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Everything posted by ProjectSky

  1. server did not report the correct count of players to the steam server actually 15 players in the game, but the server browser reports that my server has 44 players
  2. it should work -- get install mods statu -- @param ModID string -- @return bool function isModActivate(ModID) return getActivatedMods():contains(ModID) end print(isModActivate("MyMod"))
  3. Maybe VehicleScript.class, I’m not sure.
  4. startup parameters -cachedir=~/.local/share/Zomboid
  5. try this local function test() local item = getScriptManager():getItem("Base.Axe") item:setWeight(0.5) item:setActualWeight(0.5) item:setTexture(icon); end Events.OnPreMapLoad.Add(test) not tested it, i think it should work
  6. If maxplayers is set to 1, server will crash at startup, set to 2 not crash. version: dedicated server build 40.43 hs_err_pid1737683.log
  7. server_browser_announced_ip is a invalid server setting, maybe b41 server-side character function will solve this issue
  8. i use the following code to modify zombie health, but i found some issue. local zb = getPlayer:getCell():getZombieList() if zb ~= nil then for i = 0, zb:size() - 1 do if zb:get(i):getHealth() < 2 then zb:get(i):setHealth(ZombRand(5.0, 10.0)) end end end When I kill these zombies, the information panel shows that the number of kill zombies keeps increasing.
  9. Yes, I found the containercapacity property, but i can't use getProperties():Set method set the capacity. container:getProperties():Set("ContainerCapacity", "100"); -- why return 15?
  10. Itemcontainer.class has a getcapacity method to get capacity, but it does not have setcapacity method, capacity is hard coded Can developers add a setCapacity method? This will be very useful.
  11. local DuctTape = getScriptManager():getItem("Base.DuctTape"); DuctTape:setUseDelta(0.05); call OnPreMapLoad event load this function
  12. ProjectSky


    OMG!! This is good news for server admin.
  13. Lua function? for k,v in pairs(_G) do print(k,v) end
  14. Set Night Darkness to darkest I can't see my character.(Equipped flashlights)
  15. ArrayList = java.util.ArrayList:new() table = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} ArrayList:add(table) print(ArrayList:get(0)) > table 0x417557780 see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/ArrayList.html
  16. After the last Update, i become this error message if i try to join Server. Validation game file not solve the issue, re subscribing to workshop item not solve the issue.
  17. 915: Maybe this is not a suggestion, but I hope PZ have a more standard Lua library (io, utf8 and more). maybe deprecated Kahlua?
  18. local Body = getPlayer():getBodyDamage() Body:RestoreToFullHealth()
  19. IsoBarbecue or Barbecue, if you mean sprite then it is appliances_cooking_01_35 http://projectzomboid.com/modding/zombie/iso/objects/IsoBarbecue.html
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