.kahlua.integration.LuaCaller.protectedCallVoid(LuaCaller.java:81) at zombie.Lua.Event.trigger(Event.java:37) at zombie.Lua.LuaEventManager.triggerEvent(LuaEventManager.java:61) at zombie.gameStates.IngameState.enter(IngameState.java:551) at zombie.gameStates.GameStateMachine.update(GameStateMachine.java:145) at zombie.GameWindow.logic(GameWindow.java:633) at zombie.GameWindow.run(GameWindow.java:1238) at zombie.GameWindow.maina(GameWindow.java:1018) at zombie.gameStates.MainScreenState.main(MainScreenState.java:177) ----------------------------------------- STACK TRACE ----------------------------------------- function: instantiate -- file: MainScreen.lua line # 730 function: addToUIManager -- file: ISUIElement.lua line # 883 function: LoadMainScreenPanelInt -- file: MainScreen.lua line # 1609 function: LoadMainScreenPanelIngame -- file: MainScreen.lua line # 1601 I get this error In coop mode.
  17. AAAAAAAAAAA Awesome!!!
  18. a fix version of the radio file? Should I continue the current version?
  19. Seems to be a spelling mistake. module Hydrocraft { imports { Base } /******************RECIPES********************/ recipe Carve Wooden Dog Call { HCWoodblock, keep HuntingKnife/HCJackknife/HCKnifestone, Result:HCDogwhistle, Time:500, SkillRequired:Woodwork=3, Category:Carpentry, } } HCWoodBlock → HCWoodblock
  20. Simplified Chinese Translation updated for Build 35.17b Simplified Chinese Translation-35.17b
  21. Awesome. I can't use servertest.ini directly set nightlengthmodifier option. Is this a problem?
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