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Everything posted by WaffleFish

  1. Aaaand..... Done! does it support build 28 now? Build 28 was released shortly after I updated this, so I have no idea. You're welcome to try it though, but it's not officially supported. With the memory of updating it for Build 27, I don't feel like updating again it just yet, sorry.
  2. I think this was what was needed. I have no idea how or when it was fixed, but everything seems to be working properly in a new save file. Thanks for all the help!
  3. I am afraid I don't really understand the reload system (I just looked at the code and tried to figure out what was going on to make the mod in the first place). I tried putting some print statements in, but I couldn't see anything in the console. Please could you be more specific about what and where to put them, as I'm not sure what to do.
  4. I have looked, and I can't seem to find anything - changing the name didn't fix anything. Here is the code for the item (the reloading code is unchanged). Maybe you can spot something? module Fletchery{ imports { Base, camping } item bow0 { AmmoType = Bolts, ImpactSound = null, MaxRange = 18, RangeFalloff = TRUE, WeaponSprite = null, SoundVolume = 200, MinAngle = 0.7, Type = Weapon, MinimumSwingTime = 2, ToHitModifier = 1.5, NPCSoundBoost = 1.5, KnockBackOnNoDeath = FALSE, Ranged = TRUE, SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0, ProjectileCount = 1, ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 40, Weight = 4.0, SplatNumber = 1, PushBackMod = 0.8, MaxDamage = 2.3, SubCategory = Firearm, AimingMod = 2, ConditionMax = 10, ShareDamage = FALSE, MaxHitCount = 1, IsAimedHandWeapon = TRUE, IsAimedFirearm = TRUE, DoorDamage = 1, IdleAnim = Idle_Weapon2, UseEndurance = FALSE, SwingAnim = Rifle, WeaponWeight = 2, DisplayName = Crossbow, MinRange = 0.61, SwingTime = 2, SwingSound = arrowFire, AngleFalloff = TRUE, MultipleHitConditionAffected = FALSE, SoundRadius = 5, MinDamage = 1.4, KnockdownMod = 8, SplatBloodOnNoDeath = FALSE, Icon = bow0, RunAnim = Run_Weapon2, TwoHandWeapon = TRUE, } item bow1 { AmmoType = Arrows, ImpactSound = null, MaxRange = 18, RangeFalloff = TRUE, WeaponSprite = null, SoundVolume = 200, MinAngle = 0.7, Type = Weapon, MinimumSwingTime = 2, ToHitModifier = 1.5, NPCSoundBoost = 1.5, KnockBackOnNoDeath = FALSE, Ranged = TRUE, SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0, ProjectileCount = 1, ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 5, Weight = 3.0, SplatNumber = 1, PushBackMod = 0.8, MaxDamage = 1, SubCategory = Firearm, AimingMod = 2, ConditionMax = 10, ShareDamage = FALSE, MaxHitCount = 1, IsAimedHandWeapon = TRUE, IsAimedFirearm = TRUE, DoorDamage = 1, IdleAnim = Idle_Weapon2, UseEndurance = FALSE, SwingAnim = Rifle, WeaponWeight = 2, DisplayName = Homemade Bow, MinRange = 0.61, SwingTime = 2, SwingSound = arrowFire, AngleFalloff = TRUE, MultipleHitConditionAffected = FALSE, SoundRadius = 5, MinDamage = 0.3, KnockdownMod = 8, SplatBloodOnNoDeath = FALSE, Icon = bow0, RunAnim = Run_Weapon2, TwoHandWeapon = TRUE, } item bow2 { AmmoType = Arrows, ImpactSound = null, MaxRange = 18, RangeFalloff = TRUE, WeaponSprite = null, SoundVolume = 200, MinAngle = 0.7, Type = Weapon, MinimumSwingTime = 2, ToHitModifier = 1.5, NPCSoundBoost = 1.5, KnockBackOnNoDeath = FALSE, Ranged = TRUE, SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0, ProjectileCount = 1, ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 40, Weight = 3.0, SplatNumber = 1, PushBackMod = 0.8, MaxDamage = 1.8, SubCategory = Firearm, AimingMod = 2, ConditionMax = 10, ShareDamage = FALSE, MaxHitCount = 1, IsAimedHandWeapon = TRUE, IsAimedFirearm = TRUE, DoorDamage = 1, IdleAnim = Idle_Weapon2, UseEndurance = FALSE, SwingAnim = Rifle, WeaponWeight = 2, DisplayName = Bow, MinRange = 0.61, SwingTime = 2, SwingSound = arrowFire, AngleFalloff = TRUE, MultipleHitConditionAffected = FALSE, SoundRadius = 5, MinDamage = 0.8, KnockdownMod = 8, SplatBloodOnNoDeath = FALSE, Icon = bow2, RunAnim = Run_Weapon2, TwoHandWeapon = TRUE, } item sling { AmmoType = Stones, ImpactSound = null, MaxRange = 7, RangeFalloff = TRUE, WeaponSprite = null, SoundVolume = 200, MinAngle = 0.7, Type = Weapon, MinimumSwingTime = 2, ToHitModifier = 1, NPCSoundBoost = 1.5, KnockBackOnNoDeath = FALSE, Ranged = TRUE, SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0, ProjectileCount = 1, ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 10, Weight = 0.2, SplatNumber = 1, PushBackMod = 0.8, MaxDamage = 0.4, SubCategory = Firearm, AimingMod = 2, ConditionMax = 10, ShareDamage = FALSE, MaxHitCount = 1, IsAimedHandWeapon = TRUE, IsAimedFirearm = TRUE, DoorDamage = 1, IdleAnim = Idle_Weapon2, UseEndurance = FALSE, SwingAnim = Bat, WeaponWeight = 2, DisplayName = Sling, MinRange = 0.61, SwingTime = 2, SwingSound = slingFire, AngleFalloff = TRUE, MultipleHitConditionAffected = FALSE, SoundRadius = 1, MinDamage = 0.2, KnockdownMod = 8, SplatBloodOnNoDeath = FALSE, Icon = sling, RunAnim = Run_Weapon2, } item Arrows { Count = 6, Weight = 0.15, AlwaysWelcomeGift = TRUE, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Arrows, Icon = arrow, } item Stones { Count = 4, Weight = 0.4, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Stones, Icon = stone, } item Bolts { Count = 12, Weight = 0.25, AlwaysWelcomeGift = TRUE, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Bolts, Icon = bolt, } item ArrowShafts { Count = 6, Weight = 0.05, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Arrow Shafts, Icon = shaft, } item Feathers { Count = 6, Weight = 0.001, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Feathers, Icon = feather, } recipe Create Arrow Shafts { WoodenStick, keep Saw, Result:ArrowShafts, SkillRequired:Woodwork=1, Time:100.0 } recipe Get Feathers { Pillow, Result:Feathers, Time:100.0 } recipe Create Homemade Arrow { ArrowShafts = 6, Feathers = 6, DuctTape/Woodglue/Glue/Scotchtape = 6, keep KitchenKnife, Result:Arrows, SkillRequired:Woodwork=1, Time:360.0 } recipe Create Sling { RippedSheets = 2, Result:sling, Time:200.0 } recipe Create Homemade Bow { Plank = 2, RippedSheets, DuctTape/Woodglue/Glue/Scotchtape = 5, Result:bow1, SkillRequired:Woodwork=2, Time:500.0 } item HomemadeArrow { Count = 6, Weight = 0.1, AlwaysWelcomeGift = TRUE, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Homemade Arrow, Icon = arrow, } }module Base{ item DuctTape { Weight = 0.3, AlwaysWelcomeGift = TRUE, Type = Drainable, UseDelta = 0.05, DisplayName = Duct Tape, Icon = DuctTape, } item Glue { Weight = 0.1, Type = Drainable, UseDelta = 0.05, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, DisplayName = Glue, Icon = Glue, } item Woodglue { Type = Drainable, UseDelta = 0.05, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, DisplayName = Wood glue, Icon = Woodglue, Weight = 0.1, } item Scotchtape { Type = Drainable, UseDelta = 0.05, DisplayName = Scotch tape, Icon = Scotchtape, Weight = 0.1, }}
  5. I am afraid I am on holiday today and tomorrow so I can't try out what you're suggesting, but I think you are probably right, as I looked at the code on Dropbox and the only difference I can see between any of them is that the Homemade bow is two words and the others are all one. I'll try it when I get back!
