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Juulis's Achievements

  1. What do you mean with:,, the nore you play, the more can you carry"? Does that mean, the items are ,,losing" weight or does the the weight reduction highers? Yeah, the strength is skilled up and then you get to carry more weight.. They are working on the skillsystem, so it's gonna be a bit better later on.. More obvious I hope.
  2. Really..? Really? hmm.... Really ... ? That's realism for you? ^^ You must have a sucky schoolbag.... ^^
  3. Diablo 3 Release!! I took the friday off (had a holiday on thursday anyway) to play D3 .. .And wasn't able to get on the servers until monday after work.......................................... Yay.... Played some Diablo and some Diablo 2:LoD instead though........ Oh, and the monday when we got online, we noticed in 10h of gaming, it sucked......... Back to D2:LoD !
  4. Noooo, don't mess with the field of vision.... It's really hard even now with the fow.... I can't see behind me at all.... One would think you should have more control of the environment IRL than this....
  5. I really hope they won't implement any thing about dropping your stuffs automaticly.... That would be horrible... If it's a simulator, it's not doable... IRL I would NOT in any chance drop my bag of survival stuff.. Nor the weapon.. Zombies or not, I would never be that stupid, risking my future by loosing my stuff.. And if that is implemented, you are forced to deal with loosing your items randomly when spooked... Not okay! ;o The panic thing though, I also thought about it yesterday when played.. Why only bad things happend to you when paniced? I too think that adrenaline levels would raise and you should run a bit faster, forget about your headake/other pain and maybe be a bit stronger.. Also the panic is to much right now imo.. It should be tuned down some.. After 7 days jumping zombies with small pens or knifes, you shouldn't panic as much as you did on the 1st day encounter some zombies.. unrealistic..
  6. It's supposed to be a simulator for survival. Loot won't respawn IRL... That would make a bad simulator. DayZ and other survivalgames has the respawning feature and it isn't realistic.. Instead, they should make a larger sized map. That would increase the playtime alot. After you got the things you need, you can make a safeplace and farm.. Not going outside and not needing loot.. Also, there will be NPC's, we don't know how they will interact with the game yet, maybe there will be other groups of survivors coming through town, leaving stuff behind... (now that's a good suggestion for the suggestion forum ) I think you guys should try more getting the realism in the game, than to make the game more fun.. That way, it will become more fun automaticly
  7. Although almost every home got bags... And if they won't add in homes that's already been looted, there should be bags.. Even with bags, you can't carry to much.. It's the strength that makes you stronger, and it gets higher by time, therefore "the more you play, the more you can carry" is already in the game
  8. Really? You can see what's in a container without looking into it? That's cool, I wish I knew you irl Nah, seriously, the game should stay realistic, and that is, you have to be almost IN the crate to see what's in it....
  9. What now..? The skills for combat is currently the following: Blunt Blade Aiming Reloading Here should be a close-combat skill too according to my suggestion.. Which would boost dmg and swiftness with weapons like knifes, screwdrivers, pens, pencils..
  10. Hey! I know you guys are in heavy work and I'm sure you are planning this already. I still want to point out some easy changes that could be made right now without to much effort. 1. Trowel, really? This is the only thing you could plant your seeds with? What about the spoons, forks, knifes in the kitchen..? They would be just as good, especially the spoons.. 2. I know the farming are under dev, but maybe you could add the thing people talk about alot, potatoe for potatoes.. Maybe you could make it so one potatoe has 1/4 shot of growing to new potatoes, that way it isn't OP. Also I want the plants more realistic, the tomatoe plants e.g, Plant a new one each time? Nah, not realistic. 3. Maybe you could make the knife and screwdriver alot more realistic? Maybe add some durability, both as standard durability and replenishable like knifesharpeners? Would be cool. Also add in some regular knifes(dinner knifes..) It's weird this doesn't exist already. The screwdriver needs some more durability and alot more damage. I know you already thinking of adding such things, but a close-combat skill would be nice, which would add dmg to knifes/screwdrivers and all other short melee weapons. Another thing I really miss in this game is to make a stick with knife/screwdriver on.. I mean, that's the first weapon you would do really.. You don't want to get to close to the zombies, and knifes is a common weapon.. So a stick would be great to attach a knife on. With scotch-tape, wire, or any shoelaces perhaps? Also, the wood.. When I destroy furniture, it should give me wood.. Really... Nice work so far on the game! I love it, just want some more realism like this things pointed out! Keep up the good work!
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