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Everything posted by blindcoder

  1. "The People" decided that "they" want to leave. That's all. There's nothing that's happened yet.
  2. There is a small version available here: http://pzmap.crash-override.net/maps/SurvivalL0/smallmap.jpg (13 MiB) The new map is really really huge and I have as of yet no good idea how to make it available offline.
  3. You can't win the game because the starting parameters are stacked against you. As soon as the remaining stones are a multiple of 4 plus 1 (5, 9, 13, 17, etc) you have lost. Now have a look at the number at the start and at who starts...
  4. try item:transmitModData();
  5. You might need to do: square:transmitRemoveItemFromSquare(item);
  6. Granted, if you only deal with one, you might be lucky. Just don't attract a thunder of dragons, and you might be fine there.
  7. blindcoder


    Check my "Do I have a key for that" mod (https://github.com/blind-coder/pz-dihakft/blob/master/media/lua/client/dihakft.lua). You can overwrite the ISToolTipInv.render function to do your own rendering of the tooltip. It'd be messy, because you'd need to implement all the rest of the tooltip, too, but it's doable.
  8. That is pretty easily answered. First, we take the melting point of metal. Since metal is a very generic term, let's assume metal to be "steel", which in turn is just iron with a desired amount of carbon. A quick check on Google shows us results from 500 - 1500 degrees centigrade, depeding on the amount of carbon contained (http://education.jlab.org/qa/meltingpoint_01.html). Dragons can obviously fly, so you would need to build a dome out of metal sheets. Since we all know that RJ is a cool dude, I'm 97.53% sure that we will be able to do that, so lets assume you built yourself a metal dome out of steel being able to sustain 1500 degrees centigrade. Unfortunately, noone ever measured the exact temperature of the firey breath of a dragon, so I will take the next best thing, Dragon's breath. According to everyones favorite source of knowledge, Dragon's breath burns at around 1650 degrees centigrade, a good 10% above the melting point of your dome. Okay, so it won't protect you against a fully grown dragon, but let's say you got lucky and just encountered a baby dragon who hasn't yet gotten the hang of breathing the hottest fire known to Dragonkind, so he'll just breath fire with a temperature around 1000 degrees centigrade. Congratulations, you have now been cooked sterile and preserved within your giant steeldome!
  9. blindcoder


    The inventory items tooltips are all handled in Java, so this specific one is in zombie.inventory.types.HandWeapon:DoTooltip().
  10. Ah, yeah, now I understand. Not sure if that's possible with Lua mods, though. I think that's deep in the Java part of the code.
  11. Random zombies and random zombie migration? What do you mean?
  12. Water / Elecricity Shutoff Fine Tuning This mod lets you customise the water and electricity shutoff date. You can enter either a specific day on which the shutoff will happen or a custom range. See the video for details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPoNhJF7_bA Download You can get the mod here: github: https://github.com/blind-coder/pz-bcfinetune/releases (needs bcUtils, too: https://github.com/blind-coder/pz-bcUtils/releases) Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=691831046 Enjoy
  13. The upgrading is not in the mod yet. I'm waiting for it to hit IWBUMS, too, so I can check the sprites and how to properly integrate it all. I could probably integrate the upgrading of existing walls already, but I want to stay as close to vanilla as possible.
  14. blindcoder

    Mouse Trap

    Right click on the trap with something to bait it with in your main inventory (tomatoes or cheese work well).
  15. blindcoder

    Mouse Trap

    You need it in your main inventory, then rightclick on the ground somewhere and select "Place Trap".
  16. UPDATE Properly supporting the new movable furniture popup now.
  17. UPDATE I have released version 0.2.2 with the changes mentioned above. Enjoy!
  18. I have changed the XP completely now. The new idea is: XP is awarded for whatever skill the work on the recipe requires, or Carpentry if "any". This way XP can be awarded to any skill, which makes it interesting once metalworking is in. Also, XP is awarded at 0.1 points per in-game minute you work on the project. You can check how much has been done / has to be done by checking the "Progress: 0 / 60" text in the tooltip. In this case, there's 60 minutes of work left which means 6 XP points at 60 times 0.1 point. This means, that building things give a LOT more XP (up from the default 3 points for everything), but since they also take a lot longer, it only seems fair. This bug still applies, though: http://theindiestone.com/forums/?app=tcbugtracker&module=tracker&controller=issues&id=176&do=getNewComment I still have to figure out how to balance this with deconstruction, since now you can just construct something to 95%, then deconstruct it down to 5% and reconstruct it to 95% and gain XP over and over again. Not even sure if this even IS an issue, since it's still taking a lot of time anyway. All ideas welcome
  19. @FiveNine78 Yeah, that's something I literally just noticed when I wrote up the final documentation. Will certainly be in.
  20. Yeah, building at another building is still some TODO thingie.
  21. blindcoder

    Zombo Baggins

    The rooting around reminds me of ZombiU where accessing your backpack via the gamepad resulted in the player taking it off onto the ground. The TV screen then showed the player rooting around in the backpack and your gamepad showing its contents. Best mechanic in that entire game if you ask me. You also couldn't see any zeds coming in while doing that, so there's that.
  22. That's definately coming soon. I honestly JUST realized this issue when I wrote the last sentences of the documentation for the public release. That's the ultimate point once I manage to properly draw silhouettes of the tile being built.
  23. Long-Term Crafting Projects (CrafTecs) This mod is a complete overhaul of the building worldobjects mechanics (like walls, doors and such). Current state The mod is fully functional as of IWBUMS 34.something. Mechanics The mod requires you to start CrafTecs (working name) on squares, then add parts like planks and nails. After that, you can start working on the object. If you only have half of the necessary parts, you can start building the object up to 50% completion (or whatever fraction of parts you have). Objects take a LOT longer than they did before. Walls take half an hour, stairs four hours, crates one hour and so on. It always felt weird putting up walls and stairs in minutes. To counterbalance that long time, you can stop the project at any time and resume working on it later. You can even share the work between different people! Everyone will get 0.1 point of experience per unit of progress he helped on the project. That means if you build it for 60 minutes, you will get 6 points of experience sliced into 60 times 0.1 points. Normal multipliers still apply. The code also allows for objects to require certain level in different skills and even allows for certain profession. This way you could, for example, require a nurse with experience in Blunt-Maintenance to build a certain object. You can also require MULTIPLE professions / skilllevels for a single object. You can also require different tools to build things. Hammers, saws, blowtorches, a waterscale, a pen, a piece of paper, anything! Download Download is available on github: https://github.com/blind-coder/pz-craftec/releases Download is also available on Spiffos Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=677858797 Demovideo Enjoy
  24. I haven't played enough of Overland yet to say for sure, but I think they are not really random, but partially hand-crafted, partially random. Let's say there's a migration level between two areas. You have the road, obviously, then there's a roll for having a fence or some trashcans block the path. Then a roll for a few more trashcans, some enemies and maybe some random trash lying around.
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