  6. I've tried what you said, but it doesn't seem to have come up with anything. The code is now: wepBow0 = { name = getItemText("Crossbow"), moduleName = 'Fletchery', reloadClass = 'ISShotgunWeapon', ammoType = 'Bolts', shootSound = 'arrowFire', clickSound = 'click', ejectSound = 'arrowReload', insertSound = 'arrowReload', rackSound = 'arrowReload', maxCapacity = 1, reloadTime = 20, rackTime = 10}; ReloadUtil:addWeaponType(wepBow0)print(wepBow0.ammoType)wepBow1 = { name = getItemText("Homemade Bow"), moduleName = 'Fletchery', reloadClass = 'ISShotgunWeapon', ammoType = 'Arrows', shootSound = 'arrowFire', clickSound = 'click', ejectSound = 'arrowReload', insertSound = 'arrowReload', rackSound = 'arrowReload', maxCapacity = 1, reloadTime = 15, rackTime = 10}; ReloadUtil:addWeaponType(wepBow1)print(wepBow1.ammoType) wepBow2 = { name = getItemText("Bow"), moduleName = 'Fletchery', reloadClass = 'ISShotgunWeapon', ammoType = 'Arrows', shootSound = 'arrowFire', clickSound = 'click', ejectSound = 'arrowReload', insertSound = 'arrowReload', rackSound = 'arrowReload', maxCapacity = 1, reloadTime = 10, rackTime = 10}; ReloadUtil:addWeaponType(wepBow2)print(wepBow2.ammoType)wepSling = { name = getItemText("Sling"), moduleName = 'Fletchery', reloadClass = 'ISShotgunWeapon', ammoType = 'Stones', shootSound = 'slingFire', clickSound = 'click', ejectSound = 'arrowReload', insertSound = 'arrowReload', rackSound = 'arrowReload', maxCapacity = 1, reloadTime = 10, rackTime = 10};ReloadUtil:addWeaponType(wepSling)print(wepSling.ammoType)When the file is loaded, the console prints: Bolts Arrows Arrows Stones So I have no idea what the problem is. (Also, it definitely something specific to the Homemade Bow because I tried switching the order around and nothing changed.)
  7. I'm working on it, but I'm encountering severe problems with the reload system and am stumped for now. I posted a thread in the mods help section about it.
  8. I am trying to update my Fletchery mod to Build 27, but I am having sudden problems with the reload system. The code for it is here: local wepBow0 = { name = getItemText("Crossbow"), moduleName = 'Fletchery', reloadClass = 'ISShotgunWeapon', ammoType = 'Bolts', shootSound = 'arrowFire', clickSound = 'click', ejectSound = 'arrowReload', insertSound = 'arrowReload', rackSound = 'arrowReload', maxCapacity = 1, reloadTime = 20, rackTime = 10};local wepBow1 = { name = getItemText("Homemade Bow"), moduleName = 'Fletchery', reloadClass = 'ISShotgunWeapon', ammoType = 'Arrows', shootSound = 'arrowFire', clickSound = 'click', ejectSound = 'arrowReload', insertSound = 'arrowReload', rackSound = 'arrowReload', maxCapacity = 1, reloadTime = 15, rackTime = 10};local wepBow2 = { name = getItemText("Bow"), moduleName = 'Fletchery', reloadClass = 'ISShotgunWeapon', ammoType = 'Arrows', shootSound = 'arrowFire', clickSound = 'click', ejectSound = 'arrowReload', insertSound = 'arrowReload', rackSound = 'arrowReload', maxCapacity = 1, reloadTime = 10, rackTime = 10};local wepSling = { name = getItemText("Sling"), moduleName = 'Fletchery', reloadClass = 'ISShotgunWeapon', ammoType = 'Stones', shootSound = 'slingFire', clickSound = 'click', ejectSound = 'arrowReload', insertSound = 'arrowReload', rackSound = 'arrowReload', maxCapacity = 1, reloadTime = 10, rackTime = 10}; ReloadUtil:addWeaponType(wepBow0)ReloadUtil:addWeaponType(wepBow1)ReloadUtil:addWeaponType(wepBow2)ReloadUtil:addWeaponType(wepSling)The crossbow, sling and bow (wepBow0, wepBow2 and wepSling) work fine, but the Homemade Bow (wepBow1) will not reload in-game. When I attempt to do so, I get the following error message in the console: I have no idea what to do here, I've tried everything I can think of. Any help would be appreciated! EDIT: My guess would be that this is because both bows are trying to use the same ammo type, so the second is overwriting the first, but I want them to use the same arrows, so what I think I need is a workaround to use the same ammo.
  9. I have no idea what I am doing wrong here, but this will not override the vanilla duct tape. The only difference is that mine has many more uses (20 rather than 4). I am a complete idiot, missing loads of commas, and I was literally editing the wrong file.
  10. I just know for Build 23, so it may be different. Glad you fixed it!
  11. The structure goes like this: [mods] [modname] [lua] [scripts] (lua files) (item script files) [images] (put images here) All icons must be called of 'Item_iconnamehere' The in the .txt items file, have an icon = iconnamehere line. e.g. Icon = bow0,In this scenario, the icon file itself would be called 'Item_bow0' Hope this helps!
