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Everything posted by blindcoder

  1. The weathering effect is called Erosion and it's been in for a while already. What you might see is a bug in Mono screwing up transparency a bit.
  2. I have a very rough side-by-side comparison here, it's not in-game but for PZ Map: Old: https://oc.anderdonau.de/index.php/s/Th5bHU38pXbhGih New: https://oc.anderdonau.de/index.php/s/IfGqyrloVG5RXaB Note that the quality differs a lot from in-game view as rendering is done entirely differently, but it gives a nice comparison.
  3. Check http://pzmap.crash-override.net/ for the old art style, then compare with your game. You should definately see a difference.
  4. There's a little weirdness with the worldobjects table going on, I have not yet dug to the bottom of that. However, this snippet works as you would expect: function(player, context, worldObjects) local firstObject; for _,o in ipairs(worldObjects) do if not firstObject then firstObject = o; end end worldObjects = firstObject:getSquare():getObjects(); for i=0,worldObjects:size()-1 do local object = worldObjects:get(i); end end It's a bit cumbersome, but it's the best I could come up with on short notice when I wrote this snippet. Also, bcUtils.dump returns a string, you still need to output it with print: print(bcUtils.dump(object));
  5. I'm not really sure. I've never tried to do that myself, always been going back to the main screen, reloaded the mods and loaded the savegame from there.
  6. Thanks for the notice. Since I'm generating the map from the most recent .lotpack files and the .pack files from PZ directly, I believe those wolud get automatically picked up anyway.
  7. Thanks! I'll look into it, but I guess this was added after the last time I created the map images. Probably time to make a new one...
  8. The bcUtils mod has a button to reload mods from the Main screen (look in the top-right). Reloading while the game is running would work the same way, but I highly advise against it, as it will lead to events firing multiple times, data structures being reinitialised when they shouldn't and probably some other unpleasentries.
  9. That should be entirely possible. Just add the workshop id to WorkshopItems in the servers .ini WorkshopItems=503645367
  10. Yes, this is exactly the right place! Can you give me a PZ Map link as to where that sign is supposed to be?
  11. Yes, I used to have a seperate mod (but no more) to merge manually, but it got tedious quickly. The rules of merging are these: - If the items are identical, merge them - unless they are moved to the floor (couldn't get that coded up...) - unless they have a ReplaceOnUseOn item defined - and unless BCGT.MergeIgnoe[item:getFullType()] is set That last one was to not merge Batteries, Flashlights and other things that can't be merged without a tool (which technically is also true for pill blisters, but eh...) and to allow other mods to prevent merging of their items easily. The entirety of the merging code is very short and available here: https://github.com/blind-coder/pz-bcRandomizedItems/blob/master/media/lua/client/bcRandomizedItems.lua
  12. OTTOMH: - forgetting to transmit*ToClient / transmit*ToServer - not using sendCommand when you should (hard to point down, really, basically every time you have an event that the other can't know about but acting on it on the wrong side anyway) - assuming any data that is on a Lua object to be persistent, always use moddata for that (which is autosaved!). If you need data to be persistent across saves, but you don't have a java object to pin it on, it is generally done by pinning it onto the GameTime object That's all that I can recall from memory right now.
  13. Aaaah, now I see what you mean. Yeah, that'd really be nice... That is actually part of my Secondhand Loots mod.
  14. Wow, no pressure at all there Thanks, everybody! And yes, RJ, ich will dein grosses Bierglas wieder auffuellen
  15. I build the program with my compiler. but can you give an example of how to give the program arguments? eg how to specify the location of the map files and and what part of the map to make the bmp from? There's an example in the file runme.bash
  16. Yeah, I'm using my scripts for that. I'm actually creating all the 12800x12800 pixel images, then resize all of them to 3.125% and then stitch them all together. Unfortunately, those scripts will pretty much only work on Linux.
  17. 1) weird... but okay 2) great 3) you don't want that. That'd be a 123 billion pixel image. Literally 537600 by 230400 pixels. I personally use the output from this program, push it through a few Linux shellscripts I wrot and get a few hundred 12800x12800 pixel images that I then convert into something I can use on the website. The entire process takes about a week, give or take.
  18. No, the -max* and -min* parameters ARE optional, as are some others. Can you do me a favor and try: - using \ instead of / - using a simpler parameter to -output (like: -output "output\"), ie: a relative path
  19. Now I'm getting this with zomboid v33.20: Starting programm...Reading texture data from: Erosion.packSheet count: 5Reading texture data from: Tiles.packSheet count: 25Reading tiledef c:\GOG Games\Project Zomboid\media\newtiledefinitions.tilesExcepción no controlada: System.FormatException: La cadena de entrada no tiene el formato correcto. en System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) en System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) en System.Convert.ToInt32(String value) en MapMapLib.MMTileDefReader.Load(String datafile) en MapMap.Main.readTileDefs() en MapMap.Main.Run(String[] args) en MapMap.Program.Main(String[] args) Check the runme.bash file. The tiledef files need specific names (prefixed with 0_ 1_ and 2_ respectively) to work.
  20. I think OP means the green bar is not as usable as the numbres.
  21. The files are right here: https://github.com/blind-coder/pz-mapmap/blob/master/MapMapLib/MMBinReader.cs https://github.com/blind-coder/pz-mapmap/blob/master/MapMapLib/MMTileDefReader.cs Also, I've created a release that I compiled using mono on Linux: https://github.com/blind-coder/pz-mapmap/releases It's confirmed to work on Windows.
  22. I'll contact FireChaser and ask if it's okay.
  23. If it's more-or-less done, sure! Creating maps takes a while to get going and I relaly don't want to recreate maps every other day (grossly exaggerated, but I think you know what I mean). Got a link for me?
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