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  1. Despite of not be a new idea, the npc guards are an improvement to this game style, seems it advances in ant steps. The problem is that devs of the other games resist to much in implement features requested by their players, a extreme case is WarZ, they have one cool plataform, imo, but they screw it up more and more by pure stubbornness. Or by greed, incompetence, or both, not sure. 7 days has alot content of crafting, the problem is that is too laggy for the graphical quality it has. Nether has an new vertical combat style, it is in the urban area so has many buildings with little bridges betwen them, also has an very weak craft system, but atleast has.
  2. Could be more or less like already is, when one is sleeping others must guard the place, or when alone you have to hide yourself. The only inconvenient is that the game time can't be considered as realistic in this case, the sleep would be like an "debuff", that lasts idk 3 minutes, and your tiredness gets better acording with the time you spend sleeping . But if you hear shots, fight sound, running steps, or windows breaking, then you awake, as an option or mandatorily. I think is best that can be done, better than just do not having.
  3. Would be nice give a look at examples in others games, 3D but 2D style, has in Shadowrun returns, for example. I think this kind of nade has use more for pvp, to block the enemy's aim and to help when you need to flee, the area covered by the smoke go turning smoothly to black in the back part of the player perspective, just like trees and other structures in the PZ. When the player is inside of the AOE hes vision gets all blured, but still can see, maybe like 40% To zombies i think, the effect should be just like flares in the others games, because the sound is continuous and has no explosion. They are attracted while the nade is active then they return into their normal state, dispersing a little. But they can't see through the smoke too, of course. A good combo would be thermal vision+smoke nade, in thermal mode you see players but not zombies. Flash nade is basically temporary blindness, deal some damege if hit too close of the opponent, and do alot noise so it has an considerable aggro to zombies.
  4. Thanks, now i read. But aw come on, is just not put the especific name on the guns, i think they can't prosecute noone for just a bunch of pixels. Sorry, what is ETA?
  5. Hi, I didn't read nothing on the forum yet, and i opened this account just to give a few ideas, so sorry if what i'm gonna say was already suggested, or already exist in game.How I do not speak english i will try put this in a very simplified way, i hope that i could be understood. Guns: (I think these ones are essential)- AK47- M16- M24- Crossbow- 45 Python Explosives and traps:- Grenades: frag, flash, smoke- Mines- Bear traps- Molotovs Melee:- Machete- Hatchet- Handmade Spear and/or Farm fork.- Katana and/or Broadsword (Very Rare)- Chainsaw Equipments and clothes: - Camouflage uniform- Biohazard suit- Handmade armor- Riot police armor- Shields: Handmade, Riot Obs.: Also, If could show the backpacks would look so nice. Vehicles: Maybe an motorcycle just like had in Darkeden, this style worked well in 2D. Safe ares: Where you can rent a place to put your tent and some boxes, or just a simple room. And where you can access a auction to buy rare intems and stuff. Moviment:- Crouch, to protect yourself behind objects from shots.- Lie down on the floor, to hide on the grass and both to shoot and avoid sniper shots (like the hit rate of the enemy decreases).- Sit, to recover from fatigue. Others:- A way to clean your area and your traces, removing and burning the corpses.- And idk if already has, but how to do fire camp and torches. Thanks for read, i also must say that i've played lately more PZ than the others suvival games that i have here, 7days, ISS and Nether. My congrats, the game is surprisingly more fun than i thought that would be when i bought.
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