  12. You could always try doing it yourself, just look at the files and try and understand what all the different bits are doing! Alternitavely, you could post it in the mod suggestions forum. Or, I might look into it if I get bored. No promises though.
  13. Thanks, I suppose I can do this for the Build 26 update. I'm not entirely sure, I just learned how to do this by looking at what other mods were doing and how they were doing it, then copying and adapting bits to make it work for me. I did look at the TommyGuns mod a lot to help me with this, so I would assume I used the reload system in that, but I was kind of blundering around in the dark, hoping I'd bump into something useful when I was making this mod, so I probably could have done anything without realising it. Not entirely sure what you're saying here, do you mean you merged the mods when you installed them?
  14. Ok, that's a shame. I suppose we'll just keep with Invisi-Bows for now!
  15. I have updated this mod so it works on the latest build, the thread can be found here: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/7766-fletchery-mod-updated-by-wafflefish/
  16. Right, ok. But the shotgun and baseball bat etc. still have models, even if they're not 3D. Is there some way I could add an equivalent of those?
  17. --Notice: I did not originally create this mod. Credit for the original mod idea and (some of) the code goes to Austin. I added sounds, images and updated and refined the code. The original thread can be found here: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/336-fletchery-mod/-- As said above, I have updated the Fletchery Mod to be compatible with build 27. This mod adds 3 new bows, 2 of which can be found and a third which can be made, as well as a sling. Crossbow - found as loot, most powerful, slowest. Uses bolts. Bow - found as loot, second most powerful, 2nd slowest. Uses Arrows. Homemade Bow - crafted (2 planks, 1 bandage, glue/duct tape etc, Carpentry LV2). Third most powerful, equal fastest. Uses Arrows. Arrows can be crafted (Duct tape, Kitchen knife, Arrow shafts from plank and saw, Feathers from pillows, Carpentry LV1) Sling - crafted (2 bandages). Least powerful, equal fastest. Uses stones, found in bins. If anyone has any ideas for more features, please reply to this thread! Download Here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18741755/PZ%20Mods/Fletchery%20Updated-1.2.zip Changelog: Version 1.2: Updated for Build 27Added skill requirements - Woodwork LV1 for arrows, LV2 for bows.Bows are now 2-handed weaponsLooted bows and crafted bows use the same arrows, and normal arrows are made through crafting.This mod now overwrites vanilla duct tape, wood glue etc. so they have many more usesMade everything rarer once more, closer to vanilla weapons (let me know if it's too harsh)Fixed a couple of bugs! Version 1.1: Reduced spawn rates of items, let me know if the new ones are too harsh!Reduced weight of ammo, increased weight of weapons.Rebalanced recipes, should work better now. Also takes more realistic amounts of time.Fixed a typo in the mod.info file. Bug Fixes: Firing sounds now actually play! Version 1.0: Updated to be compatible with build 23Bows now require reloadingAdded IconsStill no models, impossible in current state of Zomboid Known bugs: None!
  18. Hello! After several hours of banging my head against the screen and general mod-writing stress, I bring you: The Juice Mod! No, it's not really that amazing. This was just a project for me to try and learn the basics of modding PZ. However, since it works I thought I would upload it so people can tell me what they think. You never know, you might even think it's useful! Or better than the other one! Anyway, here's the link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18741755/juicemod.zip Recipes etc are in the readme. One thing I'm not sure of is this line in the distribution file: JuiceMod = {}I have no idea what it does or why it is needed, but the file does not work without it. Anyone who knows,please tell me! I worked it out! One other thing, I was thinking of making a drying rack that you actually had to place and use rather like a campfire. I was going to poke around in the game files to try and find a way of doing it, but if anyone has any ideas of an easy way (or telling me it's incredibly difficult), it would be appreciated. Any feedback would be welcomed!
  19. Sorry, just realised the problem. In all of the ones that weren't working, I had missed out the comma before the "Icon =" line. Always check your commas!
  20. I am trying to make a juice mod (Don't know if there's already one out there, it is more of a way of learning than making something new), but some of the icon textures in the inventory will not show up. This one works: item juicer{Weight = 0.5,Type = Normal,DisplayName = Hand Juicer,Icon = juicer.png,} But this one doesn't: item orangeJuice{HungerChange = -10,ThirstChange = -40,Weight = 1.0,Type = Food,DisplayName = Orange Juice,DaysFresh = 12,DaysTotallyRotten = 15,ReplaceOnUse = MuglIcon = orangejuice.png,} Does anyone have any ideas on what may be going wrong? I've tried everything I can think of. Any help would be appreciated.
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