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  1. OK I've been looking into resent suggestions and have seen somewhat of what I'm suggesting but not the full thing and if this is wrong for me to post this please do tell. So what I was thinking was Gun stats and attributes. The attributes affecting the stats and the stats affecting the Gun/Weapon. I was reading the Big No's and I saw no specific names for the firearms like AK47 or M14 as it said and this I can understand, it makes things alot easier, that being said I do think that it would be a good thing have. Now when I say attributes I mean like scopes or extended magazines and the stats give some over view of the weapons overall damage, accuracy, durability, etc. These attributes can be classified as just Rifle Scope and giving a +6 accuracy to said rifle obviously this system could go very in depth to how weapons work and I do realize that I'm mainly targeting firearms but this can also work with melee weapons as in sharping a knife or everyone's favorite a nailed bat. I do believe that this could make specifically guns more of a burden as they would not be as good with out attributes than with thus making a rifle near useless without a scope. I understand if this is not wanted, as it would be a fairly lengthy process to get all the factors in but, please consider my suggestion.
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