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  1. Спасибо. Still looking for an answer.
  2. Спасибо, но в этом файле описываются сами предметы/рецепты. Перевод делается через папку Translate.
  3. Да. Знаешь, как делать перевод для модов?
  4. Hi everyone. I'm currently struggling on translation (localication) of recipes and items introduced in a mod. I suppose we should be able to do that without modifying PZ's installation folder, right? So I've created C:\Users\User\Zomboid\mods\mymod\media\lua\*\Translate folder as well as translation files within it, but PZ seems not to parse it My hope was that contents of Item_<LOCALEID> and Recipe_<LOCALEID> would "append" to the the default ones, provided in corresponing files located in PZ's installation folder. Unfortunately, they don't. UPD Console outputs contains following: MOD: mod "MyMode" overrides media/lua/shared/Translate/RU/Items_RU.txtLoading RakNet from: ./translator: language is RUA problem occurs with the translation : Slice Bread : "Нарезать хлеб,which makes me think that PZ tries to read mod-provided translations. On the other hand Process Monitor registers shows that no bytes were read from mod's Items_RU.txt
  5. Hey, RoboMat. It looks to me that they are mostly discuss translation strings (actual texts), not NLS mechanism. Still, going to post there as well. Updated first post with console output details.
  6. Hi everyone. I'm currently struggling on translation (localication) of recipes and items introduced in a mod. I suppose we should be able to do that without modifying PZ's installation folder, right? So I've created C:\Users\User\Zomboid\mods\mymod\media\lua\*\Translate folder as well as translation files within it, but PZ seems not to parse it My hope was that contents of Item_<LOCALEID> and Recipe_<LOCALEID> would "append" to the the default ones, provided in corresponing files located in PZ's installation folder. Unfortunately, they don't. UPD Console outputs contains following: MOD: mod "MyMode" overrides media/lua/shared/Translate/RU/Items_RU.txtLoading RakNet from: ./translator: language is RUA problem occurs with the translation : Slice Bread : "Нарезать хлеб,which makes me think that PZ tries to read mod-provided translations. On the other hand Process Monitor registers shows that no bytes were read from mod's Items_RU.txt
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